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Johns Hopkins University/SAIS

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Parent organization Johns Hopkins University
Type Private
Interest ofPaul Linebarger
Sponsored byCarnegie Corporation
One of the top feeder programs to U.S. diplomatic and intelligence agencies. Many deep state operatives.

The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (Johns Hopkins SAIS) has three campuses, one in Washington DC, one in Bologna, Italy and and one in Nanjing, China. It has nearly 700 full-time students in Washington; 190 full-time students in Bologna; and about 160 full-time students in Nanjing. The total number of students, 60 percent come from the United States and 37 percent from more than 70 other countries, amounts to 15,000.

It is one of the top feeder programs to U.S. diplomatic and intelligence agencies.[1] Many students go on to important positions, such as Madeleine Albright. Among the most deep state operatives working at the school are Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Wolfowitz and Henry Paulson.

The students have found leadership positions in US government agencies, but also in foreign governments, international organizations, investment firms, charitable organizations, financial institutions and businesses, in the areas of diplomacy, education, finance, research, consulting and journalism. It is a central institution in the production of deep state leadership cadre.


The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) was founded in 1943 by Paul H. Nitze and Christian Herter as a standalone graduate school and became part of The Johns Hopkins University in 1950.

Christian A. Herter was leader of a committee (the Herter Committee) which in 1947 presented the report with the proposals that led to President Truman's Marshall Plan. Later he was, among other things, Secretary of State under Eisenhower.

Paul H. Nitze had cover important roles in most post-war US governments and is the principal author of the significant National Security Council Report 68 signed by President Truman in 1950, an important document for the general change in US foreign policy towards a global strategy of US containment of the USSR, which was confirmed by subsequent administrations. Nitze will be the one to give his name to the school of international studies.

Both Herter and Nitze founded the school because they were looking for new ways to effectively prepare the ruling class of tomorrow, methods that could train American men and women in the international responsibilities and tasks that would fall on the US in the new post-war world . International political and economic relations, strategic studies, regional studies (the first, in 1946, was dedicated to the Middle East), and foreign languages ​​was taught; the natural choice for the campus could only be Washington D.C., the center of US politics.

Bologna (Italy) Campus

The Bologna study program falls directly within the US higher education system and is not co-managed with the Italian university system. It was founded in 1955 by C. Grove Haines, a professor of diplomatic history at the SAIS in Washington since 1945, with a mere handful of students. Haines came to Europe in the early 1950s, determined to establish an American university.

Haines had published a book, "The threat of Soviet imperialism", with an introduction by the founder and leader of the SAIS, Christian Herter. The final passage of the intro is:

"The responsibilities of the United States in responding to this danger (Soviet imperialism - ed) are heavy and demanding. We cannot avoid them, if not, it will be at our peril; and we will not able to fulfill them adequately, as leaders of the free world, except by acting with good conscience and understanding of our adversaries, our friends and ourselves. Even if the path ahead is still littered with dangers and pitfalls, we will be better prepared to avoid them."

Over time, the number of students attending SAIS Bologna has increased, from the initial ten, to just under 200 students per year, 50% from the US, 40% from Europe and the rest from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Partner of the SAIS of Bologna is the Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development founded in 1995. The CCSDD conducts research and training in the field of comparative constitutional law, focusing on countries undergoing a process of democratic transition. Through conferences, workshops, publications, summer schools, study trips, and speaker series, the CCSDD addresses issues of civil society development and legal reform.

The Center's research focuses on EU enlargement, contemporary political and constitutional transformations in North Africa, the role of constitutional courts in Central Asia, as well as electoral management bodies. Each year, the CCSDD conducts a number of programs including the "European Union and Legal Reform" Summer School in Montenegro, the Sarajevo Study Trip, and the CCSDD Lecture Series. Through conferences, seminars and other programs the Center strives to address issues related to the development of civil society and human rights, reforms and aspects associated with "democratization".[2]

The school also works as a recruitment and training center abroad for highly trained and specialized deep state cadre, not only from the United States; they are employed mainly in national governments and in the private sector, but ultimately responding to the international political and economic needs of the United States.[3]

Eric Schmidt, until 2017 executive chairman of Alphabet Inc (formerly Google) has strong ties to the Johns Hopkins SAIS and to Bologna. His father Wilson Emerson Schmidt taught graduate courses in Economics and Development at SAIS Bologna Center in the ’60s, and Eric later financed a professorship there.[4]

Nanjing (China) Campus

The Hopkins-Nanjing Center was established in 1968. It is located in the Peoples Republic of China "in Nanjing City, the capital of Jiangsu Province. The Center facility is adjacent to the campus of Nanjing University. The Chinese students live with graduate students from the United States and other countries who take courses from Nanjing University faculty in Mandarin Chinese.


A Document by Johns Hopkins University/SAIS

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the RealmWikispooks Page1996Israeli Labor Party
Oslo Accords
US/Israel Lobby
A 1996 deep state strategy document which envisaged reducing the Israeli Labor Party to irrelevance, renege on the Oslo peace process with the PLO, remove Saddam Hussein from power, containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".


Employees on Wikispooks

Thomas MahnkenSenior Research Professor2009Also a member of the Integrity Initiative's US cluster.
Charles MarshallAcademic19651975
John E. McLaughlinAcademic2020Former acting Director of Central Intelligence
Yascha MounkAssociate Professor of the Practice of International Affairs
Sanam VakilProfessional LecturerSeptember 2008Attended Bilderberg/2008
Francis WilcoxDean19611973Bilderberger


Carnegie CorporationEstablished by Andrew Carnegie in 1911, with large grants especially to form the education sector. Lots of grants to "security" think tanks too.


Alumni on Wikispooks

Ronald Asmus29 June 195730 April 2011USDiplomat
Expanded NATO eastwards
Marion Blakey26 March 1948BusinesspersonChairman of the National Transportation Safety Board September 26, 2001 – September 2002 and Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration 2002-2007, then revolving door to armaments industry.
Giselle Donnelly13 June 1953USAcademic
Neocon proponent of long-term U.S. military engagement abroad
Mark Dubowitz11 September 1968USFounded the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Bernard Fensterwald2 August 19212 April 1991LawyerUS lawyer who was involved in cases relating to deep events in the US.
Lauri Fitz-PegadoPropagandistThe inventor of the Nurse Nayirah lie which was instrumental in facilitating the First Gulf War
Timothy Geithner18 August 1961USCentral bankerMulti-Bilderberg central banker
April Glaspie26 April 1942Diplomat
Michael J. GreenUSSpook
Spooky academic
Josef Joffe15 March 1944SwitzerlandAcademic
Publisher-editor of Die Zeit
Bert Koenders28 May 1958NetherlandsDiplomat
International Crisis Group, International Commission on Missing Persons, UN Secretary-General' Special Representative in Ivory Coast from 2011 to 2013, founded the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank/International Monetary Fund, President of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly and leader of its Socialist Group, member of the parliamentary hearing committee on the Srebrenica massacre, Private secretary of Hans van den Broek, tried to memory hole 2015 Hawija bombing with Mark Rutte & Jeanine Hennis.
Josef Krainer26 August 193030 December 2016AustriaPoliticianAustrian conservative (ÖVP) politician and Governor of Styria who attended the 1989 Bilderberg meeting.
Frank Lavin26 October 1957USDiplomatDeep state connected US diplomat who rotated between government jobs and large corporations. Attended 1993 founding meeting of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue.
Samuel Lewis1 October 193010 March 2014USDiplomatSingle Bilderberg US Ambassador to Israel for 8 years
John LoughJune 1964UKDeep state operative
Suspected deep state operative, joined the Institute for Statecraft in 2008, director of the Future Of Russia Foundation, Chatham House
Edward Luttwak4 November 1942USSpook
Neoconservative military strategist, author of Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook
Thomas MahnkenUSAcademic
Deep state operative
Johns Hopkins SAIS professor and also Integrity Initiative's US cluster
David Manning5 December 1949DiplomatSpooky UK diplomat
John E. McLaughlin15 June 1942Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence and acting Director of Central Intelligence
Johanna MöhringAcademic
Deep state functionary
A senior fellow of the Institute for Statecraft
David Shambaugh18 January 1953USAcademicCFR, Brookings Institution single Bilderberg US academic, China focus
Sally Shelton29 August 1944USDiplomatSpooky US diplomat Atlantic Council, USAID, and NED. Married former CIA director William Colby.
Helmut Sonnenfeldt13 September 192618 November 2012USAcademicHenry Kissinger picked him Sonnenfeldt for the US National Security Council
Sanam VakilUSAcademicChatham House, single Bilderberg
Joris Voorhoeve22 December 1945NetherlandsDiplomat
Dutch politician and diplomat. Bilderberg, TLC, Srebrenica Dutch Defence Minister, World Bank member, Clingendael Director, Dutch Council of State. Implicated UK, UK & NATO actively allowed the Srerenica Massacre to happen.
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