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 Has wikiquoteDescription
France European nation, former colonial power, permanent seat on the UNSC
Pierre Mendès France Mendes-FrancePrime Minister of France in the 1950s, Bilderberg 1968, Le Siecle
Barney Frank FrankUS politician
Malcolm Fraser Fraser
Clement Freud FreudBritish politician and sexual predator
Milton Friedman Friedman
Thomas Friedman FriedmanCFR, TLC, two Bilderbergs
David Frum FrumNeoconservative deep state operative who coined the phrase "axis of evil"
J. William Fulbright William FulbrightThe longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Brigitte Gabriel Gabriel
Adam Yahiye Gadahn Yahiye Gadahn
Muammar Gaddafi Gaddafi
Hugh Gaitskell GaitskellA UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital.
George Galloway GallowayPro-Palestinian anti-Zionist Scottish politician
Mahatma Gandhi GandhiIndian non-violent revolutionary sage
Bill Gates GatesMulti-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Robert Gates GatesUS deep state actor and spook
Licio Gelli GelliFascist deep politician who ran Propaganda Due
Georgia former part of the USSR.
Germany"The economic powerhouse of Europe" - Germany dominates the European Union.
Terry Gilliam Gilliam
Newt Gingrich Gingrich
Rudy Giuliani GiulianiThe mayor of New York on 9-11, who has made contradictory and unexplained statements about 9-11.
Emma Goldman GoldmanAnarchist revolutionary deported from the US during the Palmer Raids
James Goldsmith Goldsmithan Anglo-French billionaire financier and businessman, possible deep state operative.
Amy Goodman GoodmanPresenter of Democracy Now!
Google Internet/Skynet conglomerate
Al Gore GoreAn American politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist who was made 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton.
Michael Gove GoveMinister for Intergovernmental Relations and Secretary of State in Boris Johnson's government. Reappointed by Rishi Sunak
Katharine Graham GrahamQuad Bilderberger, TLC, deep state functionary?
Lindsey Graham GrahamUS/Senate/Committee on the Judiciary/Chair, double Bilderberg
Chris Grayling GraylingBritish Conservative Party politician
Greece"In 2006... the third biggest arms importer after China and India."
Graham Greene Greene
Alan Greenspan GreenspanUS DSO who was Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1987-2006
Kenneth Griffin GriffinDouble Bilderberger billionaire hedge fund manager
Joseph Grimond GrimondAttended the 1958 Bilderberg as leader of the UK Liberal Party. Early proponent of Britain joining the EEC.
Abdullah Gul GulPresident of Turkey 2007-2014, Attended the Halifax International Security Forum/2014, Munich Security Conference/2015, WEF/Annual Meeting/2007, member of the US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program
António Guterresónio GuterresBilderberger US Secretary general, particularly aggressive promoter of COVID jab mandation
Fethullah Gülen GülenFunds and leads a large network of Islamic schools doubling as CIA proxies
William Hague HagueDescribed sinister Le Cercle as "a political group which organises conferences."
Alexander Haig HaigAttended the 1978 Bilderberg as SACEUR
Nikki Haley HaleyUS diplomat, YGL 2011, RINO and Designated Survivor who contended the US 2024 Presidential election
Hamas"Terrorists" according to the West, largely founded, financed and brought to power by Israel, Hamas has led Palestine into becoming an enemy image to the western world since 2006.
Philip Hammond HammondBritish Conservative politician
William Harvey HarveyA deep state actor who was involved in the JFK assassination.
Christopher Haskins HaskinsOne of Tony Blair's closest advisers and a Labour Party funder;passionately pro-gene modification.
Orrin Hatch Hatch
Tony Hayward HaywardBig oil executive
Denis Healey HealeyBilderberg Steering committee member, who attended 23 Bilderberg meetings.