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Tim Anderson
Bill Van Auken
Ajamu BarakaUS cultural and political critic. Called Obama "moral disaster" and one of "the worst things that has happened to African-American people".
Kevin BarrettAn academic and 9-11/Dissident.
Eva BartlettCanadian independent journalist much attacked by the deep state
Vanessa BeeleyBritish investigative journalist focused on the Middle East. Helped expose the White Helmets.
Scott BennettSpent 2 years in jail as a result of speaking his mind and attempting to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption inside the US war machine.
Black Agenda ReportIndependent media outlet with a black American left-wing angle. Covers deep politics.
William BlumA prominent critic of US empire
Max BlumenthalUS journalist, blogger, film maker whom the Times Of Israel tagged an "anti-zionist"
Christopher Bollyn
Jonathan CookUK journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since 2001.
Finian Cunningham
Richard FalkProfessor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories
George GallowayPro-Palestinian anti-Zionist Scottish politician
Philip GiraldiCIA/DIA spook and “terrorism expert”
Anthony HallAcademic targeted by B'nai B'rith in 2016 for "using his academic credentials to deny the Holocaust and promote 9/11 conspiracy theories."
Matthew Hoh
Barbara Honegger
Robert JensenCritic of war, pornography and "transgender ideology".
Caitlin JohnstoneAustralian deep state aware activist anarchist
Diana Johnstone
Stephen LendmanUS independent journalist and analyst
Susan LindauerA back channel to Saddam Hussein who had more integrity than her CIA handlers bargained for. Charged under the Patriot Act.
Stuart LittlewoodIndependent journalist
Alan MacLeodStaff writer at Mintpress, contributed to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting and the Grayzone
Eric MargolisUS/Canadian journalist who touches on deep subjects
Cynthia McKinneyAmerican politician who did question the official narrative of 9/11 early on.
John McMurtryJohn McMurtry is a professor of philosophy at Guelph university and a Fellow of the Canadian Royal Society
Craig MurrayA UK ambassador to Uzbekistan who stood up and did the right thing when confronted with evidence of torture. Smeared and dismissed by the UK deep state, he continues his activism exposing Establishment lies and hypocrisy.
Miko PeledIsraeli-American peace activist and author. Proponent of Israeli-Palestine single-state.
Catherine Perez-ShakdamA suspected Israeli spy who infiltrated Iran under journalistic cover. To create a legend, she got herself hired by among others the independent media outlets MintPress News and American Herald Tribune.
Kim Petersen
John PilgerJohn Pilger, an Australian crusading journalist, has achieved fame in spite of a refusal to kowtow to the establishment by avoiding controversial issues.
Gareth PorterAmerican investigative journalist, author and policy analyst
Denis RancourtFormerly a former tenured professor of physics, Rancourt was dismissed after covert surveillance and legal maneuverings by the University of Ottawa in Canada.
Robert ReichUnited States Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton
Paul Craig RobertsA former US establishment insider who became an independent journalist
Mike Robinson
Piers Robinson
Steven SahiounieSyrian journalist who has written for among others 21st Century Wire, Sputnik News and MintPress News about the the Syrian war.
Peter Dale ScottPeter Dale Scott is the early 21st century Doyen of Deep Political Theory.
Tom SeckerTom Secker is a UK-based writer, researcher and filmmaker with a special interest in the use of entertainment by the Deep State
Darius Shahtahmasebi
Cindy SheehanAmerican anti-war activist particularly known for her extended antiwar protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush's Texas ranch in 2005.
Michael SpringmannHead of the visa section in Saudi Arabia, who blew the whistle on the granting of visas for training of terrorists and was fired as a result.
Robert SteeleAmerican spook who became a "conspiracy theorist" and died of COVID.
David Swanson
André VltchekAndre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist.
Whitney WebbInvestigative journalist who has published many aspects of The Deep State