Convention on the Future of Europe
The Convention on the Future of the European Union,[1] also known as the European Convention, was a handpicked body established by the European Council in December 2001 as a result of the Laeken Declaration. Inspired by the Philadelphia Convention that led to the adoption of the United States federal Constitution, its purpose was to produce a draft constitution for the European Union for the Council to finalise and adopt. The Convention finished its work in July 2003 with their Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. .[2]
On 18 July 2003, the President of the Convention, Giscard d'Estaing, presented in Rome the fruit of the Convention's work: the draft treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.
This draft was the starting point for a long discussion that ended - in the specially convened Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) - with various modifications to the original draft, which merged into the [[European Constitution] signed by the Member States of the Union on 29 October 2004.
The amendments cancelled the increase in the powers of the European Commission and maintain the power of veto on foreign and fiscal policy in the hands of individual states: but "above all, the principle of democratic legitimacy remains firmly anchored in the twenty-five capitals of the EU.
Known Participants
25 of the 206 of the participants already have pages here:
Participant | Description |
Peter Altmaier | German politician who was Head of the Chancellery 2013-2018. |
Robert Badinter | French judge and politician who gave the legal fig leaf for the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. Did favors for the Rothschild family. Husband of Elisabeth Badinter |
Josep Borrell | Spanish Euro-politician in the forefront of a censorship drive. Attended his first Bilderberg in 2023 |
Elmar Brok | lobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular |
John Bruton | Club de Madrid, Triple Bilderberger Irish politician |
Henning Christophersen | Danish politician. An early architect of the Single Market and the Euro. 3 Bilderbergs |
Jean-Luc Dehaene | Attended the 2004 Bilderberg as former Prime Minister of Belgium |
Kemal Derviş | UNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings |
Olivier Duhamel | President of the deep state club Le Siècle. He organized many events with the French intelligentsia, involving a lot of sex and alcohol and mixing adults and children. |
Joschka Fischer | German Bilderberg politician who was the main driver in transforming the Green Party from pacifism to hyper-militarism. |
Valery Giscard d'Estaing | Rothschild bankster who was President of France from 1974 to 1981, Bilderberger |
Abdullah Gul | President of Turkey 2007-2014, Attended the Halifax International Security Forum/2014, Munich Security Conference/2015, WEF/Annual Meeting/2007, member of the US/Department/State/International Visitor Leadership Program |
Peter Hain | UK politician on the House of Lords/COVID-19 Committee |
Timothy Kirkhope | A member of the European Parliament |
Ernani Rodrigues Lopes | Portuguese politician & economist responsible for the accession talks to the EU. Attended Bilderberg/1985. |
Hanja Maij-Weggen | Helped illegal drug trade with badly secured railway projects from Germany to Rotterdam. Covered up Mossad-connection to Bijlmer disaster. |
Ana Palacio | Spanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum |
Poul Schlüter | |
Patricia Scotland | |
Gisela Stuart | Attended the MSCs from 2009-2015 |
Antonio Tajani | Italian politician and European Commissioner who became Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2022 |
Erwin Teufel | German CDU politician. Attended the 1991 Bilderberg |
Teija Tiilikainen | Finnish security bureaucrat working to push Finland into NATO. |
Frans Timmermans | Spooky Dutch Bilderberger politician who was Foreign Minister during the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and played an important role in the following propaganda campaign. As EU Commissioner, responsible for introducing Agenda 2030 directives designed to reduce both home ownership and the farming sector by demanding new very costly inputs. Also wants GMO crops. |
António Vitorino | TriBilderberg Portuguese politician/judge |