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Julius Holmes
Herbert HooverUS President 1929-1933
Arnold HorelickSpooky RAND analyst. In 1986 he wrote a paper Soviet Foreign Policy Under Gorbachev, which was also a theme of the 1986 Bilderberg meeting he attended.
Thomas HughesTrilateral president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for 20 years, Bilderberg 1971 and 1972
Samuel Huntington
H. John Heinz II34 Bilderberg meetings, Bilderberg Steering & Advisory Committees
H. John Heinz IIIA US politician and Bilderberger who died in a small plane crash the day before a friend of his, John Tower also died in a plane crash.
Bobby Ray InmanNSA director 1977-1981
Joseph JohnsonInaugural US secretary of the annual Bilderberg, Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Thomas JonesUS military-industrial businessman who attended the 1966 and the 1987 Bilderbergs.
Otto Kahn
Peter KannWall Street Journal editor
Arnold KanterSpooky US deep state functionary. Special Assistant to President George H. W. Bush, part of Brent Scowcroft’s National Security Council staff.
Milton KatzA professor at Harvard University who attended the 1962 Bilderberg
Nicholas KatzenbachUnited States Deputy Attorney General at the time of the JFK assassination who assisted in the cover up
Carl KaysenUS/Deputy National Security Advisor 1961-63
Jack KempClosely associated with the hawkish wing of the Republican Party.
George KennanSuspected US deep politician, member of the Georgetown Set
Lane KirklandUS labor leader (AFL-CIO/President for over 15 years) who spoke at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism on "Terrorism and the Gulag". Bilderberg, Le Cercle, CFR, ...
Jeane KirkpatrickNeocon "terror expert", US Ambassador to the UN, Washington Conference on International Terrorism...
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Robert H. KnightChair of the New York Fed, Le Cercle.
Antonie KnoppersMerck executive who attended the 1967 and 1970 Bilderbergs.
Foy KohlerUS diplomat and cold warrior. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Committee on the Present Danger, Team B, Council on Foreign Relations.
Edward Korry"Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty"
Joseph KraftDouble Bilderberg US journalist
Irving Kristol"The Godfather of Neoconservatism"
Howard KrongardInspector General for the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors, accused of "repeatedly interfer[ing] with investigations into fraud and abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. Brother of CIA spook.
Frank LavinDeep state connected US diplomat who rotated between government jobs and large corporations. Attended 1993 founding meeting of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue.
Russell Cornell Leffingwell
Franklin LindsaySingle Bilderberg SOE spook
John LindsayAttended the 1965 Bilderberg meeting before becoming Mayor of New York City in 1966.
Walter LippmannA US journalism who coined the phrase "Cold War".
Robert A. Lovett
Clare Boothe Luce
Henry Luce
Bayless ManningUS corporate law expert. Attended 1972 Bilderberg conference as president of the Council on Foreign Relations. TLC.
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
John J. McCloyUS deep politician, Warren Commission, CFR Chair for 17 years, President of the World Bank ...
John McCone
Alonzo McDonaldUS businessman who attended the 1977 Bilderberg. The same year he was appointed by Jimmy Carter as Deputy Special Trade Representative and Ambassador in charge of the U.S. Delegation to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in Geneva.
William McDonoughCFR, TLC, 7 Bilderbergs, Group of Thirty, NY Fed Chairman..
George McGheeUS ambassador, spook, Committee on the Present Danger, 12 Bilderbergs in the 1950s and 60s.
George McGovern
Robert McKinneyIndiana Businessman who attended Le Cercle in 1983, 1984 and 1985
Robert McNamaraUS Deep state actor, War criminal, Defense secretary, World Bank president, Brookings, CFR...
Francis Pickens MillerHawkish spook
Joseph Irwin MillerUS industrialist and architecture patron.
George S. MooreLed an early effort by multinational corporations to open Latin America to them.
Henry MorganSpooky banker