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'''Wikispooks is only very occasionally reported by {{ccm}}.'''
== 2024 ==
In April 2019, around 60% of pages were categorised as [[stubs]] (poor quality).<ref>[[Category_talk:Stubs#Less_than_60.25.21]]</ref> Tireless work by our editors has reduced this proportion although the number of pages has risen steadily. The proportion of stubs went below 50% in June 2021, 40% in May 2022 and in March 2024 it went below 1/3 for the first time. Just over 60% of our pages now have descriptions, up from around 1/3 in March 2021.
== June 2011==
=== 2 January ===
Sharing on [[Facebook]] about [[Andy Stewart]], whom [[Maria Farmer]] termed the "holy grail" of the [[Epstein affair]], who reportedly died suddenly in his sleep in 2020<ref>https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/epstein-victim-maria-farmer-speaks-with-whitney-webb-full-phone-call-part-1/</ref> broke the one day visit record, with 4,100 visitors to his page and 3,865 visits to the [[list of passengers on the Lolita Express]], bringing the total number of visitors to 10,931.<ref>https://wikispooks.com/piwik/index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&idSite=1&period=day&date=2024-01-02#/?module=Dashboard&action=embeddedIndex&idSite=1&period=day&date=2024-01-02</ref>
The site is now [[Wikipedia+|Wikipedia+ enabled]]. This is a browser extension designed to help people who read Wikipedia but who recognise that it reflects the establishment view and who are interested in reading alternative perspectives such as Wikispooks.
==19 August 2010==
'''The following is the text of the message sent to the Wikispooks mailing list on 19 August 2010:'''
This year saw the rolling out of [[large language models]] to the public. The site received increasing traffic from [[bots]] crawling the machine-readable ([[SMW|semantic]]) data which has been accruing here since it was introduced in [[2013]].
Part of the rationale for the WikiSpooks site concerns the impossibility of Wikipedia providing effective coverage of deep political issues which have the potential to seriously jeapardise key 'official narratives'. To expect balanced coverage on such matters is akin to expecting the encyclopedias of the day to have provided rigorous coverage of Gallileo's evidence on 'Heliocentism' when to do so was to invite excommunication or worse by the Catholic Church power structure of the day. In similar fashion, and in company with the rest of the Mainstream Media, stable articles on Wikipedia largely reflect the consensus view of 'experts' whose continued rank, position and place as 'experts' among their peers and society at large, is dependent upon them keeping criticism and questioning of 'the official narrative' within clearly understood (if unwritten) bounds. Coverage outside such bounds is permissible, but only if relegated to the category of 'conspiracy theory', an inane and meaningless pejorative, but one which has a life of its own. Its sole purpose is to pigeon-hole anything and anyone anointed with it to the equivalent of a lunatic asylum and thus better kept both out of sight and out of mind.
[[2022]] was a busy year. February was the second busiest month in the site's history, with over 3000 visits/day. The page count has climbed only slowly, as we've continued to focus on improving page quality rather than quantity, and the percentage of pages with descriptions surpassed 53%, while the proportion of [[stubs]] is now below 39%. The site's lists of [[WEF Young Global Leaders]] and [[WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow]] were the most highly trafficked pages from January through July.
[[image:record low bounce rate 2022-05-09.png|right|300px|A record low bounce rate for the site in early May 2022|thumb]]
===Zionist Shenanigans===
=== August ===
There are sub-sets of this global self-censoring mechanism which may manifest when a well organised group of Wikipedia monitors, authors and editors set out to influence content in pursuit of an agenda. In its third month of operation, WikiSpooks has stumbled upon a fascinating example of just such a sub-set in action. The evidence is of a group of Wikipedia editors rapidly coalescing around a carefully researched and properly referenced article, and using all the tools available to experienced senior Wikipedia people to remove and/or dramatically reduce coverage of events seen as damaging to Zionist Israel
The site surpassed 30,000 pages.
For full information see https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Israeli_art_scam.
=== May ===
A busy month after the Malone Institute linked in the site as a source for its lists of [[WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow]] and [[WEF Young Global Leaders]].
A related, if less blatant, example is at: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/2001_Israeli_Nerve_Gas_Attacks
=== March ===
As awareness of the role of the [[Bilderbergers]] and WEF in COVID-19 has grown, so has traffic to the [[WEF/GLT]] and [[WEF/YGL]] pages. The site had 112,267 visits this month, the second busiest month ever, behind May 2020.  
Both articles were provided by their original Wikipedia author. '''"The Israeli Art Scam"''' article is preceded by referenced details of its Wikipedia history.
===28 February ===
Widespread sharing of a links on [[telegram]], especially to [[WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1993]], lead to the busiest ever day from [[Germany]], with a total of 1,155 visits from that country (20%). It also meant that February 2022, with a grand total of 99,298 visits, was the busiest month since July 2020, and the 4th busiest to date.
Wikispooks does not have a view on the significance of the 'Art Scam' article beyond posing the question: "Would such blatant airbrushing of Israeli involvement really be warranted if the intent was merely to cover-up a relatively trivial financial scam?"
===21 February ===
A fix to [[Template:Concept]] pushed the proportion of [[pages without descriptions]] below 50% for the first time ever, down from 55% at the start of the year. The average visit length so far this year is 260s, up from 203s last year.
===The lessons===
=== January ===
[[image:Wikispooks search Traffic 2022-01-25.png|right|300px|thumbnail|Search traffic on 25 January 2022]]
The site had a busy month in January; both the number of visitors and the length of visits continues to rise. Average visit length in 2021 was 203 seconds, a 50% increase over 2020, and visit length continued its upward trajectory in 2022.
* If you want to know the truth about deep political issues - don't rely on Wikipedia.
* If you want to know the truth about Zionist Israel - don't expect to find it at Wikipedia.
* For pretty much anything else, Wikipedia probably IS your best option as a 'first-port-of-call' introduction to a subject.
In [[2021]], most editors have concentrated on improving the quality of existing pages rather than adding new ones. The year saw a steady rise in both average visit length and #pageviews/visit.
===Information for editors===
===20 November===
Today we concluded the [[Institute for Statecraft]]/[[Integrity Initiative]] documentation project. Each 157 of the documented members of this [[deep state faction]] has a page of their own, and there is a page for each of the [[Integrity Initiative Leak]]s, and one for each leaked document.
WikiSpooks is a collaborative project aimed at building a comprehensive reference source of deep political structures and events, together with the people and organisations connected to them. In company with 'Wikipedia' and other wiki-based projects, knowledgeable involvement with the site is invited.
===10-17 November===
Some hours after [https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/digital-vaccine-passports-surveillance-capitalism-covid-gates/ this page] linked to the site<ref>the [[years of lead]] link</ref>, Wikispooks was forced offline by a week long DDoS attack. The webhost reported it as 24Gb/s.  
WikiSpooks enforces an editorial policy designed to compensate for the blind-spots of  Wikipedia and other mainstream media. Principle tenets of the policy are:
===20 October===
A look at average visit time monthly shows that average visit length is now just under 4 minutes, almost twice what it was in November 2019.
* The veracity and accuracy of official announcements, documents, press releases etc should be treated as inversely proportional to the power, wealth, statutory - or other claimed - authority of their source.
===24 September===
* Any such information should be assumed to be in furtherance of a hidden - if more or less obvious - agenda and thus designed to mislead rather than to inform.
* Reputation, Position, Rank, Place etc., in Establishment hierarchies and protocols should be treated as pretentious conceits serving Establishment agendas (hidden or otherwise) and thus deserving of ridicule, satire and other forms of literary attack.
Until 2021, actions/visit was generally less than 3, and never more than 4. Commensurate with this year's focus on improving page quality, today had an unprecedented 4.7 actions/visit.
WikiSpooks also provides a secure anonymous file upload facility for whistleblowers wishing to put information into the public domain without revealing their identity.
===4 August===
The site now has 10,000 pages with descriptions. (Only 15,000 to go ...) Descriptions are particularly useful, since they automatically appear in multiple pages, so adding one description can improve many pages at once.
===26 July===
As if to underline yesterday's thought, the site was offline for 8 hours after an unidentified technical problem believed unrelated [[Cyber Polygon]].  
The Wikispooks site is hosted in the Irish Republic.
===25 July===
Today the proportion of pages with a description passed 40%, for the first time ever. Congratulations all round!<ref>9911/24718 pages</ref>
The [https://wikispooks.com/backups/wikispooks-latest.zip backup file] reached 10GB today, which is not all that big nowadays - ''all supporters are encouraged to [[Project:Site Backups|download regular backups]] in case the site goes offline for any reason, which looks not unlikely in these uncertain times.
==3 July 2010==
===10 July===
Lots of behind the scenes techie stuff done in the past couple of weeks:
[[image:2021-07-10-search-engine-traffic.png|right|thumb|360px|The first recorded day in which this site had more referrals from [[DuckDuckGo]] than [[Google]].]] The [https://wikispooks.com/piwik/index.php live statistics] revealed [[censorship by Google]], steadily increasing over the last few years, now at record levels - more visitors from [[DuckDuckGo]] than [[Google]], probably for the first time ever.
* Traffic to and from the entire site is now available encrypted using a Starfield Technologies Standard SSL certificate. This guarantees that you are communicating with the bona-fide operator of the 'wikispooks.com' domain and encrypts all traffic so that anything intercepted between your browser and the WikiSpooks server will be gobbledygook.
*The [https://wikispooks.com/anon/anon-ul.html anonymous upload form] no longer uses Flash. It too is available over SSL which means that both message and and uploaded files are also encrypted.
*Encrypted messages intended for WikiSpooks can now be left on the Yahoo [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/pgpboard/ pgpboard]. Messages should be encrypted using the [[WikiSpooks:PGP Public Key|WikiSpooks PGP public key]]  
*'Fail2Ban' installed on the server to screw all those persistent brute-force attempts to break in.
*'Spider-Trap' installed on the server to screw all those bad-mannered, bandwidth-consuming bots that ignore the 'Robots.txt' file.
*'PiWik' stats package installed so that useful management statistics on pages accessed, referring sites etc, can be collected without the need to retain server log files and IP addresses.
I just keep plugging away and hope to garner one or two interested parties to help develop this thing before long.  
===1 July===
Crowdfunding covered the webhosting bill of [[Wikispooks]] for the first time ever.
'''Help WILL be needed''' if it is to get anywhere close to its stated objective so, '''Any offers?'''
===21 June===
For the first time in many years, the proportion of [[stub]] pages on the site went below 50%, at around 11,500 pages!
[[image:2021-04-12-search-engine-traffic.png|right|thumb|360px|In Spring 2021, Google is believed to have stepped up its censorship of this site; at the start of the year, around 1/2 of the site's traffic came from Google, by mid year, that proportion had shrunk to around 1/4.]]
==12 June 2010==
===17 February===
A brief update:
The proportion of pages with a description surpassed 1/3 for the first time ever.<ref>7880/23619 Pages</ref>
As of this morning the site has a total of 1,104 articles documents and files posted. Many of the files remain uncategorised; many of the pages need extra work - most of them lots of it.
The site had 84170 visitors in January, after which it was subjected to increasing censorship by [[Google]].
I haven't done any more site promotion because I'm acutely aware of a host of security-related and software enhancement things that need attention - ALL of them distracting and time-consuming - and I am immersed in trying to get a reasonably comprehensive category-tree framework plus substantial content up - even if only in outline.
==2010 to 2020==
The '[[:Category:Spooks|Spooks]]' '[[:Category:Israel Lobby|Israel Lobby]]' and '[[:Category:Northern Ireland|Northern Ireland]]' categories (accessible from the left hand 'category tree' menu option) are particularly well populated (Thanks in large part to [[SpinProfiles]] and [[Wikileaks]]) - though all need masses of additional input. The whole thing to date makes me realise what a mammoth task it will be to do an 'alternative' encyclopedia of Deep Events justice. I certainly won't be able to on my own!. Still, time-enough for approaches to disgruntled Wikipedia editors when it has (if it gets??) a bit more credibility eh?
''For older News, see [[Wikispooks:History]]''
It currently averages just over 300 unique visitors per day equating to 4000-5000 page loads - which of course means that its content is effectively hidden from the Lumpen and therefore probably of little interest to you know who - yet anyway. Googlebot and other greedy slurping bots are constantly trawling though it and account for over 10% of bandwidth consumed - I'd love to figure out a way of charging them
Right now I still intend to just keep plugging away and maybe give it a proper launch/push when the inclination to do so strikes. --[[User:Peter|Peter P]] 11:56, 12 June 2010 (IST)
{{Template:Wikispooks Footer/About}}
==24th May 2010==
*Just over 50,000 page loads in three days equating to 2,500 unique visitors.
Need to sort out the precise meaning of those AWstats reports. MediaWiki probably causes 2-5 log entries per actual page rendered because the ratio of pages to visitors seems a bit cockeyed.
==Launch scheduled for the weekend of 22-23 May 2010==
*Mailing list Launch announcement email to go out on Sunday - Content [[Project:Launch announcement email|here]]
*Cryptome article published Saturday - See [http://cryptome.org/0001/wikispooks.htm here]
*New thread on Deep Politics Forum [http://www.deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3905&highlight=Peter+Presland here]
*Brief Sabretache blog teaser [http://sabretache.blogspot.com/2010/05/wikispooks.html#links here]
*Multiple postings on various social networking sites

Latest revision as of 19:00, 26 May 2024


Wikispooks is only very occasionally reported by commercially-controlled media.


In April 2019, around 60% of pages were categorised as stubs (poor quality).[1] Tireless work by our editors has reduced this proportion although the number of pages has risen steadily. The proportion of stubs went below 50% in June 2021, 40% in May 2022 and in March 2024 it went below 1/3 for the first time. Just over 60% of our pages now have descriptions, up from around 1/3 in March 2021.

2 January

Sharing on Facebook about Andy Stewart, whom Maria Farmer termed the "holy grail" of the Epstein affair, who reportedly died suddenly in his sleep in 2020[2] broke the one day visit record, with 4,100 visitors to his page and 3,865 visits to the list of passengers on the Lolita Express, bringing the total number of visitors to 10,931.[3]


This year saw the rolling out of large language models to the public. The site received increasing traffic from bots crawling the machine-readable (semantic) data which has been accruing here since it was introduced in 2013.


2022 was a busy year. February was the second busiest month in the site's history, with over 3000 visits/day. The page count has climbed only slowly, as we've continued to focus on improving page quality rather than quantity, and the percentage of pages with descriptions surpassed 53%, while the proportion of stubs is now below 39%. The site's lists of WEF Young Global Leaders and WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow were the most highly trafficked pages from January through July.

A record low bounce rate for the site in early May 2022


The site surpassed 30,000 pages.


A busy month after the Malone Institute linked in the site as a source for its lists of WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow and WEF Young Global Leaders.


As awareness of the role of the Bilderbergers and WEF in COVID-19 has grown, so has traffic to the WEF/GLT and WEF/YGL pages. The site had 112,267 visits this month, the second busiest month ever, behind May 2020.

28 February

Widespread sharing of a links on telegram, especially to WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1993, lead to the busiest ever day from Germany, with a total of 1,155 visits from that country (20%). It also meant that February 2022, with a grand total of 99,298 visits, was the busiest month since July 2020, and the 4th busiest to date.

21 February

A fix to Template:Concept pushed the proportion of pages without descriptions below 50% for the first time ever, down from 55% at the start of the year. The average visit length so far this year is 260s, up from 203s last year.


Search traffic on 25 January 2022

The site had a busy month in January; both the number of visitors and the length of visits continues to rise. Average visit length in 2021 was 203 seconds, a 50% increase over 2020, and visit length continued its upward trajectory in 2022.


Record average visit length in 2021.png

In 2021, most editors have concentrated on improving the quality of existing pages rather than adding new ones. The year saw a steady rise in both average visit length and #pageviews/visit.

20 November

Today we concluded the Institute for Statecraft/Integrity Initiative documentation project. Each 157 of the documented members of this deep state faction has a page of their own, and there is a page for each of the Integrity Initiative Leaks, and one for each leaked document.

10-17 November

Some hours after this page linked to the site[4], Wikispooks was forced offline by a week long DDoS attack. The webhost reported it as 24Gb/s.

20 October

2021-10 increasing time per visit.png

A look at average visit time monthly shows that average visit length is now just under 4 minutes, almost twice what it was in November 2019.

24 September

4.7 actions per visit.png

Until 2021, actions/visit was generally less than 3, and never more than 4. Commensurate with this year's focus on improving page quality, today had an unprecedented 4.7 actions/visit.

4 August

The site now has 10,000 pages with descriptions. (Only 15,000 to go ...) Descriptions are particularly useful, since they automatically appear in multiple pages, so adding one description can improve many pages at once.

26 July

As if to underline yesterday's thought, the site was offline for 8 hours after an unidentified technical problem believed unrelated Cyber Polygon.

25 July

Today the proportion of pages with a description passed 40%, for the first time ever. Congratulations all round![5] The backup file reached 10GB today, which is not all that big nowadays - all supporters are encouraged to download regular backups in case the site goes offline for any reason, which looks not unlikely in these uncertain times.

10 July

The first recorded day in which this site had more referrals from DuckDuckGo than Google.

The live statistics revealed censorship by Google, steadily increasing over the last few years, now at record levels - more visitors from DuckDuckGo than Google, probably for the first time ever.

1 July

Crowdfunding covered the webhosting bill of Wikispooks for the first time ever.

21 June

For the first time in many years, the proportion of stub pages on the site went below 50%, at around 11,500 pages!

In Spring 2021, Google is believed to have stepped up its censorship of this site; at the start of the year, around 1/2 of the site's traffic came from Google, by mid year, that proportion had shrunk to around 1/4.

17 February

The proportion of pages with a description surpassed 1/3 for the first time ever.[6]


The site had 84170 visitors in January, after which it was subjected to increasing censorship by Google.

2010 to 2020


For older News, see Wikispooks:History


Wikispooks logo.png
Policy.png Wikispooks to do.png Tools2.png SMW.png Help.png