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Richard Lambert (editor)23 September 1944UKJournalist
Deep state operative
Fettes College, Balliol, on the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
Julian Lewis26 September 1951UKSpook
British Conservative Party politician. Lewis has attended Le Cercle, and has been Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee since 2020.
Harold Macmillan10 February 189429 December 1986UKMedia executiveUK PM
Ira Magaziner8 November 1947USCEO of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, flew the plane
James Markham7 March 19439 August 1989USJournalist
Iran-Contra/Premature death
New York Times foreign correspondent who allegedly killed himself with air rifle while investigating leads in the Iran-Contra affair.
Ghislaine Maxwell25 December 1961UKSpook
Deep state operative
Long term associate of Jeffrey Epstein. Disappeared in 2019. Arrested in July 2020. Sentenced 2022.
Patrick Mayhew11 September 192925 June 2016Politician
Paddy McGuinness27 April 1963SpookBritish senior spook who never saw a surveillance program he didn't like
Joseph Irwin Miller26 May 190919 August 2004USBusinesspersonUS industrialist and architecture patron.
Seumas Milne1958UKJournalist
Alfred Milner23 March 185413 May 1925UKDiplomat
Deep politician
A deep politician of singular importance in the UK Deep state of the late 19th and early 20th century.
Con O'Neill3 June 191211 January 1988UKDiplomatUK diplomat who led the British delegation which negotiated the country's entry to the EEC and attended Bilderberg/1966. Interrogated Rudolf Hess when in Army Intelligence Corps during WW2.
Frederick Ogilvie7 February 189310 June 1949UKEditor
Director-General of the BBC 1938-42. Ousted for alleged lack of leadership abilities.
Ricken Patel8 January 1977YGL who ran Avaaz 2005-2021
Chris Patten12 May 1944UKDeep state operativeSuspected UK deep state operative
Robert Peston25 April 1960Journalist
BBC journalist, broadcaster, editor
Arthur Ponsonsby16 February 187123 March 1946UKPolitician
British politician, writer, and social activist. His 1928 book Falsehood in War-time, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War, listed and refuted pieces of propaganda used by the Allied Forces during World War 1.
James Purnell2 March 1970UK
William Rees-Mogg14 July 192829 December 2012UKJournalist
UK deep state functionary?
Possible UKDSO who attended the 1972 and 1993 Bilderbergs
John Rennie13 January 191430 September 1981UKDiplomat
MI6 chief who resigned
Nicholas Ridley17 February 19294 March 1993PoliticianAlways regarded by Margaret Thatcher as "one of us". As minister helped make the preparations to break the UK miners' strike (1984–85)
Henry Lithgow Roberts1916October 1972USSpook
Officer in the Office of Strategic Services during WW2 who became leading Eastern Europe scholar while keeping up his intelligence activities.
Sebastian Roberts7 January 19549 March 2023SoldierBritish army officer who was member of the Bullingdon Club.
Norman Robertson4 March 190416 July 1968CanadaDiplomat
Civil servant
Deep state actor
Canadian spook and later Ambassador to the UK and US, and "helped Canada become a part of the intelligence community". Attended the 1961 Bilderberg. Played a role in the overthrow of the John Diefenbaker.government in 1963.
Ivan Rogers1960DiplomatSenior UK diplomat, UK Permanent Representative to the EU 2013-17
Walt Rostow7 October 191613 February 2003Spook
Deep state functionary
Suspected US deep state functionary member of The Georgetown Set
David Satter1 August 1947Journalist
Nigel Sheinwald26 June 1953Diplomat
Timothy Snyder18 August 1969USAcademic
CFR, widely published historian who attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
George Stephanopoulos10 February 1961USJournalist
Deep politician
US/President/Senior Advisor, Bilderberg 1996 and 1997
Rory Stewart3 January 1973UKDiplomat
Deep state operative
MI6, Cercle, Bilderberg, UK DSO, Politician
Charles Tannock25 September 1957PoliticianA member of the European Parliament
Dick Taverne18 October 1928UKPoliticianUK politician with deep state connections
J. Martin Taylor1952UKBanker
UK Millionaire banker and businessman. Former Bilderberg steering committee
Hugh TomlinsonJanuary 1954UKLawyerUK celebrity lawyer
Richard von Weizsacker15 April 192031 January 2015GermanPoliticianGerman deep state functionary?
Leon Wieseltier14 June 1952USAuthor
James Wolffe20 December 1962Lawyer
Neal Wolin9 December 1961PoliticianAppointed Chairperson of the Intelligence Oversight Board, in 2015, was US/Secretary of the Treasury for 34 days
Adrian Wooldridge11 November 1959UKJournalist
UK journalist and columnist. Regular "observer" at the Bilderberg for The Economist.
Yuan YangJournalist