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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A head of MI6". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Document:The Elite the Great Game and World War III  + (A global economic system erected on inhuman and predatory values, where a few possess more wealth than the billions of hungry put together, will end, but the end will be painful and bloody)
  • Wood Mackenzie  + (A global energy, chemicals, renewables, metals and mining research and consultancy group)
  • European Broadcasting Union  + (A global media organisation.)
  • "Bailout"  + (A globally organised shift of money from ordinary taxpayers to the already hyper-rich who control the banking and political systems.)
  • Document:Invasions of the Mind Snatchers  + (A good introduction to the current templatA good introduction to the current template and modus-operandi of US/NATO-sponsored "Regime-change" operations which began with the destruction of Yugoslavia and have been repeated in at least a dozen countries in so-called "colour revolutions" and the "Arab Spring" in the decade or so sincehe "Arab Spring" in the decade or so since)
  • Document:Who was the Maidan sniper mastermind?  + (A good overall introduction to the false-flag nature of the Kiev Maidan sniper events in February 2014 that triggered the flight of President Yanukovitch and the installation of the 22 February coup Junta)
  • User:Robin  + (A good start for understanding this group which appears to be a [[UK Deep state]] effort to promote Russophobia and attempting to kick of a [[New Cold War]].)
  • Deputy prime minister  + (A government minister who can take the position of acting prime minister when the prime minister is temporarily absent)
  • Zionist Occupied Government  + (A government which is heavily influenced by the Zionist world view. It can also denote Jewish membership of a government which is grossly out of proportion to the Jewish population of the country as a whole.)
  • Winston Churchill II  + (A grandson of [[Winston Churchill]], visited [[Le Cercle]])
  • Mark McGowan (Australian politician)  + (A gray politician who came to prominence during the COVID-19 deep event. The tyrannical Premier of Western Australia.)
  • Giannos Kranidiotis  + (A greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.)
  • John Pesmazoglou  + (A greek economist, member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who was repeatedly denied a passport by the Greek government.)
  • Operation Gladio (film)  + (A groundbreaking documentary which did more than any other to publicise the existence of [[Operation Gladio]] - [[NATO]]-sponsored [[False flag]] terrorism in Western Europe.)
  • The Reagan Method  + (A groundbreaking documentary which puts a huge amount of Cold War psychological warfare in context)
  • Global Commission on Drug Policy  + (A group critical of the "[[war on drugs]]", which "advocates decriminalizing [[drug]] use by those who do no harm to others.")
  • American Australian Association  + (A group designed to create a cadre of influential [[Australian]]s loyal to the [[United States]])
  • Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies  + (A group directed by [[Jelena Milić]] (of the [[Integrity Initiative]]))
  • "Independent Police Complaints Commission"  + (A group interested in complaints about the [[UK police]])
  • Lancet/COVID-19 Commission  + (A group lead by [[Peter Daszak]])
  • O'Connell Street Associates  + (A group of 20 prominent non-executive directors who share premises on the sixth level of Number 2 O'Connell Street in the heart of [[Sydney]]'s CBD)
  • 9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis  + (A group of 5 Israelis, including Mossad agents, who were "documenting" the 9-11 event under cover of [[Urban Moving Systems]]. Arrested on the day after suspicious behaviour.)
  • Cornerstone Group  + (A group of Conservative MPs.)
  • Working Group on Syria Propaganda and Media  + (A group of UK academics that [[Piers Robinson]] convened due to a shared interest in [[Propaganda]] surrounding [[Syria]])
  • Team B  + (A group of hawks to talk up the Soviet threat.)
  • Society  + (A group of individuals with common interest and culture.)
  • American Committee for Peace in Chechnya  + (A group of neocon warmongers showing a touching concern for the Russian separatist province of Chechnya.)
  • Sam Adams Associates  + (A group of retired [[CIA]] officers who give an annual award to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics)
  • Birmingham Six  + (A group of six Irishmen sentenced in 1975 A group of six Irishmen sentenced in 1975 to life imprisonment for carrying out the [[Birmingham pub bombings]] who were freed 16 years later and had their convictions quashed after it emerged that police had forged incriminating evidence and suppressed exonerating evidence.dence and suppressed exonerating evidence.)
  • Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican  + (A group of wealthy people working with the Vatican...)
  • US/Senate/Watergate Committee  + (A group officially intended to investigate wrongdoing in connection to [[Watergate]].)
  • House October Surprise Task Force  + (A group tasked with creating an official narrative to explain away evidence of the October Surprise conspiracy.)
  • Howbadismybatch  + (A group that looked at the [[VAERS database]] and found that some batches of the "Covid 19 vaccine" are way more likely to cause harm than others.)
  • Hammarskjöld Commission  + (A group to report whether there was evidence enough to justify a reopening of the UN inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld. Their September 2013 verdict: '''Yes''')
  • Council for Democracy and Tolerance  + (A group which collaborated on the 2007 [[Collapse of Europe conference]].)
  • Document:The Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation  + (A guide to Russian disinformation, an ideological prep guide for dedicated II operatives)
  • File:Understanding 911 and 911 wars.pdf  + (A guide to understanding the events of 9-11 and the resulting wars for which it became the casus belli)
  • Jimi Hendrix  + (A guitarist and singer who died of a [[drug overdose]].)
  • Saifullah Paracha v. George W. Bush  + (A habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of a prisoner of [[Guantanamo Bay]].)
  • Aaron Swartz  + (A hacker who died a suspicious death after using his talents to promote freedom of information)
  • James Dolan  + (A hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]]A hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]] and who like Swartz, died by suicide. Some question the circumstances.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>/a></sup>)
  • Document:The Network of Networks  + (A handbook for Integrity Initiative activities, including starting clusters)
  • File:Hasbara Handbook.pdf  + (A handbook for students on how to promote Israel in Universities)
  • File:Britain's Israeli Lobby.pdf  + (A hard look at the influence of Israel in the politics of the UK)
  • Document:Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Bidders  + (A hard-hitting article on the Edward Snowden affair. Its author speaks with considerable authority on matters concerning intel/security whistle-blowing matters in the USA)
  • Document:Dishonesty and the Science-Policy Interface  + (A hard-hitting indictment of Western ScienA hard-hitting indictment of Western Scientific Establishments in glossing over the issue of nuclear safety, and attacking those, such as Busby, who are independently researching the effects of ionising radiation on human health. Powerful interests clearly feel threatened by Dr Busby's work and are seeking to suborn the scientific process to their own ends whatever the catastrophic effects on human health of disasters such as health of disasters such as Fukushima.)
  • File:Bloody Vengeance in Sirte.pdf  + (A harrowing report on the final days of [[Muammar Gaddafi]]A harrowing report on the final days of [[Muammar Gaddafi]], notable less for its background analysis of the 2011 [[NATO]] sponsored [[Libyan conflict]], or its recommendations which are standard fare but pointedly fail to even mention Foreign/NATO culpability which is assumed to have been legitimate, but rather for an authoritative account of just one small instance of the raw barbarity which NATO played such a major part in enabling - under the banner of '[[Humanitarian Intervention]]'.[[Humanitarian Intervention]]'.)
  • Document:The Simony of the German Bishops  + (A harsh and theologically unanswerable critique of the German '''Kirchensteuer''' tax which effectively bars German Catholics from Church sacraments should they decline to pay it.)
  • Free Syrian Police  + (A hastily re-branded Western proxy force in Syria.)
  • Committee for the Liberation of Iraq  + (A hawkish lobby group)
  • 1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash  + (A helicopter crash incident which killed all on board, including almost all the UK's senior Northern Ireland intelligence experts.)
  • Glyphosate  + (A herbicide heavily promoted by Monsanto, increasingly being agreed to be a [[carcinogen]].)
  • AE911 Truth  + (A high profile 9/11 truth group, including over 2300 qualified architects and engineers)
  • Jill Dando  + (A high profile BBC TV presenter shot dead in front of her house.)
  • TR-3 Black Manta  + (A high-tech experimental reconnaissance [[black project]]-[[plane]] from [[Lockheed]] accused of being responsible for a few [[UFO]] sightings.)
  • Cocaine  + (A highly addictive drug which has been illegal worldwide since 1961. Its smuggling is a huge money earner for the [[CIAD|CIA]].)
  • Congress for Cultural Freedom  + (A highly funded ant-Soviet propaganda project.)
  • Percy Sillitoe  + (A highly reputed policeman who was brought in as an outsider to regularise MI5.)
  • 2017 Manchester bombing  + (A highly suspicious 2017 bombing in Manchester, UK, that reportedly killed 22 people and injured hundreds. Provided a pretext for suspending campaigning in the [[UK/2017 General Election]])
  • Diana Spencer/Premature death  + (A highly suspicious event.)
  • Oklahoma City bombing  + (A highly suspicious terrorist bombing that was initially blamed on "Muslims", then on [[lone nuts]] [[Timothy McVeigh]] and [[Terry Nichols]]. Many questions remain answered about the [[official narrative]].)
  • Ilya Mamantov  + (A highly suspicious translator of [[Marina Oswald]]'s testimony.)
  • Sodium azide  + (A highly toxic chemical present in the self-administered antibody COVID test kit "flying off the shelves" by the end of 2021.)
  • TWA Flight 847  + (A hijacking by two men who sought the release of 700 Shi'ite Muslims from [[Israel]]i custody.)
  • Document:The IMF Bank Job  + (A hilarious piece of satire - but closer to the truth about who calls the shots on events surrounding the Ukraine coup and what it really about, than any or all of the western MSM talking-heads combined.)
  • Illusion  + (A hindrance to perceiving reality)
  • John Simkin  + (A historian and researcher into [[deep politics]] who started the [[Spartacus Educational]] website)
  • Johannes Großmann  + (A historian interested in deep politics.)
  • James Bacque  + (A historian who exposed allied war crimes at the end of [[WW2]].)
  • Document:Washington Considers Military Action Against North Korea to Force Regime Change  + (A history of Post-WWII US military threats against North Korea leading to the latest escalation in Spring 2017, with due weight given to the North Korean perspective)
  • Defamation Factory  + (A history of the [[Anti-Defamation League]] (ADL). It reveals an ugly and unsavory pattern of political intrigue and ideological fanaticism which, over the years, has paved the way for the ADL’s tainted journey to the corridors of power)
  • Internet history  + (A history that is being erased; the [[history]] of the [[internet]] and [[technology]].)
  • Al-Aqsa Mosque  + (A holy place in Islam and Judaism)
  • Deletionpedia  + (A home for pages which are deleted from Wikipedia.)
  • Hotel  + (A hotel is a building that provides lodging, meals, and other services to the traveling public on a commercial basis.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Angel Fire  + (A hub of deep state guns and drug running in the 1980s, similar to [[Mena]], Arkansas, but much less known.)
  • Panama Papers  + (A huge (2.6TB) cache of confidential documA huge (2.6TB) cache of confidential documents created by the Panamanian corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca that provide detailed information on more than 214,000 offshore companies, including the identities of shareholders and directors. Those identified include numerous wealthy and powerful political figures and organisations of many countries.gures and organisations of many countries.)
  • Great Depression  + (A huge impoverishment of the US citizens, resulting from market manipulations by [[The Money Trust]])
  • "1973 Oil crisis"  + (A huge rise in the price of oil, very probably created by attendees of the [[1973 Bilderberg]].)
  • Open Democracy  + (A huge, multi-author site with thousands of articles.)
  • Avaaz  + (A hugely popular clicktivist site with spooky connections.)
  • Emotion  + (A human feeling.)
  • Amschel Rothschild  + (A hung banker)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/Bilderbergers  + (A incomplete list of 15 recorded visitors to the [[Munich Security Conference/Meeting]]s)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/Guests/Bilderbergers  + (A incomplete list of 19 recorded visitors to the [[WEF/Annual Meeting]]s)
  • WEF/Annual Meeting/Guests/List  + (A incomplete list of the 13972 visitors to the 19[[WEF/Annual Meeting]]s)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/Cercle  + (A incomplete list of visitors to the [[Munich Security Conference/Meeting]]s who have also attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/WEF AGM  + (A incomplete list of visitors to the [[Munich Security Conference/Meeting]]s who have also attended one or more [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Kenneth Johannemann  + (A janitor at the World Trade Centre who saw explosions and rescued someone from the base of the buliding who had been burned by one.)
  • Victor Thorn  + (A journalist and reporter who wrote many books on [[deep politics]], including two on involvement of the Mossad and zionists in the events of [[9-11]]. Died of a shot to the head in 2016.)
  • Tareq Haddad  + (A journalist who resigned from ''[[Newsweek]]'' because the management suppressed his story about the OPCW letter)
  • Neil Buckley  + (A journalist whose name is on a list of journalists leaked from the [[Integrity Initiative]] in 2018.)
  • Alvin Hellerstein  + (A judge involved in several high-profile [[9/11]] related cases.)
  • John Roll  + (A judge shot less than 72 hours after ruling against US government)
  • Joseph Golia  + (A judge whose corruption was exposed by Sunny Sheu, whose murder was later covered up by NYPD.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2010  + (A junket "fact-finding trip" to [[Israel]] for a large number of selected Australian journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2011  + (A junket "fact-finding trip" to [[Israel]] for a large number of selected Australian journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2012  + (A junket "fact-finding trip" to [[Israel]] for a large number of selected Australian journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2013  + (A junket "fact-finding trip" to [[Israel]] for a large number of selected Australian journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2014  + (A junket "fact-finding trip" to [[Israel]] for a large number of selected Australian journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics.)