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 Has bilderbergCountHas wefmeetingCountDescription
Ana Botín811Head of Santander Group, who claimed that COVID-19 Vaccines are “the most effective 2021 economic policy.”
Jens Stoltenberg87Norwegian Bilderberger, ex PM, Secretary General of NATO.
Zanny Minton Beddoes89Financial journalist, Bilderberger, IMF economist under Jeffrey Sachs
Ali Babacan868 times Bilderberg visitor, Turkish politician
Neelie Kroes86Attended all Bilderbergs from 2005 up to 2012. European commissioner
Olivier Roy81Anti-Islamic multi-Bilderberger French academic
Mario Draghi85Bilderberg bankster and "craven moneyman". In 2021 as Prime Minister of Italy, pushed mandatory vaccines
Dermot Gleeson81Attorney General of Ireland, 8 time visitor to the Bilderberg
Lawrence Summers89US Deep State actor "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted"
Gideon Rachman710Quad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Mark Carney710Goldman Sachs Governor of the Bank of Canada then the Bank of England, G30, Triple citizenship, No shortage of Bilderbergs or WEF Annual Meetings
Connie Hedegaard73Danish politician, multi-Bilderberger
Paolo Scaroni72European Round Table of Industrialists, Italian businessman, 7 Bilderbergs from 2003 to 2011
Hubert Burda78Multi-billionaire publisher. 7 Bilderbergs
Wolfgang Ischinger74Spooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Pascal Lamy77Multi-Bilderberg former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Peter Mandelson74Supranational deep state operative. Bilderberg, TLC, Ditchley etc.
William McDonough75CFR, TLC, 7 Bilderbergs, Group of Thirty, NY Fed Chairman..
Patricia Barbizet63Prominent figure in the French business world
Erkki Liikanen61Finnish central banker, European Commissioner who was mooted as candidate for President of the European Central Bank in 2019
Demis Hassabis61Dialled into a SAGE meeting at the request of Dominic Cummings. First Bilderberg in 2015
Jeroen van der Veer67HexaBilderberger Shell manager, Honorary Global Chairman of the London Speaker Bureau
Ben van Beurden64Penta Bilderberger, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020, Shell CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists
Joaquín Almunia64Spanish politician, European Commissioner for 10 years, 6 Bilderbergs
Douglas J. Flint66HSBC chair, multi-Bilderberg
Timothy Geithner61Multi-Bilderberg central banker
Klaus Schwab612German economist, Bilderberg Steering committee, World Economic Forum Board of Trustees
Jon Corzine626 times Bilderberger financier
Paschal Donohoe51Irish Finance Minister
Patrick Pouyanné54Appointed CEO of Total following the bizarre death of Christophe de Margerie (a fellow Bilderberger) in Moscow.
Børge Brende511Bilderberg Steering Committee, President of the World Economic Forum 2017-
Charles Michel55Attended 3 Bilderbergs during the 2010s while Prime Minister of Belgium
Domenico Siniscalco53Morgan Stanley, 4 Bilderbergs, Italian politician
Peter Löscher54Big pharma Bilderberger
Josette Sheeran54Possible US deep state functionary. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from 2007 to 2012
C. Fred Bergsten52Brookings Institution, CFR, 5 Bilderbergs ...
Charlie Rose52US journalist whose break came after he was hired by fellow multi-Bilderberger, Bill Moyers
Klaus Zumwinkel52Multiple Bilderberger, convicted fraudster
Christine Lagarde514Bilderberger President of the European Central Bank
Richard Haass56Bilderberger, CFR President
George Soros512Financial speculator, Beneficiary of Black Wednesday
Javier Solana54Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO.
Sigrid Kaag43Dutch diplomat and politician. Although an outspoken feminist, Kaag vocally opposed a public trial regarding dozen of reports of sexual abuse within her own party. A successful and career-diplomat, named by Geert Wilders as the "namesake of a runway at Schiphol Airport", she has attended two Bilderberg meetings.
José Entrecanales47Billionaire Spanish businessman
Jean-Louis Gergorin41Attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1997 to 2003. Sentenced to 3 years in prison for slanderous denunciation, forgery, concealment of breach of trust and theft
Margaret MacMillan41Canadian multi-Bilderberger historian
Flavio Cotti41Swiss politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1990s, when he led attempts to further Switzerland's political integration into the European Union.
Robert D. Hormats41Deep state connected vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
Pascal Couchepin42Swiss President, 4 Bilderbergs
Graham Allison43Attended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.