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Bernard Kouchner1 November 1939Bilderberg French politician, 3 times French Health minister, founded Médecins Sans Frontières and Médecins du Monde, attended 2005 pandemic planning exercise Atlantic Storm
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski3 October 1938Bankster who attended the 1988 Bilderberg as an ex Peruvian Minister of Energy and Mines. Later President of Peru. Resigned after certain videos were released.
Aleksander Kwaśniewski15 November 1954As President of Poland, let the CIA run a secret prison on Polish territory
Hwang Kyo-ahn15 April 1954
Choi Kyu-hah16 July 191922 October 2006
John Laird23 April 1944
Joaquim Levy17 February 1961Attended a WEF Annual Meeting while Finance Minister of Brazil
Antonio Maccanico4 August 192423 April 2013Italian politician
Paulo Macedo14 July 1963Single Bilderberg Portuguese Minister of Health
John Mann10 January 1960UK Labour Party politician
Stephanos Manos20 December 1939Greek politician who went to the 1986, 1993 and 2001 Bilderbergs
Guillermo Ortiz Martínez21 July 1948Governor of the Bank of Mexico 1998-2009
James Mattis8 September 1950“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
Scott McClellan14 February 1968White House Press Secretary (2003–06) for President George W. Bush who later wrote that Bush sold the Iraq war to Americans using a sophisticated "political propaganda campaign" aimed at "manipulating sources of public opinion" and "downplaying the major reason for going to war."
Michael McDowell29 May 1951Irish lawyer
Dmitry Medvedev14 September 1965President then Prime Minister of Russia
Patrick Mercer26 June 1956
Konstantinos Mitsotakis18 October 191829 May 2017Attended the 1993 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Greece
Hartland de M. Molson29 May 190728 September 2002Canadian politician
Jean Monnet9 November 188816 March 1979French deep state operative, Le Cercle, the most powerful man in France without a ministerial office.
Mario Monti19 March 1943Prime Minister of Italy. Bilderberg Steering committee. 27 Bilderbergs from 1983 to 2015
Michael Morell4 September 195833 years in the CIA, twice acting director
Oswald Mosley16 November 18963 December 1980Rose to fame in the 1930s as the British Union of Fascists (BUF).
Ralph Nader27 February 1934Might possibly be something very rare, a politician who is not corrupt!
George Norris11 July 18612 September 1944
David Owen2 July 1938UK politician who attended the 1973, 1982 and 1993 Bilderbergs
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa23 July 194018 December 2010Italian Minister of Economy and Finances, Bilderberg steering committee
Corrado Passera30 December 1954Italian Bilderberg banker
Ross Perot27 June 19309 July 2019US businessman politician who withdrew from the 1992 US Presidential election after GHWB ordered him "neutralized"
Jane Philpott23 November 1960Canadian cabinet minister who was forced out by Justin Trudeau
Andris Piebalgs17 September 1957Attended the 2006 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Energy
Antoine Pinay30 December 189113 December 1994Multi-Bilderberg French deep politician, chairman and eponymous head of the Pinay Cercle
Manuel Pinho28 October 1954Portuguese Bilderberger economist
Sebastián Piñera1 December 19496 February 2024Elected twice President of Chile
Petro Poroshenko26 September 1965Attended at least 4 WEF annual meetings during his 5 year term as President of Ukraine
Larry Pressler29 March 1942Attended the 1993 Bilderberg as United States Senator from South Dakota
Yevgeny Primakov29 October 192926 June 2015Primakov is associated with Russia's transition from a decade of Atlanticism to a course towards a multi-polar foreign policy.
Romano Prodi9 August 1939Multi-Bilderberger Prime Minister of Italy
Vladimir Putin7 October 1952President of Russia, Russian deep politician.
Abd al-Karim QasimNovember 1914February 1963n Iraqi Army brigadier and nationalist who came to power in 1958 coup. Deposed in 1963 coup, possibly orchestrated by the CIA.
Iris Robinson6 September 1949
Eduardo Rodríguez2 March 1956Harvard-educated judge who became Interim President of Bolivia in 2005.
Dave Rubin26 June 1976An American political commentator. A critic of Big Tech.
Jacques Rueff23 August 189623 April 1978Mont Pelerin Society, 1958 and 1959 Bilderberg
Renato Ruggiero9 April 19304 August 2013Italian politician who discussed "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Heavy Bilderberg habit, WTO/Director-General
André Saint-Mleux25 September 19207 October 2012Witnessed the 1959 and 1960 Bilderbergs, Minister of State of Monaco from 1972-1981
Bernie Sanders8 September 1941US Senator from Vermont and Democratic Party presidential candidate in several elections
Joe Scarborough9 April 1963Famous US TV host. Had an intern die violently in suspicious circumstances and made jokes about it.
Mary Schapiro19 June 1955Chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under Obama
Faiza Shaheen1982