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Revision as of 18:12, 13 January 2022

Group.png Lolita Express/PassengersRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Membership•  Craig Adams
•  Mats Alexander
•  Deborah Amselen
•  Lisa Andrew
• Andrew Jeffrey.jpg Prince Andrew
•  Laura Andrew
•  David Anton
•  Mylene Arm
•  Doug Band
•  Spencer Barnette
•  Sloane Barnette
•  Anthony Barrett
•  Jessica Bauer
•  Gwendolyn Beck
• Official Portrait of United States National Security Advisor Samuel Richard 'Sandy' Berger.jpg Sandy Berger
•  Sophie Biddle
•  Neil Biggen
•  Leticia Birkholder
•  Nadia Bjorlin
•  Magale Blachou
•  Gary Blackwell
•  David Bolivaras
•  Julian Borees
•  Evelyn Boulet
•  Kelly Bovino
•  Bob Breslen
•  John Brockman
•  Zina Broukis
•  Cocoa Brown
• Methode sundaytimes prod web bin ee30d808-41fe-11eb-a0e7-d2b8bc0d7416.jpg Jean-Luc Brunel
• Juliette Bryant.jpg Juliette Bryant
•  Kimberley Burns
•  Dana Burns
•  Chris Camaros
• Naomi Campbell Cannes 2018.jpg Naomi Campbell
•  Greg Carpenter
•  Karen Casey
•  Jim Cayne
•  Patricia Cayne
•  Alison Cayne
•  Didier Cazaudumec
• Bill Clinton-smaller.jpg Bill Clinton
•  Julie Concebaugh
•  Richard Cook
•  Ryan Coomer
•  Valdson Cotrin
•  Sherrie Crape
•  Telea Davies
•  Teala Davies
•  Chauntae Davies
•  Daniel Dennet
•  Catherine Derby
• Alan Dershowitz.jpg Alan Dershowitz
•  Ryan Dionne
•  Alexandria Dixon
•  Glen Dixon
•  Inca Doerrig
•  Mike Donovan
•  Jim Dowd (unidentified)
•  Manny Duban
•  Glenn Dubin
•  Jordan Dubin
•  Celina Dubin
•  Michael Durberry
•  Ron Durkle
•  Mandy Ellison
•  Ralph Ellison
•  Jeli Epstein
•  Paula Epstein
•  Karen Epstein
•  Mark Epstein
•  Tatania Espinosa
•  Christina Estrada
•  Frederic Fekkai
•  Alexander Fekkai
•  Julie Fierson
•  Catherine Finglas
•  Diane Fleetwood
•  Lynn Fontanella
•  Jo-Jo Fontanella
•  Ben Forester
• Lynn rothschild.jpg Lynn Forester
•  Frank Gamble
•  Chris Gamble
•  Jean Gathy
• Leslie H. Gelb.png Leslie Gelb
•  Sheridan Gibson
•  John Glenn
•  Jerry Goldsmith
•  George Goyer
•  Tiffany Gramza
•  Kathy Greenberg
•  Alan Greenberg
•  Svetlana Griaznovic
•  Matt Grippi
•  Paula Halada
•  Susan Hamblin
•  Laura Hames
•  Bill Hammond
•  Shelly Harrison
•  Victoria Hazell
•  Clare Hazell-Iveagh
•  Shannon Healy
•  Daniel Heller
•  Greg Holburt
•  Alyssa Holders
•  Stacy Igglucksengh
•  Henry Jarecki
•  Pamela Johanaoff
•  Elizabeth Johnson
• Nicole Junkermann.jpg Nicole Junkermann
•  Jennifer Kalin
•  Deweidy Karv
•  Nina Keita
• Sarah Kellen.jpg Sarah Kellen
•  Jim Kennez
•  Gary Kerney
•  Gary Kervey
•  Dave Killary
•  Bany Koluk-Koylu
•  Sean Koo
•  Zipora Koppel
•  Yehura Koppel
•  Katherina Kotzig
•  Tatiana Kovylina
•  Alyssa Kristy
•  Chori Krove
•  Vick Lambro
•  Mandy Lang
•  Anouk Lavalee
•  Kit Layborne
•  Gerladine Layborne
•  Ricardo Legoretta
•  Steve Lester
•  Shelley Lewis
•  Michael Liffman
•  Steve Lister
•  Mark Lloyd
•  Cindy Lopez
•  Todd Lucky
•  Melinda Luntz
•  Cheri Lynch
•  Ira Magaziner
•  Natalya Malyshov
•  Heather Mann
•  Jonathan Mano
•  Dan Maran
• Nadia Marcinko.jpg Nadia Marcinkova
•  Peter Marino
•  Barry Massion
•  Brian Mathis
•  Karina Matson
•  Maex Mcafee
•  Todd Meistor
•  Paul Mellon
•  Celina Midelfart
•  Steve Miller
•  Carolyn Miller
• Marvin Minsky.jpg Marvin Minsky
•  Heather Mitchell
•  Andrew Mitchell (unidentified)
•  Andrea Mitrovich
•  Anna Molova
•  Larry Morrison
• Adriana Ross.jpg Adriana Mucinska
•  Phillipe Mugnier
•  David Mullen
•  Bill Murphy
•  Nathan Myhrvold
•  Diedri Neal
•  Eric Nonacs
•  Joe Novich
•  Patrick Ochin
•  Joe Pagano
•  Fabriame Palheo
•  Ralph Pascale
•  Eva DubinJoel Pashcow
•  Joel Pashcow
•  Lauren Pashcow
• Andres Pastrana Arango (2001).jpg Andres Pastrana
•  Tom Payette
•  Adam PerryLang
•  Yves Pickardt
•  Steven Pinker
•  Alberto Pinto
•  Linda Pinto
•  Robin Plant
• Tom Pritzker.png Tom Pritzker
•  Audrey Raimbault
•  Gary Rathgeb
•  Pete Rathgeb
•  Peter Rathgeb
•  Alex Resnick
•  Sharon Reynolds
• Virginia Guiffre.jpg Virginia Roberts
•  Jack Robertson
•  David Rockwell
•  Patsy Rodgers
•  Kristy Rodgers
•  Henry Rosovsky
•  David Roth
•  David Rothman
•  Pete Rotholg
•  Gary Roxburgh
•  Scott Rueber
•  Oliver Sachs
•  Forest Sawyer
•  Jeff Schantz
•  Doug Schoettle
•  Chuck Schumi
•  Jeff Shantz
•  Julie Shay
•  Rhonda Sherer
•  Steve Sherman
•  Dougle Shouetle
•  Natalie Simanova
•  Nick Simmonds
•  Edwina Simmonds
•  David Slang
• Gayle E. Smith.jpg Gayle Smith
• Kevin Spacey.jpg Kevin Spacey
•  Kelly Spamm
•  Warren Spector
•  Ellen Spencer
•  Melissa Stahl
•  Melanie Starves
•  Pamela Stevens
• Andrew Stewart.png Andy Stewart
• Lawrence Summers.jpg Larry Summers
•  Lisa Summers
•  Rodey Swater
•  Emmy Tayler
•  Felicia Taylor
•  Brent Tindall
•  Frederique Todd
•  Jantelle Torie
• Nuclear Trump.jpg Donald Trump
•  Pia Trusell
• Chris Tucker 1996.jpg Chris Tucker
•  Judy Tuckerman
•  Steve Tuckerman
•  Ed Tuttle
•  Cresencia Valdez
•  Francois Verenia
•  Larry Viskosi
•  Chris Wagner
•  Alexia Wallert
•  Cristalle Wasche
•  Laura Wasserman
• Casey Wasserman.png Casey Wasserman
•  Aline Weber
•  Warren Whippet
•  Margaret Whippet
•  Rebecca White
•  Freya Wissing
•  Michael Wolf
•  Isering Yangkey
•  Nina Zagat
•  Tim Zagat
•  Ira Zicherman
•  Igor Zinoviev

This is a list of most of the unique names in the Epstein flight logs[1] Quiter a few names are illegible or not registered, and many are just initials or listed as "a female", so this list is definitely not complete. In addition some names are misspelled in the log.[2][3] Just because they have been on Epstein's island does not mean they did anything illegal.

There is a shorter version online containing names such as Demi Moore and Tom Hanks.[4] That list is incorrect, either misdirection or just some badly sourced stuff off the Internet.

Number of flights

Names of people in the flight logs with 10 or more appearances:[5][6][7]

  1. Jeff Epstein 832
  2. Ghislaine Maxwell 400
  3. Sarah Kellen 311
  4. Emmy Tayler 191
  5. Nadia Marcinkova 125
  6. Andrea Mitrovich 66
  7. Teala Davies 50
  8. Shelley Lewis 40
  9. Cindy Lopez 37
  10. Clare Hazell-Iveagh 32
  11. Jean-Luc Brunel 29
  12. Michael Liffman 28
  13. Virginia Roberts 28
  14. Banu Koluk-Koylu 26
  15. Doug Band 26
  16. Bill Clinton 25
  17. David Mullen 23
  18. Pete Rathgeb 22
  19. Magale Blachou 20
  20. Tiffany Gramza 20
  21. Celina Dubin 18
  22. Gwendolyn Beck 17
  23. Jordan Dubin 17
  24. Eva Dubin-Andersson 16
  25. Sophie Biddle 15
  26. Chauntae Davies 14
  27. Adam PerryLang 13
  28. Alberto Pinto 13
  29. Valdson Cotrin 13
  30. Alexia Wallert 12
  31. Adrianna Muscinska 11
  32. Chris Tucker 11
  33. David Slang 11
  34. Eric Nonacs 11
  35. Glenn Dubin 11
  36. Jim Kennez 11
  37. Kevin Spacey 11
  38. RGR ?[8] 11
  39. Rodey Swater 11
  40. Susan Hamblin 11
  41. Tatiana Kovylina 11
  42. Casey Wasserman 10
  43. Joel Pashcow 10
  44. Laura Wasserman 10
  45. Mandy Ellison 10
  46. Patsy Rodgers 10
  47. Nicole Junkermann 3


Known members

40 of the 297 of the members already have pages here:

Eva Andersson-DubinFormer Miss Sweden who dated Jeffrey Epstein for 11 years, then married hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin. Mentioned in Epstein's Black book, flew the Lolita Express.
Sandy BergerA US National security advisor caught removing "terrorism"-related materials from the from the US national archives just prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.
Nadia BjorlinUS actress who flew the plane and whose name is in Epstein's black book
Kelly BovinoRan a children's charity for at-risk kids during her Jeffrey Epstein days called The Story Project. Virginia Giuffre stated "she sexually abused me with Epstein."
John BrockmanUS literary agent who flew the plane
Jean-Luc BrunelAccused right hand of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Started a model agency with money from Epstein. Was convicted for prostitution of a minor in Florida in 2009. Reportedly committed suicide in 2022 while awaiting a second trial involving accusations of raping French minors.
Naomi Campbell1990s supermodel with many interesting acquaintances.
Bill ClintonUS deep politician, husband of Hillary Clinton, “every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother”
Alan DershowitzA supporter of torture, forced jabs and legal defender of Jeffrey Epstein
Christina EstradaSupermodel who married and divorced a Saudi billionaire. She is mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book and in the Lolita Express log books.
Leslie GelbPresident of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
Alan GreenbergUS financier who flew the Lolita Express
Henry JareckiBillionaire in Epstein's Black book
Robert F. Kennedy JrProminent vaccine and environmental safety activist. Announced intention to stand as the Democratic Party candidate in the US/2024 Presidential election campaign. In the Jeffrey Epstein/Black book and flew Lolita Express on two occasions.
Nicole Junkermann"The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS"
Sarah KellenEpstein associate, reportedly the "personal assistant of Jeffrey Epstein"
Nadia MarcinkoOne of four named "potential co-conspirators" granted immunity by the 2007 sweatheart plea deal that Alexander Acosta cut Jeffrey Epstein.
Todd MeisterUS deep state connected businessman in Epstein's black book
Paul MellonUS lawyer who flew on Epstein's plane
Mark MiddletonSpecial assistant to US President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, where he admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House on multiple occasions. Shot dead like other former Epstein friends in 2022.
Marvin MinskyInfluential cognitive and computer scientist. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
George MitchellLe Cercle
Andrés PastranaColombian deep state operative, Colombian Ambassador to the US 2005-6, President of Colombia 1998-2002, Epstein's black book ...
Steven PinkerCanadian psychologist who flew the Lolita Express
Alberto Pinto"Interior designer known for his lavish-beyond-lavish creations for the superrich." Flew on the Lolita Express.
Tom PritzkerMember of one of the United States' richest families, the Chicago Pritzker family.
Virginia RobertsClaimed that she was employed as a sex slave to have sex with Prince Andrew by Jeffrey Epstein. Notoriously pictured with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell.
Adriana RossJeffrey Epstein's alleged 'scheduler'
David RossUK billionaire businessman, co-founder of Carphone Warehouse, flew on the Lolita express and was listed in Epstein's black book
Lynn Forester de RothschildMember of the Rothschild family and leading member of deep state networks
Gayle SmithUSAID leader
Kevin SpaceyAmerican actor who flew around the world together with Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein's plane.
Jes StaleySuddenly quit as Barclays CEO after a probe relating to his ties with his friend Jeffrey Epstein
Andy StewartThe “holy grail” of the Epstein case, died suddenly in his sleep
Lawrence SummersUS Deep State actor "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted"
Emmy TaylerBritish actress in Epstein's black book.
Donald TrumpBillionaire businessman puppet leader who was US president 2017-2021
Chris TuckerUS comedian and actor, YGL, flew the Lolita Express
Andrew WindsorMember of the UK royal family who was close to Jeffrey Epstein and "provided zero cooperation" to US legal system in that regard.
Michael WolfUS businessman, YGL 2000


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