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Michael Froman20 August 1962Deep state operativeSerial WEF meeting visitor with many other SDS connections
Richard Furlaud15 April 192310 September 2018USLawyer
Big Pharma executive responsible for making his company the global leader of the problematic drug statins.
Rebecca Goldstein23 February 1950USAuthor
US philosopher and author who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018.
David Gompert6 October 1945Spook
Andrew Goodpaster12 February 191516 May 2005USSoldierDouble Bilderberg SACEUR
Martin Gruenberg1953Civil servantChairman of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Jakub Grygiel4 March 1972USSpook
US academic who collaborated with the Integrity Initiative
Ed Gullion2 March 191317 March 1998USDiplomatUS career diplomat
Sunetra Gupta15 March 1965UKAcademicIndian-born British infectious disease epidemiologist
Jorge Gutman24 May 1953Politician
Toyoo Gyohten1931JapanBanker
For 50 years, part of the Japanese financial planning leadership. G30 member
Refet GürkaynakTurkeyEconomistTurkish economist who attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting. His brother, corporate lawyer Gönenç Gürkaynak, attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting.
Christopher HartLawyer
Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board 2014-2017
Frederick Hitz14 October 1939USSpook
Mellody Hobson3 April 1969USBusinesspersonpresident and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, wife of filmmaker George Lucas
Richard Holbrooke24 April 194113 December 2010USDiplomat
Deep state operative
Bilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative
Tim Hwang20 February 1992USBusinessperson
US internet businessman who attended the 2018 Bilderberg aged 26, maybe the 4th youngest of all time.
Frank Wisner II2 July 1938USDeep state operativeFormer US Secretary of State, son of Frank Wisner of the mighty wurlitzer
Thomas Selby Ellis III15 May 1940Judge
Deep state functionary
US judge who ruled that the NSA were not to be held legally accountable for their PRISM project
William Jackson25 March 190128 September 1971USSpook
Deputy CIA director prior to Allen Dulles
Annie Jacobsen28 June 1967USAuthorCIA apologist
James Johnson24 December 1943USPolitician
Deep state operative
US politician, Bilderberg Steering committee, various USDS connections
George Perkins Jr2 May 189511 January 1960DiplomatUS diplomat who went to the first and fourth Bilderbergs. US Permanent Representative to NATO in the 1950s. Died in January 1960.
Elena Kagan28 April 1960JudgePolicy adviser under Bill Clinton, later Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Nicholas Katzenbach17 January 19228 May 2012Lawyer
Deep state actor
United States Deputy Attorney General at the time of the JFK assassination who assisted in the cover up
Thomas Kean21 April 1935USDeep state operativeChair of the 9/11 Commission, deep state cover-up artist
George Kennan16 February 190417 March 2005USDiplomat
Deep politician
Suspected US deep politician, member of the Georgetown Set
Tyler Kent24 March 191120 November 1988Diplomat
Sentenced to 7 years for offences under the official secrets act
Gordon KrombergLawyer"President Trump was left with this discredited right wing sleazeball, Gordon Kromberg."
Howard Krongard12 December 1940Inspector GeneralInspector General for the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors, accused of "repeatedly interfer[ing] with investigations into fraud and abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. Brother of CIA spook.
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski3 October 1938PeruPolitician
Deep state operative
Bankster who attended the 1988 Bilderberg as an ex Peruvian Minister of Energy and Mines. Later President of Peru. Resigned after certain videos were released.
Carol KuntzUSCareer professional in the DoD helping to increase budgets. Helped establish the what later morphed into Operation Warp Speed, a program of rapidly mass-deployment of RNA vaccines.
Anthony Lake2 April 1939Diplomat
Spooky WEF acadmic
Eric Lander3 February 1957USAcademic
Co-chair of Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Bilderberg. CFR. Epstein connected
Cheng LiUSAcademicBorn in China, Cheng Li cames to US in 1985 and works for Brookings Institution. Triple Bilderberg
Elizabeth LinderUSA manager of the Corporate State
Donald Lu1966DiplomatUS/Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs under Joe Biden
William Lynn1 January 1954USUS Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2009-11, Bilderberg 2012
James Madison16 March 175128 June 1836Politician
Greg Mankiw3 February 1958
James Markham7 March 19439 August 1989USJournalist
Iran-Contra/Premature death
New York Times foreign correspondent who allegedly killed himself with air rifle while investigating leads in the Iran-Contra affair.
H. Freeman Matthews26 May 189919 October 1986PoliticianU.S. career diplomat who was Ambassador to three European countries and participated in the Yalta conference.
Robert McBride25 May 191826 December 1983USDiplomatUS ambassador to Mobutu's Zaire and Mexico
Mark Milley20 June 1958USSoldier
Marvin Minsky9 August 192724 January 2016USProgrammerInfluential cognitive and computer scientist. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
Robert Mueller7 August 1944Deep state actorDirector of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, much hyped Russiagate investigator.
Ralph Nader27 February 1934Activist
Might possibly be something very rare, a politician who is not corrupt!
Ken NickersonUSFinancierSingle Bilderberg. Morgan Stanley
Michael O'Hanlon1961USDeep state operativeSuspected US deep state operative who co-authored Protecting the American Homeland - A Preliminary Analysis for Brookings
John Oakes23 April 19135 April 2001USSpook
"Media asset" of James Jesus Angleton who ran the editorial page of the New York Times.