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Group.png IGO   WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
HeadquartersNorth America, Europe.

Intergovernmental organizations are official organizations made up by nation states joining them to form, govern and police policies and act as conflict resolvers of those policies as well. Joining such an IGO will cause the IGO to become legal on the nation's soil. IGOs - unlike NGOs - often have governmental backing, being formed and controlled by deep politicians in the 1900s. Some IGOs have even become powerful independent entities, involved or being targeted by deep state milieux.



Page nameDescription
APECEconomic forum made up of the 21 countries in the Pacific Rim,
ASEANEconomic union in Southeast Asia.
African Union
Arab LeaguePan-Arab organisation.
BISThe central bankers' central bank - nothing to see here.
Commonwealth of NationsOrganisation, mostly consisting of former British Empire nations.
Council of EuropeIGO. Cannot make laws, but makes treaties. Accused of institutional (revolving door) corruption. Appears to bribe European & transcontinental countries.
Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence UnitsInternational organization that facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units
EurocontrolThe central organisation for coordination and planning of air traffic control for all of Europe
European Court of Human Rights
European Defence Unionthe defence arm of the European Union
European Investment Bank
European ParliamentThe parliament of the EU. Does not have a lot of actual power.
European UnionAn international superstructure that has evolved since WW2.
FIFAThe organising body of the largest world sport since the 1990s. It has attracted exorbitant amounts of corruption.
Global Counter Terrorism ForumA club that was started just at the start of the Arab Spring. Calls itself "Informal, apolitical, multilateral." Interestingly, Saudi Arabia, the US & Colombia are members Iran and Israel aren't.
International Commission on Missing PersonsIGO tasked with remembering, storing, and gathering remains of murdered and disappeared victims. It enjoys a lack of recognition in the world but has an abnormal big interest in the Srebrenica massacre.
International Criminal CourtAn international tribunal to prosecute individuals for war crimes. Neither "international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal."
International Energy AgencyAn organization that was formed after the 1973 oil crisis. The IEA was initially dedicated to never let that happen again, as well as organizing the oil market and making sure big oil stays ahead of other energy sources.
InterpolInternational police group. Several of the presidents of Interpol have been exposed as part of large corruption affairs, or engaged in torture.
Jewish Defence LeagueAn extremist right wing Jewish organisation that advocates the use of violence in pursuit of its aims "where necessary"
La FrancophonieThe French Commonwealth of Nations
League of Nations
NATOThe world's largest military alliance. "Take five broken empires, add the sixth one later, and make one big neo-colonial empire out of it all."
New Development BankA multilateral development bank operated by the BRICS states as an alternative to the IMF and EIB<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
OECDDedicate itself to help "democracy" and a "good world economy". Originally started to fund Western Europe in the cold war.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsAn UN-affiliated IGO aiming to eliminate chemical weapons. Often targeted by secret services. Noted to "often alter facts in armed conflicts for unknown reasons without legal obligation" in intern documents.
Pacific CommunityInternational development organisation owned and governed by its 26 country and territory members in the Pacific Ocean.
Specialized agency of the United Nations
UNThe successor of the League of Nations, the UN was founded after World War 2 - purposely or not - couldn't be prevented by the LoN. Although the IGO officially claims to aim for Peace, in particular the UN Security Council often rules against intervention often resulting in more casualties in controversial and prolonged conflicts.
UN WatchAn IGO tasked with monitoring the work of the UN. "Everybody's watching anybody watching nobody".
UN/SCThe military arm of the UN. It is able to change rules in the UN Charter, and is able as only UN entity to send or deploy the military of the UN and its permanent members to countries. It hasn't proved to be very consistent and is often in a stalemate because of veto powers and deep lobbying.
UNRWAUN IGO for Palestinians.
United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
WHOShot to prominence as a tool of the SDS in 2020 and took a leading role in legitimizing the Covid-19 event.
World Bank
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