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Melbourne Club1838Australian deep state milieu
Milner Group/Inner CircleA deep state milieu of great importance around a century ago, when the Milner Group was the de facto UK Deep state.
Milner Group/Outer Circle
Moscow State Institute of International Relations1944Educates very many of Russia's political, economic, and intellectual elite
Munich Security Conference1963Series of annual "Russophobia-drenched" conferences since 1963 on international security policy.
NATO/Defense College19 November 1951Meeting place for policy makers and military officers.
Nobody's Friends21 June 1800A a highly secretive UK dining club centred on a strong core of bishops, ex-Tory ministers and former military top brass,representing Britain's most entrenched professions and institutions. Many members have either been UK/VIPaedophile, or spent considerable effort covering up for fellow establishment child abusers.
Norwegian Defence University College2002Offers 'leadership courses' for key military and civilian decision-makers
O'Connell Street AssociatesA group of 20 prominent non-executive directors who share premises on the sixth level of Number 2 O'Connell Street in the heart of Sydney's CBD
Office of Strategic Services13 June 194230 September 1945Precursor to the CIA.
Propaganda Due19451981"A state within a state", the Masonic lodge most deeply involved in Operation Gladio, apparently used by the CIA to subvert the Italian state.
Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George1545 JL
Safari Club1 September 19761980A 'supranational deep state' - an informal international intelligence agency formed as a result of increasing pressure to expose wrongdoing by the US intelligence agencies and a consequent decision to seek alternative, more private organisations from which to operate.
Scientific Advisory Group for EmergenciesSecretive group with "about 60" members and an uncertain amount of influence over the UK government on certain topics, such as the UK Covid lockdown. Ian Boyd claimed that the group's membership must be kept secret to protect it from "dark forces".
Scientism/Invisible CollegeMost respected scientists with a secret mission to influence government and make "science" an autocratic ideology or "world religion"
Shield19761979A secret committee set up by radical right-wing activists and former intelligence officers in the UK in 1976. Their aim was quite possibly to get Margaret thatcher elected.
Sierra Club28 May 1892Front group for the WWF, 1001 Club, Club of Rome and similar misanthropic Population reductionists
Skull and Bones1832The most elite US secret society, largely unknown until its influence was publicised by Antony Sutton, who highlighted in particular its members' apparently insatiable desire for power and their mutual loyalty in spite often of public antagonism.
Society of Jesus1540 JL
Stellenbosch University1918A key institution in the deep state Broederbond during the Apartheid era.
Sullivan & Cromwell1879Notorious New York law firm used by the Dulles brothers.
Swedish Military Interpreter School1957Its alumni are deep state operatives placed around society
The 1001 Club1970A nature trust started by a billionaire businessman and a co-founder of the Bilderberg Group, which raises funds for the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The European House - Ambrosetti1965Brings together more than 300 members from the top management of both national and multinational companies active in Italy. "We’ve called them elite, and we don’t think we’re wrong. A select group that thinks, discusses and develops an invaluable perspective which is then made available to all. For the good of the country"
The Good Club5 May 200914 of the world's richest people come together to plan against overpopulation
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies2007A vital, mostly overlooked Dutch think-tank operating in the parliamentary quarter of The Hague. One of the biggest data centres working closely with multiple Dutch ministries. The prolific alliance of founders make its ties to the Dutch Deep state and Military-industrial complex highly plausible.
The Norwegian Armed Forces Intelligence School1958Norwegian intelligence school
The Other Club1911Winston Churchill & Oswald Moseley's secret group
The Pilgrims Society16 July 1902A very low profile group that has been in operation for over a century and has Elizabeth Regina as its patron. Members include ministers, diplomats, CEOs and others. Who knows what this "dining society" discusses over dinner?...
Trilateral CommissionJuly 1973A big money think tank with members drawn from US, Japan and Europe
Turkish Industry and Business Association1971Possible deep state milieu, under suspicion because it so well represented at the Bilderberg. Identifies with Western interests.
University of Pennsylvania1740Philadelphia university with mayor deep state activities
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs1958"A research center for international affairs"
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars1968Influential and discreet Washington think tank
World Wildlife Fund
Yonsei University1885Admission is widely regarded as determining one's career and social status in life