Brussels Forum/2009

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Event.png Brussels Forum/2009(conference) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
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Brussels Forum.png
LocationBrussels,  Belgium
PerpetratorsGerman Marshall Fund
DescriptionYearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.



Known Participants

82 of the 386 of the participants already have pages here:

Anne ApplebaumIntegrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core, didn’t think that Hunter Biden's laptop qualified as a major news story.
José Manuel BarrosoBilderberg Steering committee, President of the European Commission
Robert BennettMormon US Senator who attended Brussels Forums
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Claudio BisognieroItalian diplomat
Julian BorgerIn July 2015 Julian Borger was diplomatic editor for The Guardian
Elmar Broklobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular
Mark Malloch BrownGeorge Soros-protegé
Reinhard BütikoferGerman politician, regular at the Brussels Forum, also attends WEF AGMs
Robert CooperUK diplomat with a string of interesting roles. "One of the top 100 "public intellectuals" in the world"...
Steve CovingtonDSO mentioned in the Integrity Initiative leak. "supported SACEURs in 15 NATO Summits, over 150 Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief of Defense Meetings, and executed high-level meetings in every country in Europe and Eurasia"
Gregory CraigWhite House Counsel 2009-2010
Marta DassùDeep state connected general director of the international activities of Aspen Institute Italy. NATO, Trilateral Commission, European Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies...
Étienne DavignonBelgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
Milica Delević-ĐilasSerbian economist
Karen DonfriedUS spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021
Lyse DoucetCanadian journalist, Chatham House, heavy MSC habit
Stewart EldonUK DSO interested in "counter-corruption" and "National Security". Former UK/Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council, Institute for Statecraft
James EllesA member of the European Parliament
Oded EranPossibly spooky Israeli diplomat
Steven ErlangerDeep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Ulrik FederspielDanish diplomat, Bilderberg Steering committee
Simon FraserFormer UK Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Deputy Chairman of Chatham House.
Nik GowingUK Deep state connected TV journalist
Marc GrossmanMember of Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery, attended the 1998 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Ignasi Guardans
Karl-Theodor zu GuttenbergBorn with silver spoon as scion of the zu Guttenberg family, but blew his political career in 2011 after academic plagiarism was discovered. Since then has stayed in spooky think-tanks.
Ulrike GuérotDeep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy.
Lindsey HilsumUK journalist who was at the II-backed Tackling Tools of Malign Influence meeting
Richard HolbrookeBilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative
Bruce JacksonUS spook. His later career focused on accelerating the integration of the Western Balkan countries, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia into the European Union and NATO. Member of the Henry Jackson Society.
Robert KaganCo-founder of the Project for the New American Century
Udo van KampenJournalist, Atlantik-Brücke member, visited the Brussels Forum 2007-2009
Craig Kennedypresident of the German Marshall Fund in the period 1996-2014
Eckart von KlaedenTriple Bilderberg German politician
Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff
John KornblumUS diplomat wo attended at least 4 Brussels Forums
Mıroslav Lajčák
Stephen LarrabeeRAND political scientist, MSC
Sergei LavrovRussian diplomat and very competent Foreign Minister
Kadri LiikEstonian journalist Russia’s Strategy on NATO'S Eastern and Southern Flanks replete with fellow IfS UK inner core members, ECFR
Edward LlewellynUK Diplomat, Eton, New College Oxford, Notting Hill Set
Jonathan MarcusA BBC journalist whose name is on a list of journalists leaked from the Integrity Initiative in 2018.
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Cesare MerliniItalian academic, Brookings Institute
Liz MohnGerman billionaire businesswoman friend of Angela Merkel
Hryhoriy NemyriaUkranian politician with several Brussels Forum meetings
Pauline Neville-JonesBBC governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Robin NiblettChatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Natalie NougayrèdeBritish journalist who was exposed as working for the Integrity Initiative. Her reporting is replete with topics of importance to the UK deep state.
... further results
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