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Page nameImageDateTypePerpetratorOfficial PerpetratorDescription
Al-Salam weapons dealAl-Salam weapons deal.jpgA large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Al-Sweady InquiryInquiry that cleared the British Army of accusations of torture of prisoners of war in Iraq. Heavy deep state presence.
Al-Yamamah arms dealAl yamamah.jpgA complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Alexander KiellandAlexander L Kielland and Edda.jpgOil rig capsizing in 1980, the biggest disaster in Norwegian oil production. Theories of sabotage is a third rail subject.
Algerian WarThe Algerian War of Independence
Algiers putsch of 1961Algiers putsch 1961.jpgan attempt to get rid of Charles de Gaulle
American Airlines Flight 587American Airlines Flight 587.jpgA catastrophic plane crash in New York City exactly two months and one day after 9-11.
American Civil WarAmerican Civil War.jpgThe Start of US World dominations, the Civil war saw capitalists fight capitalists in a war over tax, slavery and the question how big and kind of an imperial force the US should become on the North American continent.
American War of Independence
Anglo-French Agreement of 23 December 1917ApproxPositionsWWI-1919.pngFrance
A 1917 Anglo-French conspiracy for a dismemberment of Russia after the October Revolution.
Anglo-Irish Agreement1985 treaty between the United Kingdom and Ireland which aimed to help bring an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland
Angolan civil war
Annecy shootingsAnnecy shootings.jpgShootingA mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
Annual Conferences on Israel's InfluenceIsraelsinfluence.jpgAnnual conferences on the Israeli influence on American politics
Answering Russia's Strategic NarrativesInvitation only one day event organised by The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, sponsored by The Institute for Statecraft, about "Russian propaganda"
Antonov 26 19 blue downedAntonov 26 transport plane of the Ukrainian Air Force crashed near Izvaryne
Apollo program249px-AS11-40-5903 cropped.jpgDoubts that man actually set foot on the moon.
Armenia/GenocideArmenian Genocide.jpg
Arms for LibyaSirte libya.jpgCIA
Theodore Shackley
Edwin P. Wilson
Thomas Clines
Douglas Schlachter
Frank Terpil
US/Deep state
Around 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive, training in bomb making, together with thousands of rifles, handguns & other weapons sold by a CIA operative to Muammar Gaddaffi's Libya in the late 1970s - early 1980s. Then "the biggest arms-dealing case in U.S. history", still lacking its own page on Wikipedia as of 2020.
Arms for Libya 2.0Arms for Libya 2.0.jpgMarc Turi
Turi Defense Group
A replay of the original Arms For Libya, in that a US deep state arms dealer was charged with selling weapons to Libya. However, in contrast to the original case, Marc Turi had a secret ace in the hole which caused the USDOJ to drop all charges and hush the affair up.
Arms-to-IraqIraqi Supergun Section 1.jpgDeep eventA series of arms deals by UK companies during the Iran-Iraq War, when there was a UK government-endorsed UN embargo on such sales.
Arrow Air Flight 1285RArrow Air Flight 1285R.jpgA plane carrying 248 U.S. Army personnel was brought down by am onboard explosion, but for political reasons that was inconvenient to admit at the time, so the official narrative settled for a thin layer of ice on the wings as the cause for the crash
Assassination of the Marquesses of UrquijoMarquesses of Urquijo.pngMurder of prominent Spanish bank owners in 1980
Astroworld concertAstroworld 2.png
Asylum seekers with apathetic refugee childrenSweden.svgSwedenPolitical controversy in Sweden
Atlanta sex trafficking operationCrimeUnknownA sex trafficking operation in Atlanta.
Atlantic StormAtlantic storm 2.pngUPMC Center for Biosecurity
Johns Hopkins University/Center for Transatlantic Relations
Transatlantic Biosecurity Network
A scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. Recommended militarization, vaccination and stockpiling drugs. Held January 2005.
Attempted Coup of the Libertarian Party of New HampshireNew Hampshire Libertarian Party Coup.pngJilletta JarvisAn event in June 2021.
Australia/1975 coup d'état1975 Australian coup.pngA UK/US deep state-backed covert "constitutional coup" to remove Gough Whitlam whom they saw as a loose cannon.
Avianca Flight 203Avianca Flight 203.jpgBombingPablo Escobar
Azerbaijani laundromatComplex money laundering operation run by Azerbaijan uncovered in 2017.
BBC confirms SU25 fighter planes close to MH17BBC Russia correspondent Olga Ivshina interviews locals who state that two fighter planes were close to Flight MH17 just before it crashed.
BBC coverage of the Calais JungleLily Allen.pngBBCCoverage of the European migrant crisis from the BBC.
BBC/CensorshipBBC-censorship.jpgUK/Deep stateThe BBC has been censored since its inception, although it purports not to be.
BBC/Censorship/Nuclear Weapons
BBC/PropagandaBBC Propaganda.jpgUK/Deep stateThe BBC has been a tool of the UK deep state since its foundation in 1922.
BRISPEC sting operationFBI California entrapment that didn't touch Willie Brown
Ballets rosesPavillon du Butard vue générale.jpgFrench VIPaedophile event
Bandung Conference29 countries Bandung.jpgImportant conference for the global south; participants soon became prime targets for US foreign policy
Barack Obama/PresidencyBarack Obama.jpgThe Barack Obama administration
Battle of OrgreaveBattle of Orgreave.jpeg1984 miners conflict in Great Britain.
Bay of Pigs InvasionBay of Pigs Invasion.jpgA deliberately botched attempt to invade Cuba by the CIA, devised as a way to entrap JFK into full scale military action against Cuba. Unsuccessful, since JFK however refused to be manipulated.
Belgium/Federal Election/2024File:File:2024 Belgian federal election - Wikipedia.pngBelgian federal elections.
Belgrano affairGotcha Belgrano sinking.png
Bentalha massacreAlgerie-Bentalha-Massacre-22septembre1997-1.jpgAlgerian civil war massacre, where GIA, the group which took responsibility, might have been infiltrated and taken over by the Algerian government.
Berezovsky v Abramovitch
Berlin ConferenceBismarck Congo conference.png1880s conference to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa
Bibbiano affairVIPaedophile network in northern Italy exposed in 2019. Links to the governing party.
Biden–Ukraine corruption scandalMaybe this scandal would have swung the US/2020 Presidential election the other way if the media had reported on it?