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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A spooky millionaire businessman". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 51 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Bernard Barker  + (A soldier/spook involved both in the assassination of JFK and the Watergate coup.)
  • 911 Blogger  + (A solid 9/11 truth website, running since 2005)
  • 9-11 Research  + (A solid and early 9-11 investigation site, not much updated of late, but still containing valuable material.)
  • User:Robin  + (A solid start on understanding the [[JFK Assassination]].)
  • User:Robin  + (A solid start, but lacking polish.)
  • The Power of Nightmares  + (A some-holds-barred look at how fear has come to dominate politics in America, Britain and around the world — which observes that much of that fear is based on an illusion.)
  • Anthrax  + (A sometimes fatal disease)
  • User:Robin  + (A somewhat disorganised but fact packed page, which gives an angle on the concept never fond in the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].)
  • 21st Century Wire  + (A sound alternative news site.)
  • User:Robin  + (A sound run through of objections to corporate media, with many leads to follow up for those now to scepticism of the corporate media and a note on modern alternatives.)
  • Document:Whistleblowers - Risks and skills  + (A sound set of advice for would be whistleA sound set of advice for would be whistleblowers, and a ''strong discouragement from trusting the official channels''. As a whistleblower, you need to be aware that a wide set of options is available, and your success in blowing the whistle will depend only in part upon the injustice you expose. Another crucial aspect is your skill set and support network. This essay provides sound advice from an establishment-sceptic researcher who has reviewed a lot of whistleblowing reviewed a lot of whistleblowing cases.)
  • The Black Vault  + (A source of FOIAed US government documents)
  • Project Veritas  + (A source of primary material exposing corruption of the [[US deep state]]. Subject to censorship by [[Reddit]] in 2019. Although not on the [[PropOrNot/List]], the site was on [[Zimdars' list]].)
  • Roxane Farmanfarmaian  + (A specialist in Western policy toward [[Iran]] and [[Iraq]], including issues of [[oil]], [[media]], "[[terrorism]]" and [[Islam]])
  • Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ  + (A spectacular and effective stunt in a $10 million propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Kuwaiti government, which may well have swung the balance in what was a close congressional vote on the use of the US military against the Iraqi invasion.)
  • File:Operation Crimson Mist-Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda.pdf  + (A speculative article about [[psychotronic warfare]].)
  • Document:NSA GCHQ and the Death of Gareth Williams  + (A speculative article connecting the NSA with the death of Gareth Williams)
  • Document:Speech by Head of MI6  + (A speech by then Director General of MI6 to The Society of Editors about the work of the SIS's and their relationship with the media.)
  • Thomas Devine  + (A spook and deep state operative very close to [[George H. W. Bush]])
  • Walter Krivitsky  + (A spook and defector)
  • Hugh Tovar  + (A spook involved in Vietnam and Indonesia)
  • Steve Kangas  + (A spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Harry Ferguson  + (A spook who admits that the UK tortured IRA members in Northern Ireland.)
  • Nicholas de Kerchove  + (A spook who attended [[Le Cercle]] on multiple occasions.)
  • John Paisley  + (A spook who died before he could testify in the [[HSCA]].)
  • Manuel Artime  + (A spook who died from cancer before he could testify the [[House Select Committee on Assassinations]].)
  • Vladimiro Montesinos  + (A spook who established [[Peru]] as a narco-state to supply [[cocaine]] to the [[cabal]])
  • Manfred Schlickenrieder  + (A spook who for two decades posed as an environmental activist in order to spy for [[big oil]] and [[intelligence agencies]].)
  • Gordon Lonsdale  + (A spook who organised the [[Portland Spy Ring]]. Died in suspicious circumstances in Moscow.)
  • Lionel Crabb  + (A spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, [[John Sinclair]].)
  • Wirt Dexter Walker III  + (A spook whose stock trades strongly suggest that he had foreknowledge of the 9/11 event.)
  • John Bellinger  + (A spook/lawyer representing the more patient and more PR-friendly approach to Empire)
  • Richard Gutjahr  + (A spookily prescient journalist who just happened to be situated twice in two weeks to shoot video of "terrorist" attacks.)
  • Harken Energy  + (A spooky Bush dominated company which never made much money for outsiders.)
  • Coalition for Peace Through Security  + (A spooky UK front group to try to oppose [[CND]].)
  • Laura Jordan Dietrich  + (A spooky US government insider)
  • Tore Lindeman  + (A spooky [[whistleblower]] who appears in ''[[Shadowgate]]'', whose credentials have been subsequently questioned.)
  • Resistance International  + (A spooky anti-communist anti-communist organisation that existed between 1983 and 1988)
  • American Center for Democracy  + (A spooky anti-corruption group)
  • Export–Import Bank of the United States  + (A spooky bank, central in US power projection around the world)
  • Kobi Alexander  + (A spooky businessman with connections to 9-11 and 7-7.)
  • Colloquium on Clandestine Collection  + (A spooky colloquium in Washington DC)
  • Document:Independent journalism in hostile places or How to report Repressive Regimes and survive  + (A spooky company called Foreign Desk Ltd suggest a joint event with the Integrity Initiative. The proposal has comments from II's Victor Madeira)
  • Honeypot  + (A spooky concept.)
  • Colloquium on Intelligence and Policy  + (A spooky conference in November 1984)
  • Erle Cocke  + (A spooky deep state operative who made a death bed confession of CIA involvement.)
  • Peter Wilkinson  + (A spooky funder of [[Brian Crozier]].)
  • Kuwaiti-American Corporation  + (A spooky group which between 1993 and 1999 held a controlling share of Securacom.)
  • PropOrNot  + (A spooky group which kicked off the steadily intensifying "[[Fake News Website]]" campaign)
  • John Barron  + (A spooky journalist who wrote on the evils of the KGB.)
  • Tom Slick  + (A spooky millionaire businessman)
  • The Enterprise  + (A sprawling criminal network of thousands of people in key positions across USA. Set up by head of [[The Cabal]], [[George H. W. Bush]].)
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Institute  + (A sprawling umbrella organization for many institutes, testing stations, and research units. After 1945, continued as the [[Max Planck Society]].)
  • The Spike  + (A spy thriller by twospooks.)
  • Elizabeth Pack  + (A spy who used sex to gain information during WWII.)
  • Mort Sahl  + (A stand up comedian similar to [[George Carlin]] who spoke out about the crimes of the [[US deep state]].)
  • PCR method  + (A standard DNA-amplification method in medical laboratories, but misused to create a false pandemic during the [[COVID-19|COVID-19 deep event]].)
  • Wakefield standoff  + (A standoff between an anti-government militia and the [[police]], in July 2021 in Wakefield, [[Massachusetts]].)
  • Document:Project Babylon and the still smoking Iraqi supergun  + (A startling account of the murky dealings of the British political establishment and security services surrounding the [[Arms-to-Iraq]] affair in general and the legal proceedings against [[Asil Nadir]] in particular)
  • Document:Masters of metal  + (A startling and ominous analysis of progress towards an impending New world Order)
  • Document:Doreen and Karen – a tale of two mothers  + (A startling and telling comparison of the treatment of two horrific racially-motivated murders by the UK Establishment.)
  • Social isolation  + (A state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and [[society]]. Encouraged by the PTB.)
  • BBC  + (A state propaganda apparatus disguised as a quasi-autonomous public service corporation.)
  • Nieuwsuur  + (A state-funded [[TV]] program that replaced several award-winning current affairs programs that were "too biased"...meaning not following the [[official narrative]].)
  • Document:Forgive us for not dying in Slavyansk  + (A statement by Igor Druze, Advisor to Igor Strelkov, following the DPR militia withdrawal from Slavyansk and their arrival in Donetsk)
  • Document:Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks Disclosures  + (A statement of support for Wikileaks. "The big question is not whether Americans can 'handle the truth.' We believe they can...")
  • Document:Renowed German Mathematician and Professor of Statistics Slams Dramatization of Covid-19  + (A statistical demolition of the assumptions underlying official models being used to manage the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Anna Politkovskaya  + (A staunch opponent of the Second Chechen War who was assassinated.)
  • European Coal and Steel Community  + (A step towards European Union)
  • User:Robin  + (A still fairly untidy but useful introduction of how UK politics have been manipulated from behind the scenes and what the group is currently up to.)
  • User:Robin  + (A still slightly random assortment of ways in to the purposes of the fiction of drug interdiction and the reality of the multi-trillion dollar business which this charade evolved to protect.)
  • Stock market crash  + (A stock market crash is a type of financial [[disaster]])
  • Sijbren de Jong  + (A strategic analyst for the [[IfS]] and one of the Dutch standard media figures on Russian policy.)
  • Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Nigeria  + (A strict security round table discussion with Donald Duke, very likely to be a candidate in the next presidential elections in Nigeria)
  • Muammar Gaddafi  + (A strikingly independent leader who rarely cowtowed to the Western establishment.)
  • James Eastland  + (A strong opponent of African American civil rights and a leading supporter of Jim Crow laws)
  • University of Gothenburg  + (A strong tradition of research innovation)
  • Methamphetamine  + (A strongly addictive recreational drug)
  • Document:Pro-Kremlin trolls infiltrating comments on news sites for major influence operation, research says  + (A study at [[Cardiff University]] shows that "Pro-Kremlin [[trolls]]" are influencing opinion in the West by infiltrating the comments sections of news [[websites]]. Dissent from the [[Official Narrative]]? Must be [[Russian]] [[disinformation]].)
  • File:Awara-Study-Russia-Economy-09.012.2014.pdf  + (A study of developments in the Russian economy between 2000 and 2014)
  • File:Antisemitism-Cui Bono.pdf  + (A study of the relationship between Zionism and its perennial allegations of antisemitism among majority gentile populations, especially in Europe and the USA)
  • Thales UK  + (A subsidiary of [[Thales]].)
  • Hollywood/Predictive programming  + (A subtle form of [[psychological conditioning]]A subtle form of [[psychological conditioning]] provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them more likely as "natural progressions".<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>]</a></sup>)
  • Underwear bombing  + (A successful [[engineer]] supposedly turns "[[extremist]]", joins [[Al-Qaeda]] and boards a plane with a professional made [[bomb]] in his underwear without a passport. His [[handler]] has never been found.)
  • Public Diplomacy Department  + (A successor to the Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Information Department  + (A successor to the Overseas Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Document:Arabs Beware the Small States Option  + (A succinct introduction to proposals, wideA succinct introduction to proposals, widely canvassed among Western Elites but otherwise largely suppressed, to impose a new political settlement on the entire Middle East involving the re-ordering of its national borders along sectarian lines. These proposals represent the increasingly dominant leitmotif of 21st century Globalist driven Middle-Eastern policy.ry Globalist driven Middle-Eastern policy.)
  • Bilderberg/Effect  + (A sudden career advancement, such as might happen to a [[deep state functionary]] who attends a [[Bilderberg meeting]])
  • Peteano bombing  + (A suicide bomb attack which lured 3 carabinieri to their deaths with a booby trapped car bomb. The cover up of this murder - and its later ''un''covering by Italian judge [[Felice Casson]] was a major event in the exposure of [[Operation Gladio]].)
  • File:A Global Chronology of Incidents of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Attacks 1950-2005.pdf  + (A summary of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Attacks, from 1950 - 2005, giving the number of injuries and fatalities, and other information (if known) on the perpetrators and motives.)
  • Document:Estonia: Sunk due to n-cargo?  + (A summary of an article from the Belgian rA summary of an article from the Belgian reporter Maarten Rabaey in the De Morgen newspaper from 27 April 1996 about details of the sinking of the ship, the so-called 'Felix Report' and the reasoning behind the almost immediate sealing of the wreck in a sarcophagus. Archive of this article [ here] and [ here]monitor/452/estonia-sunk-due-n-cargo here])
  • File:Report on Terrorism 2014.pdf  + (A summary of global "terrorism" in 2014.)
  • File:Haider-leaflet.pdf  + (A summary of inconsistent facts surrounding the crash.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1955.pdf  + (A summary of the 1955 Bilderberg meeting that took place from September 23-25 at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1958.pdf  + (A summary of the 1958 Bilderberg meeting that took place from 13-15 September 1958 in Buxton, England)
  • File:Bilderberg-meeting-report-1958.pdf  + (A summary of the 1958 Bilderberg meeting that took place from September 18-20 at the Çinar Hotel in Yeşilköy, Istanbul, Turkey.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1960.pdf  + (A summary of the 1960 Bilderberg meeting that took place from May 28-29 at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland.)
  • File:Bilderberg-Conference-Report-1961.pdf  + (A summary of the 1961 Bilderberg meeting that took place from 21 April 1961 - 23 April 1961 at St-Castin, Quebec, Canada)
  • File:Bilderberg-meeting-report-1962.pdf  + (A summary of the 1962 Bilderberg meeting in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1963.pdf  + (A summary of the 1963 Bilderberg meeting that took place from May 29-31 in Cannes, France.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1980.pdf  + (A summary of the 1980 Bilderberg meeting that took place from April 18-20 at the Dorint Sofitel Quellenhof in Aachen, Germany.)