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Page nameStartedURLDescription
Hang The Bankershttps://hangthebankers.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
History Commons2001http://www.HistoryCommons.orgA collaborative research site, collecting and organising facts from the corporate media. Data used to be publicly exportable, but that feature is no longer available. The site is famous for its very detailed 9/11 timeline by Paul Thompson.
Howbadismybatch group that looked at the VAERS database and found that some batches of the "Covid 19 vaccine" are way more likely to cause harm than others.
Huffpo Club2010http://www.hpub.orgFormed in 2010 in the wake of Arriana Huffington's sale of the popular website to AOL.
Human Beings FirstFebruary 2007
Humansarefree.comhttp://humansarefree.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
IMDB17 October 1990https://imdb.comOnline database for movies, television, and video games
ISGP2004A thoroughly researched collection of articles which tell some important and generally untold stories, especially about the rich and powerful.
Ice Age Now
If Americans Knew28 June 2002 website of US journalist Alison Weir. It focuses on the historical and ongoing injustices perpetrated by the state of Israel against the non-Jewish people of Palestine.
Inconvenient History26 March 2009 repository of scholarly works of historical revisionism - especially regarding World War II
Indymediahttp://www.indymedia.orgA formerly very active of global alternative news sites, but subject to attack by TPTB and now dormant in most countries.
Infogalactic wikipedia fork.
Information Clearing HouseJune 2001http://www.informationclearinghouse.infoOne of the central independent media outlets. Tries to tell the stories that corporate media never will. Includes a lot of videos.
Infowars1999https://www.infowars.comA website operated by Alex Jones. Loved by its fans, disliked by many in powerful positions. Heavily censored by Big Tech.
Instagram6 October 2010https://www.instagram.comA popular photo sharing website. Owned by Facebook.
Institute for Historical Review13 March 1998http://www.ihr.orgWebsite of The Institute for Historical Review, a research and publishing organisation concerned especially with continuing research and critical examination of the established official narratives of the two 20th century world wars.
Intel Slava2020
Intel Today
Intellihubhttps://www.intellihub.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Internet Archive
Internet Haganah
Investigating The Terror2008http://www.InvestigatingTheTerror.comWebsite of British writer, researcher and filmmaker who writes on terrorism, the security services, declassified history and the philosophy and politics of fear.
Irish Times
Islamic News website set up to entrap Islamists by posing as a Jihadi site
JANCOM31 May 2013 Justice for Asil Nadir Committee (JANCOM) is independant from and has no ties to Asil Nadir or the Nadir family and was set up in August 2012 by a group of retired professionals who do not believe that Asil Nadir received just and fair trials in either 1992-93 or 2011-12.
Jawa Report
Jay's AnalysisMarch 2010 writings of a controversialist, satyrist, journalist, and philosopher/theologian
Jerm Warfare2019 interviews on a number of subjects with a number of personalities, often dissidents in their field or independent analysts.
Joe Vialls' websiteMay 2001A collection of no holds barred investigations, particularly into false flag "terrorism" from about 1995-2005.
JohnPilger.com2010 films and journalism of John Pilger
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Jonathan Cook/Website
Kevin Annett/Website24 June 2011http://KevinAnnett.comA blog.
Key Wiki"While particular interest is taken in the left, KeyWiki serves to expose covert politics on both the left and the right of the political spectrum."
Kremlin web site official website of the Russian President.
Kunstler.comhttp://www.kunstler.comA podcast site of interest.
LPedia PageA wiki which documents the history of the Libertarian Party.
Land Destroyer Reporthttp://landdestroyer.blogspot.comOperated by independent geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic; it moved to in October 2021.
LewRockwell.com1999http://LewRockwell.comNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot.
Liberty Blitzkrieg2012
Linguistic Determinism2014
LinkedIn2003https://www.linkedin.comA businessy Facebook equivalent, with over 350 million members
Lobster Magazine1983, contemporary history and politics, economics and economic politics, conspiracy theories and the contemporary conspiracist subculture.
Locals2019 is an Alt Tech platform.
London Review of Books
MENA Uncensored
Mad Cow News2001http://www.madcowprod.comWhere Daniel Hopsicker published his research.
Mark Curtis' Website of book extracts and articles by Mark Curtis + recently unclassified FCO documents