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GCHQ - 'Government Communications Headquarters'

GCHQ Headquarters building complex at Benhall Cheltenham UK
Aerial photo © Microsoft Bing Maps
Hat tip Alan Turnbull - Secret Bases UK

The GCHQ main building complex is at Benhall, Cheltenham, UK, pictured right.

It's mission, in it's own spooky words:

GCHQ provides intelligence, protects and informs relevant UK policy to keep our society safe and successful in the internet age

Mass Surveillance

In 2014, the Guardian reported that documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden about project Optic Nerve showed that GCHQ recorded millions of images from Yahoo webchats. To avoid overloading their computers while recording streams of so many users simultaneously, they recorded one image every five minutes from the users' feeds.[1]

Information Sharing

Full articles: UKUSA, Echelon

Information from GCHQ is routinely shared with other signatories of the UKUSA agreement, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, which assists those countries in circumventing laws about spying on their own citizens.


Related Quotations

"Philip Cross"“My view is that Philip Cross probably is a real person, but that he fronts for a group acting under his name. It is undeniably true, in fact the government has boasted, that both the MOD and GCHQ have “cyber-war” ops aiming to defend the “official narrative" against alternative news media, and that is precisely the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation on Wikipedia. The extreme regularity of output argues against “Philip Cross” being either a one man or volunteer operation. I do not rule out however the possibility he genuinely is just a single extremely obsessed right wing fanatic.”Craig Murray
"Philip Cross"
21 May 2018
Intelligence agency“There is something very wrong indeed with the UK security services, which are most certainly not a force for freedom or justice. That MI6 can be headed by as extreme a figure as Dearlove, underlines the threat that the security services pose to any progressive movement in politics.”Craig Murray11 January 2019


Employees on Wikispooks

John AdyeDirector of GCHQDecember 1989July 1996
Arthur BonsallDirector of GCHQDecember 1973December 1978
Leonard HooperDirector of GCHQDecember 1965December 1973
Iain LobbanDirector of GCHQJuly 200824 October 2014
Peter MarychurchDirector of GCHQDecember 1983December 1989
David OmandPermanent Secretary of the Home Office1 January 19982002
David OmandDirector of GCHQJuly 199631 December 1997
David PepperDirector of GCHQ2003July 2008
Francis RichardsDirector of GCHQJuly 19982003
Kevin TebbitDirector of GCHQ1 January 1998July 1998
Brian ToveyDirector of GCHQDecember 1978December 1983
Gareth WilliamsSpookFound dead, naked, and locked in a sports bag in 2010 - allegedly a suicide


Related Documents

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