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Extreme leftOne pole of the highly suspect "political spectrum". A tool in the divide and conquer strategy of party politics.
Extreme rightOne pole of the highly suspect "political spectrum". A tool in the divide and conquer strategy of party politics.
Extremism"Extremism" is used as a more modern replacement for "terrorism", one that is used to facilitate the criminalisation of ideas as well as just actions. It polarises the world into the normal ("mainstream") and the abnormal, unhealthy ("extreme").
Fact checkerAn individual or group trusted to investigate the truth of news. In practice, professional fact checkers test whether news conforms to their employers' opinions.
Fact checkingA thinly veiled effort to counter suspicion in official narratives as promoted by the commercially-controlled media. i.e. "Trust us, we've fact checked this article".
Failed stateA pejorative label used to describe enemies and minimise opposition to their invasion.
Fake News"Fake news website" is a meme started after the 2016 US election, to disparage websites that dissent from the opinions expressed by commercially-controlled media.
Fake news website"Fake news website" is a meme started after the 2016 US election, to disparage websites that dissent from the opinions expressed by commercially-controlled media. It backfired and lead to the phrase "fake news", which promoted scepticism about corporate media and discouraged uncritical belief in their output.
Far rightAn all-encompassing CCM buzzword.
Flatten the curveA slogan introduced during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Fly the planeTo "Fly the plane" is, knowingly or unknowingly, to open oneself to blackmail by a deep state group. Derinved from the Lolita Express, it applies much more widely as a metaphor.
Free marketThe neocon economic system.
Gulf of Tonkin IncidentTwo faked attacks used by the USA as a casus belli to commit ground forces to the Vietnam War.
Hate crimeThe phrase "hate crime" is a plastic phrase associated with the "hate speech" effort to stifle free speech on the internet.
Hate groupAn enemy image which appears to be part of the effort to support the ongoing project to criminalize free speech.
Hate speechAn enemy image mobilised to facilitate legal restriction of free speech.
Hate symbolsA term created by the ADL. An enemy image mobilised to facilitate legal restriction of free speech.
Holocaust DenierA demonising epithet applied by the Establishment to anyone who publicly qestions any of the three fundamental tenets of 'The Holocaust'
HolocaustianityA neologism describing the essentially religious nature of the Official Narrative of The Holocaust which, on pain of being treated treated like a heretic, must not be questioned or criticised.
Humanitarian interventionThe claim of intervening in other countries for their citizens own good. This falls flat when made by the same countries which fund or otherwise instigate these countries unrest. An old and increasingly tired excuse for wars of aggression.
I wish I'd gotten the vaccineAfter "vaccine hesitancy" became noticeable, corporate media were flooded with tales of "anti-vaxxers" now ruing their choice. "I wish I'd gotten the vaccine" are their last words, wheezed out almost inaudibly from the death bed.
Independent Police Complaints CommissionA group interested in complaints about the UK police
Indian rivers swollen with bodiesTo further the COVID-19 agenda, corporate media reported of Indian rivers overflowing with corpses, implied of people dead of Covid.
Iran-ContraA drug trafficking/weapons smuggling operation carried out in the 1980s with the approval of the top of the US government.
Islamic terrorismA trenchant enemy image, reinforced by the clandestine arming and training of groups under Operation Gladio/B
Islamic terroristAn enemy image called to mind by legislators as they write laws to clamp down on civil liberties and step up mass surveillance.
IslamophobiaIrrational and exaggerated fear of the Muslim faith.
Joint Terrorism Task ForceApparently busy drumming up business trying to incite "terrorism". They seem to work mostly with low IQ, easily led types.
Jubilee PlotAn attempt by Irish nationalist patsies to assassinate Queen Victoria and her Cabinate during her Golden Jubilee thanks giving service at Westminster abbey on 20 June 1887
Korean War/CIA brainwashing spinA word coined by the CIA in an effort to cover-up the US Army's use of biological weapons in the Korean War.
"Kosovo student poisoning"The alleged poisoning of thousands of Kosovan young people by toxic gases or substances in 1990. It came in the run-up to the Kosovo War and gained lots of coverage in the international press.
Let's Go Brandon!A euphemismic slogan which arose from a failed corporate media attempt to censor anti-Biden sentiment
Lone nutDeep state functionary Lee Harvey Oswald, the canonical "lone nut", described himself as "a patsy" on his arrest and was killed in police custody by another USDS-affiliated lone nut. The commercially-controlled media continue to obscure the later finding of the HSCA, that JFK was killed by a conspiracy.
MainstreamAs opposed to "extreme", this adjective is used particularly in the phrase "mainstream media"
Narco-stateAn enemy image comparable with "failed state", but particularly suggestive of drug trafficking.
National Counterterrorism CenterIn 2004, succeeded the "Terrorist Threat Integration Center" ...
National interestA plastic phrase used as a tool of statecraft.
National securityLike the idea of 'Patriotism', the notion of 'National Security' is one designed to bind all members of a society together. By evoking fear of its opposite it creates a suitable psychological frame for the abdication of personal responsibility to the nation state. In the 21st century, the concept is repeated like a mantra in en effort to justify ever more opaqueness in the workings of governments tired of legal restrictions such as rights of their citizens.
No commentKeeping quiet about malfeasance is so important that a Gladio operative termed it "the golden rule"
Non-crime hate incidentAn infringement on freedom of speech.
Non-violent extremismAn enemy image used to try to justify violent repression of those who advocate non-violent change.
Open governmentA term used to promote faith in government.
OverpopulationA less obviously racist replacement for eugenics, designed to shift focus away from over consumption.
Overwhelmed Intensive Care UnitsFrom the beginning of the COVID-19 deep event came a drumroll of messages of overwhelmed Intensive Care Units (ICUs). In the large majority of cases, this was a lie. Revealingly, most countries have not increased number of ICU beds
PandemicThe WHO relaxed standards to a point where neither the number of cases nor the danger of a disease informs about the actual health risk formerly associated with the term.
Post-truthPost-truth applies to statements, situations and arguments where facts are subordinated or subjected to obfuscation in pursuit of desired intepretations/outcomes.
Protect the NHSA slogan used in Great Britain to justify government actions around the NHS during COVID-19.
RacismA prejudice based on individuals superficial physical attributes. People have no "race" in the scientific sense.
RadicalisationTogether with "extremism" this word is one of many which deep states are seeking to use to demonize dissent by equating truth telling and earnest inquiry with violence, as a tool to facilitate internet censorship.
Raising awarenessTo raise awareness (to threats) if aired by politicians and commercially-controlled media is, in deep politics, an indicator that a false flag event might be looming.