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Concept.png Privatisation 
Interest of• Vittorio Barattieri
• Boston Consulting Group
• McKinsey & Company
• Mont Pelerin Society

Privatisation is the transferal of organisations from public to private ownership. It is the reverse of nationalisation and a primary policy of neoliberalism.

Official narrative

Improving efficiency... will be great!

De Facto

Reagan and Thatcher[1] were leaders of the economic charge ... since then airlines, roads, railroads, postal services, electric and water utilities have been privatised. Throughout the most affected countries people tend to agree that services have not improved, often enough worsened, but prices have gone up significantly.[2]


Public utilities, roads, railway companies, etc. have all been built by the combined effort of the people of a nation state. This is the why these assets should have never been up for sale without debate/referendum.

Eastern Europe

Viktor Yushchenko called the privatisation in Ukraine during the 90s openly theft.[3]

Intelligence privatisation in the US

Full article: United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation

"In the post-9/11 rush to beef up intelligence, the government has outsourced everything from spy satellites to covert operations.[4] - Tim Shorrock (2005)

Other effects

Full article: Revolving door

With increased privatisation the effect of the revolving door has become very common, which can lead to regulatory capture.

External links



Page nameDescription
Private finance initiative
United States Intelligence Community/PrivatisationThe US has outsourced much of it's intelligence capacity to private companies.


Related Quotations

Tony BlairThatcher deliberately and cruelly wrecked the social democratic society in which I grew up, with the aim of destroying any ability for working people to be protected against the whims of the wealthy. But Thatcher never introduced privatisation into the NHS or state schools – that was her acolyte Blair. She maintained free university education in England and Wales. That was destroyed by Blair too.”Craig Murray
Tony Blair
25 July 2019
Mark Rutte“Vision is like an elephant that robs your view. (...) When I think of the word "vision" I immediately think: go see an ophthalmologist!.”Mark Rutte
United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation“I've got murderers who have access to classified information. I have rapists, I have pedophiles, I have people involved in child porn. I have all these things at the interim clearance level, and I’m pulling their clearances on a weekly basis.”Daniel Payne2018
United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation“[...]child pornography — as many as 1,700 names, according to a U.S. senator, on a list of 5,200 from an Internet sting operation overlooked the first time around four years ago. Only now are they supposedly getting a second look, and only after pressure from investigative reporters and the U.S. senator you're about to hear from, Republican Charles Grassley. [...]

According to DCIS documents revealed in a Freedom of Information Act request, out of that 3,500, investigators uncovered 264 employees or contractors, including staffers for the secretary of defense and contractors at the NSA. Nine people had top security clearances.

But only about 20 percent of those 264 people were completely investigated. Fewer still were prosecuted, and about eight months — after about eight months, the entire probe was halted. It left about 1,700 names totally unchecked, 1,700 alleged kiddie porn customers, an unknown number of whom may still work in some capacity for the Defense Department.

Late last summer, after investigations by "The Boston Globe" and Yahoo! News revealed the figures, a Pentagon spokesman promised to reopen the investigation, conceding that DCIS had stopped due to lack of resources. DCIS says it is now revisiting all 5,200 names, telling Senator's Grassley staff they have now identified 302 employees or staffers. [...]

But Senator Grassley says he is still not getting the cooperation he needs from the Pentagon.”
Anderson Cooper2011


Related Documents

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