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*[[Paul Allard Hodgkins]], 8 months.<ref>https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/florida-man-gets-1st-felony-sentence-role-capitol-riot-n1274353</ref>
*[[Paul Hodgkins]], 8 months.<ref>https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/florida-man-gets-1st-felony-sentence-role-capitol-riot-n1274353</ref>
*[[Anna Morgan-Lloyd]], member of the [[Oath Keepers]] sentenced to three years
*[[Anna Morgan-Lloyd]], member of the [[Oath Keepers]] sentenced to three years

Revision as of 18:13, 21 July 2021

Event.png "“Terrorism”"
2021 Washington D.C. Riots (False flag attack,  structural deep event) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
DSC09254-2 (50820534063) (retouched).jpg
TypeUA Flight 175 hits WTC south tower 9-11 edit.jpg “Terrorism”
Interest of"The Storming of the Reichstag", Liz Cheney, Richard Engel, Stephen Friend, Jose Galison, Gunther Hashida, InfraGard, Kyle Seraphin
DescriptionAn event in January 2021.

On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. was stormed during a demonstration on the day Congress was to confirm Joe Biden as president, a process that would have included a debate where allegations of election fraud would have been mentioned.

The whole incident is full of plot holes and contrived narratives. The official narrative claimed it was an “armed” insurrection, which it wasn’t[1]. Video footage proved the Capitol Police let the demonstrators into the building, including Jacob Chansley, the so-called “Q shaman”.[2]


Over 550 people have been charged in the Capitol demonstration, with charges ranging from assault on law enforcement to trespassing on government property and property damage[3]. Law enforcement went to great lengths to find participants, including warrantless searches of bank data.[4]

Strangely, some of the key people who participated on January 6 have not been charged. The government calls those people "unindicted co-conspirators", which indicates that in potentially every single case they were FBI operatives.[5]

Court filings[6] show that Federal Bureau of Investigation operatives helped organize, coordinate the entire incident.

The FBI agent in charge of a previous infiltration operation, the false flag attack against Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer was promoted after the plot was foiled, and given a position in the agency’s Washington DC field office, where he oversees the prosecution of the Capitol rioters. [7]

2 police officers from Seattle are at risk of being fired for attending.[8]

Florida Representative Matt Gaetz has issued a letter to the FBI demanding answers about their involvement.[9]

Property Damage

In charging documents in the months after the demonstration, federal prosecutors repeatedly claimed protestors ransacked the Capitol Building and caused $30 million in damage, including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue from pepper spray, tear gas, and fire extinguishers deployed by both crowd members who stormed the Capitol and by Capitol Police officers trying to restore order.”[10]

The damage claim was later quietly reduced. During a plea hearing on June 2, 2021, for Paul Hodgkins, a Capitol defendant charged with various trespassing counts and obstruction of an official proceeding, the government said damages at the Capitol totaled around $1.5 million.[11]


5 people died, under circumstances which are still not entirely clear,[12] but only one person, Ashli Babbitt, actually died by homicide.

  • Ashli Babbitt, a 35 year old veteran was shot in the neck by Capitol Police. She was a Trump supporter and has been smeared as a terrorist by the media. US Representative Paul Gosar called it an "execution".[13]
  • Benjamin Phillips, a 50 year old computer programmer from Pennsylvania suffered a stroke at an unknown time.
  • Kevin Greeson, a 55, year old Trump supporter from Athens, Alabama, died of a heart attack at an unknown time.
  • Rosanne Boyland, a 34 year old from Georgia died of an undisclosed medical emergency. The Gateway Pundit report that she too was killed by Capitol Police.[14]
  • Brian Sicknick, a 42 year old Capitol police officer died. Sicknick was a Trump supporting veteran of the War on Terror. He was also an Anti-war libertarian. The media and politicians claimed he was murdered by Trump supporters. The FBI changed its story[15] a few times about its “investigation” into his death. In April 2021, it was revealed that he had died at home of natural causes.[16]

Other questions

Why did security forces do (and not do) certain things?

How many agents provocateurs were actually present in the crowd?

An how many FBI informants in the leadership of the group does it take to make it a false flag event?

Why was exactly the discussion on election fraud in Congress interrupted by the rioters?

What amount of actual violence took place (very little or none), and how was it presented in corporate media?

Whose narrative does it serve; who ultimately benefited?

How does it play into the domestic terrorism narrative that is being heavily played up as the next great threat?

Was it a false flag to stop GOP senators from objecting to the certification of the election?



Related Quotations

Donald Trump/Presidency“Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!"”Donald Trump6 January 2021
Donald Trump/Presidency“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”Donald Trump6 January 2021
Rudy Giuliani“Over the next 10 days we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we're wrong we will be made fools of, but, if we're right a lot of them will go to jail so let's have trial by combat.”Rudy Giuliani6 January 2021
Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy“The riots on January 6th were a reminder that conspiracy theories are not simply the purview of kooks in basements connecting the dots. For human psychology, they are a dangerous and ever-present temptation, one that through the affirming appeal of collective effort has the power to undermine democracies, overthrow governments and set history on new courses. The threat they pose is a real one, and needs to be treated as such.”Dylan Barry16 July 2021
Mikhail Gorbachev“The storming of the capitol was clearly planned in advance, and it's obvious by whom”Mikhail Gorbachev7 January 2021



"Alt-right"A modern term used in US and western CCM-media to define conservative-aligned parts of the population that have strayed away from supporting the classic liberal and classic conservatism parties in favour of (sometimes) more reactive, violent or anti-governmental ideas and concepts, in a way similar to the positioning of Antifa in the political spectrum.
Capitol PoliceThe US Capitol police is tasked with protecting the US Capitol, receiving a budget of $500 million. Full of racial discrimination according to former personnel since the 2000s. Some dozen officers have been arrested in aiding the mob that attacked them in the 2021 Washington D.C. Riots.
FBIFormerly focused on "law enforcement", the Federal Bureau of Investigation has since 2013 been officially prioritising "national security". Director for life J. Edgar Hoover used it for multiple purposes over the decades - most notably muckraking for information to be used later as blackmail material.
Mike PencePolitician, Governor and former VP under Trump. Called a "decent guy" by Joe Biden. Called himself "Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order." Was named "to be hanged" by Trump mob and pressured Christopher C. Miller to deploy the national guard on January 6, the day of the D.C Capitol riots.


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:White House Must Establish Disinformation Defense and Free Expression Task Forceopen letter29 April 2021PEN America
Access Now
Andre Banks
Ashley Bryant
Win Black
Center for American Progress
Center for Democracy & Technology
Common Cause
Digital Democracy Project
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Free Press
Katy Byron
Poynter Institute
Public Knowledge
Simply Secure
Voto Latino
A number of alleged "free-speech organizations" begging to join the US government in implementing censorship in an Orwellian-named "Free Expression Task Force".


The Official Culprits

"Alt-right"A modern term used in US and western CCM-media to define conservative-aligned parts of the population that have strayed away from supporting the classic liberal and classic conservatism parties in favour of (sometimes) more reactive, violent or anti-governmental ideas and concepts, in a way similar to the positioning of Antifa in the political spectrum.
Donald TrumpBillionaire businessman puppet leader who was US president 2017-2021
Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. https://amgreatness.com/2021/02/19/no-proof-january-6-was-an-armed-insurrection/
  2. https://amgreatness.com/2021/05/16/video-shows-u-s-capitol-police-gave-protesters-ok-to-enter/
  3. https://sputniknews.com/us/202106161083162250-fbi-helped-organize-and-coordinate-capitol-unrest-tucker-carlson-claims-in-bombshell-report/
  4. https://nypost.com/2021/02/05/calls-for-bank-of-america-boycott-grow-after-data-given-to-fbi/
  5. https://sputniknews.com/us/202106161083162250-fbi-helped-organize-and-coordinate-capitol-unrest-tucker-carlson-claims-in-bombshell-report/
  6. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/press-release/file/1401076/download
  7. https://eu.freep.com/story/news/nation/2020/10/08/militia-members-charged-plot-against-michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmer/5923650002/
  8. https://thepostmillennial.com/two-seattle-cops-at-risk-of-being-fired-after-having-been-at-the-capitol-on-jan-6
  9. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/rep-matt-gaetz-demands-answers-on-fbi-infiltration-of-militia-groups-heading-into-jan-6-capitol-demonstration/
  10. https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/doc1/04518435991
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/legal-issues/guilty-plea-capitol-riot-sentencing/2021/06/02/b0bc0326-c3ae-11eb-93f5-ee9558eecf4b_story.html
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/01/08/woman-possibly-crushed-to-death-these-are-the-five-people-who-died-amid-pro-trump-riots/?sh=3bcb6824737c
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/06/16/paul-gosar-capitol-riot-babbitt/
  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/philip-anderson-capitol-police-killed-rosanne-boyland-know-holding-hand-died-audio/
  15. https://amgreatness.com/2021/02/08/what-happened-to-officer-brian-sicknick/
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56810371
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/florida-man-gets-1st-felony-sentence-role-capitol-riot-n1274353
