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Vernon JordanClose friend of Bill Clinton. A member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended 34 Bilderberg meetings.
Marcus Wallenberg Jr.Chairman of the Federation of Swedish Industries, Bilderberg Steering committee, 22 Bilderbergs
Kostas KarrasGreek actor and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee, 19 Bilderbergs
C. Frits KarstenBanker, Honorary Treasurer of the Bilderberg and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Karlheinz KaskeCEO of Siemens AG for 11 years. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
Walther KiepPolitician, financial fraudster, perjurer, attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1974 to 1980
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Andrew KnightEditor of The Economist for 12 years. Right hand man to Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch. 19 Bilderbergs, Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Helmut KohlAttended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s. Chancellor of Germany 1982-1998
Max KohnstammMember of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the CFR
Joseph KraftDouble Bilderberg US journalist
Léon LambertBanking heir and Bilderberg Steering Committee member and financier who suddenly died aged 58
Graf Otto LambsdorffAttended the 1980 and 1984 Bilderbergs as West Germany/Federal Minister of Economics.
Albert LegaultCanadian single Bilderberger "strategic studies" academic
Emile van LennepSecretary-General of the OECD for 15 years. Poly Bilderberg
Walter LevyUS spooky economist, headed the petroleum section of the Office of Strategic Services
Winston LordFormer Bilderberg Steering committee, bonesman, CFR
Björn LundvallAs CEO of LM Ericsson, a part of the Wallenberg Sphere, Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Joseph LunsEx Secretary General of NATO, Regular Bilderberger
Franz LütolfGeneral Manager and Member of the Executive Board of the Swiss Bank Corporation and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Donald MacDonaldCanadian Bilderberg Steering committee member, Canada/Privy Council/President
Bruce MacLaury7 Bilderbergs, Federal Resereve, President of the Brookings Institution
H. Ian MaconaldBilderberg Canadian economist
Judith MaxwellCanadian possible deep state functionary
Thierry de MontbrialFrench deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
Niels NørlundSomewhat mysterious Danish editor and member of the Bilderberg steering committee.
Jean-Paul ParayreFrench engineer who attended the 1980 Bilderberg
James PerkinsPresident of Cornell University, Bilderberg Steering committee
Robert Pitti-FerrandiSuspected deep state functionary. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 1974 to 1980. Representative of Baron Edmund de Rothschild.
Gerhard PrinzAttended the 1980 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler-Benz AG
Romano ProdiMulti-Bilderberger Prime Minister of Italy
David RockefellerUS deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
Eric RollAttended 36 Bilderberg conferences - more than anyone else from UK.
Gerhard SchmidtAttended the 1980 Bilderberg, Doyen of the German foundation landscape.
Helmut SchmidtGerman politician whose government was undermined by Le Cercle
Karel SchwarzenbergDeep state connected Czech diplomat and politician, MSC regular
Ernest-Antoine SeillièreMillionaire French businessman, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Le Siècle
Stefano SilvestriBilderberg Steering committee, Italian deep state functionary.
Henri SimonetTransatlantic Belgian politician, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Ignacio Camuñas SolísSpanish politician and editor
Theo SommerEditor of Die Zeit 1973-1992. Bilderberg Steering Committee
Helmut SonnenfeldtHenry Kissinger picked him Sonnenfeldt for the US National Security Council
Dieter SpethmannGerman businessman who attended the 1968 and 1980 Bilderbergs
Barbara SpinelliMEP, Second generation Bilderberger
Max van der StoelDutch deep politician. Main coordinator of the Dutch-division of Operation Gladio from the 1980s.
Shepard StoneNew York Times propagandist and Bilderberg Steering committee member who was Director of International Affairs of the Ford Foundation for 15 years.
Terkel Terkelsen19 time Bilderberg visitor and editor of Berlingske Tidende
Franklin ThomasAttended the 1980 and 1990 Bilderbergs as Ford Foundation President
Gaston ThornLuxembourgish deep state functionary whose Bilderberger chief of staff was assassinated in 1981. President of the Liberal International for 12 years.
Otto TidemandNorwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee, ...