Extinction Rebellion

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Group.png Extinction Rebellion  
(Non-violent resistanceFacebook Twitter Website YouTubeRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Extinction Rebellion in Manchester December 2019.jpg
Extinction Rebellion.svg
MottoRebel for life
Formation31 October 2018
Founder•  Roger Hallam
•  Gail Bradbrook
Interestsenvironment, pollution, “climate change”
Sponsored byOpen Society Foundations
A mass civil disobedience movement

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a UK-based resistance movement that promotes direct action to try to prevent climate change and damage to the environment. Although it is explicitly non-violent, the UK police have termed it an "extremist" ideology and have tackled it under the Prevent (Preventing Violent Extremism) programme.[1]

It gets plenty of coverage from the corporate press, like the BBC and the Guardian, having led to accusations of XR being a controlled opposition or a front group trying to introduce what the ruling classes have already determined to be the best course of action for preserving their dominance and control.


PREVENT Extinction Rebellion.jpg

A document published by the Guardian in 2020 shows that although acknowledging the movement as non-violent, the UK police have listed Extinction Rebellion as as "extremist" group under the PREVENT (Preventing Violent Extremism) programme. When asked about the document, Counter Terrorism Policing South East stated that "this document was produced at a local level to help our partners to spot the signs of vulnerability to radicalisation. By including Extinction Rebellion in this document, it gives the impression we consider them to be an extremist group, which they are not. We will review the guidance to make this clear."[2]

Worldwide groups

The UK group has inspired similar ones worldwide, including in Australia[3] and Denmark.[4]


Gail Bradbrook, one of the co-founders, has spent the most of her career on the pay-roll of charities, NGOs and political ‘think-tanks’ (like the Blairite/New Labour IPPR)– to give ‘independent advice’ to government and help develop government strategies, policies and to define their objectives. Bradbrook joined the corporate funded Citizen Online in 2003 as “Director of Strategy & Partnerships”.[5]


In a longer analysis of XR, News from Nowhere wrote:

There’s nothing whatsoever spontaneous or grass-roots about the ‘climate mobilisation’ that’s currently being promoted all over the mass media. Mirroring what happened with the ‘colour revolutions’, idealistic youth are simply being herded into pre-approved movements, to create the illusion of a popular mandate for what the ruling classes have already determined to be the best course of action for preserving their dominance and control: carbon taxation, ‘smart’ cities, the 5G/ internet of things surveillance grid, AI, depopulation, and new investment opportunities in what’s being called the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (‘renewable technologies’, dependent on very limited rare earth minerals and heavily polluting mining operations, combined with health-damaging microwave technologies), as well as ‘carbon capture’/trading scams.[6]

Claire Wordley, a conservation biologist and leading voice in Extinction Rebellion, supported the CIA-planned 2019 coup in Bolivia[7]


Large donors include the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (£120,000), The Children's Investment Fund (£151,562), Climate Emergency Fund (£84,000),Bertha Foundation (£25,000), Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Actions (£10,000), Good Move gGmbH (£20,053),Stichting European Climate Foundation, (£125,300), Furka Holding AG (£50,000).[8]


Wikipedia promotes XR. [[1]], which is a song about climate alarmism was a featured article on Wikipedia's main page on 24 July 2021.


Astroturfing the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Open Society FoundationsA NGO operating in more countries than McDonald's. It has the tendency to support politicians (at times through astroturfing) and activists that get branded as "extreme left" as its founder is billionaire and bane of the pound George Soros. This polarizing perspective causes the abnormal influence of the OSF to go somewhat unanswered.


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