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Martin Jacomb11 November 19298 June 2024UKBanker
British banker who described "insider trading" as a "victimless crime". Attended the 1985 Bilderberg
Ludovic Kennedy3 November 191918 October 2009UKJournalistBritish author of several books on miscarriages of justice
Kwasi Kwarteng26 May 1975UKPolitician
Deep state operative
British Chancellor and suspected deep state operative who reportedly chaired Le Cercle from 2017.
James LandaleUKJournalistThe BBC's diplomatic correspondent
Dominic Lawson17 December 1956UKSpook
British editor exposed as a MI6 media asset. Married to Rosa Monckton, a close friend of deep state actor and sexual blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein since the early 1980s
Robin Leigh-Pemberton5 January 192724 November 2013UKEconomist
Central banker
Governor of the Bank of England from 1983 to 1993.
Oliver Letwin19 May 1956Politician
Deep state operative
Former Conservative MP
Granville Leveson-Gower11 May 181531 March 1891UKBritish Secretary of State who improved relations with the United States
Edward Llewellyn1964UKDiplomatUK Diplomat, Eton, New College Oxford, Notting Hill Set
Fitzroy MacLean11 March 191115 June 1996UKDiplomat
Noel Malcolm26 December 1956UKJournalist
Simon Mann26 June 1952Mercenary
Basil MavroleonApril 195827 August 1998UKSpook
"He was close to the Kennedys and almost married a Heseltine. He'd been a Wall Street broker and a war correspondent. He'd even been a leader of the Mujahideen. So why did Carlos Mavroleon die of a heroin overdose in a rundown hotel near the Afghan border?"
Stewart Menzies30 January 189029 May 1968UKSpook
Desmond Morton13 November 189131 July 1971UKSpook
Deep politician
An almost unknown and yet crucial British spymaster in the first half of the 20th century.
William Mountbatten-Windsor21 June 1982UKBritish royal familyFirst in line of succession to the British throne.
Airey Neave23 January 191630 March 1979UKSpook
Thatcher aide who may have been intent on tackling corruption. Assassinated, allegedly by a splinter Irish group.
Alexander Nix1 May 1975UKPropagandist
Former CEO of Cambridge Analytica who was exposed by Channel 4's publication of a clandestine recording of him
Con O'Neill3 June 191211 January 1988UKDiplomatUK diplomat who led the British delegation which negotiated the country's entry to the EEC and attended Bilderberg/1966. Interrogated Rudolf Hess when in Army Intelligence Corps during WW2.
Nigel OakesJuly 1962BusinesspersonOld Etonian UK businessman with connections to the Integrity Initiative who founded the parent company of Cambridge Analytica.
William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore11 April 188514 February 1964UKPolitician
Deep state operative
UK banker in the Milner Group/Outer Circle
George Orwell25 June 190321 January 1950UKAuthor
Eustace Percy21 March 18873 April 1958UKPoliticianBritish diplomat, Conservative politician and public servant. He most notably was President of the Board of Education under Stanley Baldwin between 1924 and 1929.
Arthur Ponsonsby16 February 187123 March 1946UKPolitician
British politician, writer, and social activist. His 1928 book Falsehood in War-time, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War, listed and refuted pieces of propaganda used by the Allied Forces during World War 1.
Oliver Poole11 August 191128 January 1993UKSoldier
British Conservative Party politician, soldier and businessman. Chief executive of S. Pearson & Sons Ltd and Chairman of Lazard.
Jonathon Porrit6 July 1950UKActivistUK environmentalist and population reduction activist who wants to halve the population. Attended the 1999 Bilderberg meeting, and in 2000 was appointed Chair of Tony Blair's Sustainable Development Commission (SDC)
Francis Pym13 February 19227 March 2008Politician
Archibald Maule Ramsay4 May 189411 March 1955UKSoldier
John Rankin Rathbone5 February 191010 December 1940Politician
British establishment politician who died young, early in WW2
Nicholas Ridley17 February 19294 March 1993PoliticianAlways regarded by Margaret Thatcher as "one of us". As minister helped make the preparations to break the UK miners' strike (1984–85)
Simon Robertson4 March 1941UKFinancier
Goldman Sachs
Jacob Rothschild29 April 193626 February 2024UKBanker
Deep politician
British investment banker and a member of the Rothschild family.
Nathaniel Rothschild12 July 1971UKFinancier
Heir apparent of Jacob Rothschild
Duncan Sandys24 January 190826 November 1987UKDiplomatUK diplomat, son-in-law of Winston Churchill.
Huntington D. Sheldon14 February 190319 May 1987Spook
As Director of the Office of Current Intelligence, Sheldon briefed three Presidents with the became the President's Daily Brief
Sebastian ShemiraniSon of Kate Shemirani. He holds completely different opinions than his mother and believes any bigger conspiracy can not exist. His bad relationship with his mother was exploited in a hit piece interview by the BBC.
Nicholas Soames12 February 1948PoliticianUK politician and businessman.
Rory Stewart3 January 1973UKDiplomat
Deep state operative
MI6, Cercle, Bilderberg, UK DSO, Politician
Hugo Swire30 November 1959UKDiplomat
British Conservative politician mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
J. Martin Taylor1952UKBanker
UK Millionaire banker and businessman. Former Bilderberg steering committee
Basil Thomson21 April 186126 March 1939Spook
Police officer
Deep state operative
John Thurso10 September 1953UKPolitician
Henry TiarksSeptember 19001995UKFinancierUK single Bilderberger financier of Schroders bank dynasty. Son of central banker and deep state actor Frank Tiarks. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg meeting.
Thomas Trenchard192329 April 1987UKBusinessperson
Henry Wales15 September 1984UKBritish royal familyPart of the Windsor royal family. After a public decision to "step back" in 2020, he lives in the United States with his wife Megan Markle, where they have dedicated themselves to advocating online censorship.
Justin Welby6 January 1956UKClergyArchbishop of Canterbury from 2013
Roger Wheeler16 December 1941Soldier
Hugh Wyndham4 October 18776 July 1963UKPolitician
Deep state operative
UK deep state operative