Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3

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Group.png Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Membership•  Douglas H. Paal
•  Christian R. Paasch
•  Harold C. Pachios
•  Matthew S.J. Padilla
•  Eduardo J. Padrón
•  Carter W. Page
•  George C. Paine II
•  Bruce L. Paisner
•  Hannah C. Pakula
•  Suyash G. Paliwal
•  Matthew Palmer
•  Samuel J. Palmisano
•  Farah Pandith
•  Frank C. Pandolfe Jr.
•  Adam Papa
•  Christopher Papagianis
•  Stewart J. Paperin
•  Andrew Parasiliti
•  Scott E. Pardee
•  Herbert Pardes
•  James W. Pardew
•  Deven J. Parekh
•  Sanjay Parekh
•  Louise M. Parent
•  Jonathan S. Paris
•  C. Allen Parker
•  Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
•  Jay M. Parker
•  Ned Parker
•  William J. Parker III
•  Roger Parkinson
•  Michael Parks
•  Roger Parrino Sr.
•  Gerald L. Parsky
•  Richard D. Parsons
•  B. Lynn Pascoe
•  Carlos E. Pascual
•  Juliette M. Passer
•  Pamela Passman
•  Hewitt Pate
•  Eboo Patel
•  Mira Patel .Nikhil I. Patel
•  DJ Patil
•  Hugh T. Patrick
•  Stewart M. Patrick
•  Alan J. Patricof
•  Susan E. Patricof
•  Ernest T. Patrikis
•  Michelle N. Patron
•  Patricia M. Patterson
•  Rebecca Patterson
•  Rebecca D. Patterson
•  Richard North Patterson
•  Norman J. Pattiz
•  James H. Patton III
•  Douglas L. Paul
•  Pamela Paul
•  Roland A. Paul
•  Henry M. Paulson Jr.
•  John Paulson
•  Nicholas B. Paumgarten
•  Christina H. Paxson
•  Anne F. Peacock
•  Mary C. Pearl
•  Adam R. Pearlman
• Norman Pearlstine.jpg Norman Pearlstine
•  Thomas L. Pearson
•  Timothy R. Pearson
•  W. Robert Pearson
• Minxin Pei.jpg Minxin Pei
•  Robert H. Pelletreau Jr.
•  Federico F. Peña
•  Eduardo M. Peñalver
•  Eliot Pence
•  Mark J. Penn
•  Joseph R. Perella
•  Jonathan S. Perelman
•  Tony Perez
•  David Perez
•  Luis J. Perez
•  Richard Perez
•  Marifeli Pérez-Stable
•  Linda J. Perkin
• Edward Perkins.jpg Edward J. Perkins
•  Kerney M. Scott Perlik
•  Janice E. Perlman
•  Barbara Perlmutter
•  Louis Perlmutter
•  William J. Perlstein
•  Andrea Perraud. Henry H. Perritt Jr.
•  June Carter Perry Robert C. Perry
• William j perry.png William J. Perry
•  Robert Person
•  Mary Ann Peters
•  Michael P. Peters
•  Matt Petersen
•  Douglas L. Peterson
•  Holly Peterson
•  Kyle J. Peterson
•  Latoya Peterson
•  Michael A. Peterson
• David Petraeus.jpg David H. Petraeus
•  Thomas E. Petri
•  Peter J. Pettibone
•  John R. Petty
•  Joe Peyronnin
•  Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr.
•  Leon K. Pfeiffer
•  Steven B. Pfeiffer
•  Dang T. Phan
•  Susan J. Pharr
•  Edmund S. Phelps
•  Adam J. Philipp
•  Cecil M. Phillips
•  Charles Phillips
•  David L. Phillips
•  Gretchen A. Phillips
•  Jeanne L. Phillips
•  Macon Phillips
•  Serkan Piantino
•  Maria Pica Karp
• ThomasRPickering.jpg Thomas R. Pickering
•  Alberto M. Piedra Jr.
•  John V.H. Pierce
•  Ponchitta Pierce
•  Andrew J. Pierre
•  A. Robert Pietrzak
•  Steven Pifer
•  Charles M. Pigott
•  John E. Pike
•  Kathryn Pilgrim
•  Paul R. Pillar
•  Marnie S. Pillsbury
•  Michael Pillsbury
•  Walter H. Pincus
•  Pat S. Pineda
• Pipes.jpg Daniel Pipes
•  Salil Pitroda
•  Chip Pitts
•  Louis D. Pizzarello
•  Alan A. Platt
•  Alexander H. Platt
•  Kobi Platt
•  Nicholas Platt
•  Marc F. Plattner
•  James T. Platts
•  Richard L. Plepler
•  Mark E. Plotkin
•  Jonathan Plutzik
•  Rutherford M. Poats
•  Michael
•  Pocalyko
•  Mae Podesta
•  John Podhoretz
•  Richard W. Pogue
•  Steve Poizner
•  Dinah Pokempner
•  Mary Lake Polan
•  Gerald A. Pollack
•  Jonathan D. Pollack
•  Ken Pollack
•  Neal A. Pollard
•  Gregory S. Pollock
•  Jefrey Pollock
•  Stan Polovets
• Alina Polyakova.jpg Alina Polyakova
•  Elizabeth Pond
•  Daniel B. Poneman
•  Marquita J. Pool-Eckert
•  Roman Popadiuk
•  Amy Pope
•  Colleen (Betsy) Elisabeth Popken
•  Anne B. Popkin
•  John G. Popp
•  Ruth Porat
•  Damon Shelby Porter
•  Eduardo Porter
•  Keith Porter
•  Richard Portes
•  Arturo C. Porzecanski
•  Adam Posen
•  Barry R. Posen
•  Steven G. Poskanzer
• Michael Posner at September 28 Press Conference in Geneva.jpg Michael Posner
•  George H. Poste
• Theodore Postol.jpg Theodore A. Postol
•  William C. Potter
• Matthew Pottinger.png Matt Pottinger
• Colin Powell.jpg Colin L. Powell
• Dina Habib Powell.jpg Dina H. Powell
•  Jerome H. Powell
•  Richard C. Powell Jr.
•  Robert L. Powell
•  Laurene Powell Jobs
•  Averill L. Powers
•  Timothy E. Powers
•  Robert C. Pozen
•  Radhika Prabhu
•  Alka Pradhan
•  Jennifer Prah Ruger
•  Robert J. Pranger
•  Mukesh Prasad
•  Sheridan Prasso
•  Christopher A. Preble
•  Jeffrey Prescott
•  William H. Press
• Larry Pressler.jpg Larry Pressler
•  Evan D. Pressman
• Stephen W. Preston official photo.jpg Stephen W. Preston
•  Daniel M. Price
•  Ned Price
•  Steven Price
•  William W. Priest Jr.
•  Daniel B. Prieto III
•  Matthew Prince
• Penny Pritzker.jpg Penny Pritzker
• Tom Pritzker.png Tom Pritzker
•  Joseph W. Prueher
•  Robert A. Pruzan
•  Jeffrey F. Pryce
• P20210201CW-0166 (50937221891) (cropped).jpg Jennifer R. Psaki
•  Donald J. Puchala
•  Robert H. Puckett
•  Ted Pulling
•  Thomas L. Pulling
•  Susan Kaufman Purcell
•  Robert E. Pursley
•  Kenneth B. Pyle
•  Sabahat Qamar
•  Anthony C.E. Quainton
•  Lois E. Quam
•  Rob Quartel Jr.
•  John Quelch
•  Kimberly Kay Querrey
•  Kevin F.F. Quigley
•  Scott N Quigley
•  Jane Bryant Quinn
•  Vonnie Quinn
•  Jennifer J. Raab
•  Bruce Rabb
•  Intisar Rabb
•  Stuart J. Rabin
•  David B. Rachelson
•  Akila Radhakrishnan
•  Courtney C. Radsch
•  Rob Radtke
•  Emily Rafferty
•  Anika Rahman
•  Jeffrey J. Raider
• Gina Raimondo.jpg Gina M. Raimondo
• Franklin D. Raines.jpg Franklin D. Raines
•  Kilaparti Ramakrishna
•  Sujit Raman
•  Bruce M. Ramer
•  Lilia L. Ramirez
•  Leela Ramnath
•  Dorian Jacqueline Ramos
•  Pilar S. Ramos
•  Federico Rampini
•  W. Russell Ramsey
•  Dafna H. Rand
•  Lisa Randall
•  Sean Randolph
•  Clark T. Randt Jr.
•  Clyde E. Rankin III
•  Robin Lynn Raphel
•  Alan Rappaport
•  Sam Rascoff
• Dan Rather.jpg Dan Rather
•  Romesh Ratnesar
• Steven Rattner.jpg Steven L. Rattner
•  Greg Rattray
• No image available (photo).jpg Rudolph S. Rauch
•  Feisal Abdul Rauf
•  Mike Rauhut
•  Alan Charles Raul
•  Mary B. Raum
•  Kal Raustiala
•  Samantha F. Ravich
•  Richard Ravitch
•  Abbas R. Ravjani
•  Nate Rawlings
•  Joel Rayburn
•  David A. Raymond
•  Douglas A. Raymond
•  Lee R. Raymond
•  Claire E. Reade
•  Celina Realuyo
•  Ivan C. Rebolledo
•  Jonathan Reckford
•  Kaleb J. Redden
•  Douglas Rediker
•  Dana Reed
•  Jack Reed
•  Lucy Reed
•  William S. Reese
•  James L. Regens
•  Carlyn A. Reichel
•  Bill Reichert
•  Rob Reid
• Leo Rafael Reif.jpg L. Rafael Reif
•  Saskia Reilly
•  William K. Reilly
•  Dennis Reimer
•  Fernando Reimers
•  Carmen M. Reinhart
•  Vincent Reinhart
•  Jehuda Reinharz
•  William Michael Reisman
•  Mitchell B. Reiss
•  Jessica K. Reitz
•  Thomas F. Remington
•  David Remnick
•  Jessica J. Renier
•  Missie Rennie
•  Victor Eugene Renuart Jr.
•  Jennifer Resnick
•  Mira K. Resnick
•  Arnold E. Resnicoff
•  Teresa M. Ressel
•  Evans J.R. Revere
•  Richard L. Revesz
•  Charles A. Reynolds
•  Marty Reynolds
•  Justin Reynolds
• Julissa Reynoso.jpg Julissa Reynoso
•  Ceron Rhee
•  Jane Rhee
•  Stephen H. Rhinesmith
• William Rhodes 2008.jpg William R. Rhodes
•  Mira R. Ricardel
• Condoleezza Rice.jpg Condoleezza Rice
•  Donald S. Rice
•  Joseph Lee Rice III
•  Matthew J. Rice
• Susan e rice.jpg Susan E. Rice
•  Michael Rich
•  William G. Rich
•  Anne C. Richard
•  Brenan D. Richards
•  Paul G. Richards
•  Frank Richardson
•  Henry J. Richardson III
•  John M. Richardson
•  Bill Richardson
•  Yolonda C. Richardson
•  Keith B. Richburg
•  Anthony Richter
•  Michael P. Richter
•  Malcolm Riddell
• 40px Rozanne L. Ridgway
•  Rachel Beatty Riedl
•  David Rieff
•  John E. Rielly
•  Gary E. Rieschel
•  Imran Riffat
•  Mustafa S. Riffat
•  Robert S. Rifkind
•  Michael L. Riordan
• Gianni Riotta.jpg Gianni Riotta
•  Harvey Rishikof
•  John B. Ritch III
•  Gretchen Ritter
•  David B. Rivkin Jr.
•  David W. Rivkin
•  Nayla M. Rizk
•  Stephen S. Roach
•  Charles Robb
•  Carla Anne Robbins
•  Liz Robbins
•  Rachel F. Robbins
•  Stephen Robert
•  Brad Roberts
•  Carter S. Roberts
•  Megan M. Roberts
•  Charles K. Robertson
•  Thomas A. Robertson
•  Barbara Paul Robinson
•  Chase F. Robinson
•  Davis R. Robinson
•  Eric L. Robinson
• James D. Robinson III.jpg James D. Robinson III
•  Janet L. Robinson
•  Linda Robinson
•  Lori J. Robinson
•  Mark J. Robinson
•  Pearl T. Robinson
•  W. Garner Robinson
•  V. Manuel Rocha
• James Roche.jpg James G. Roche
•  David Rockefeller Jr.
•  John D. Rockefeller IV
• Nicholas Rockefeller.jpg Nicholas Rockefeller
• Steven Clark Rockefeller.png Steven C. Rockefeller
•  Susan Cohn Rockefeller
•  Valerie Rockefeller
•  Hays H. Rockwell
•  Keith McElroy Rockwell
• Judith Rodin.jpg Judith Rodin
•  Rita M. Rodriguez
•  Bill Roedy
•  Riordan Roett III
•  Christopher Rogers
•  Edward M. Rogers Jr.
•  John M. Rogers
•  Frederick F. Roggero
•  Kenneth S. Rogoff
•  Karen M. Rohan
•  Thomas P. Rohlen
•  Joan Rohlfing
•  Julio Rojas
•  Lisa Roman
•  Nancy E. Roman
• Alina L. Romanowski official photo.jpg Alina L. Romanowski
• Paul Romer.jpg Paul Romer
•  Philip J. Romero
•  Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo
•  Virginia M. Rometty
•  Alton D. Romig Jr.
•  Francis Rooney
•  Theodore Roosevelt IV
•  Tracy Roosevelt
•  Pablo M. Ros
•  Jared Roscoe
•  Charles Peete Rose Jr.
•  Daniel Rose
•  Elihu Rose
•  Gideon Rose
•  Jonathan F.P. Rose
•  Joseph Rose
•  Marshall Rose
•  Richard Rosecrance
•  Amy Rosen
•  Daniel Rosen
•  Gary Rosen
•  Jack Rosen
•  Jeffrey A. Rosen
•  Robert L. Rosen
•  Eric Rosenbach
•  Donald J. Rosenberg
•  Mark B. Rosenberg
•  Zeda F. Rosenberg
•  Laura M. Rosenberger
•  Lionel A. Rosenblatt
•  Peter R. Rosenblatt
•  Jerry Rosenfeld
•  Patricia L. Rosenfield
•  Robert Rosenkranz
•  Jeffrey A. Rosensweig
•  Joel H. Rosenthal
•  Lesley Rosenthal
•  Mitchell S. Rosenthal
•  E. John Rosenwald Jr.
•  Nina Rosenwald
•  Robert M. Rosenzweig
Members of the Council on Foreign Relations per 2019

Most people on the list are not covered by Wikispooks, but a quick internet search will reveal that each and every one of them is a powerful person.

The list does not contain historical or deceased members.


Known members

143 of the 1638 of the members already have pages here:

Frank Wisner IIFormer US Secretary of State, son of Frank Wisner of the mighty wurlitzer
James D. Robinson IIIFormer CEO of American Express.
Norman PearlstineCFR, quad Bilderberger editor
Minxin PeiSingle Bilderberg Chinese born academic with deep state connections
William PerryAttended the 1996 Bilderberg as US Secretary of Defense
David PetraeusSpooky general, DCIA, Multi-Bilderberg
Thomas PickeringUS diplomat and suspected deep politician, because of being so highly connected
Daniel PipesArch-Zionist and neoconservative intellectual and commentator
John Podhoretz
Alina PolyakovaSpooky establishment researcher
Michael PosnerUS spook promoting deep state agendas using the human rights angle
Theodore Postol
Matthew PottingerNational security Bilderberg and coronavirus task force
Colin PowellUS officer and politician heavily involved in the deep state Iran-contra affair. He is particularly remembered for his dramatic lies in the UN Security Council before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, claiming Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction.
Dina PowellAmerican financial executive and political advisor.
Larry PresslerAttended the 1993 Bilderberg as United States Senator from South Dakota
Stephen PrestonLawyer for the Navy, Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense
Penny PritzkerPritzker family billionaire who advanced career of Barack Obama early. Carnegie Endowment chairperson.
Tom PritzkerMember of one of the United States' richest families, the Chicago Pritzker family.
Jen PsakiUS political advisor and White House press secretary
Franklin D. RainesPanelist for the discussion on 'Corporate Governance: Does Capitalism Need Fixing?' at the 2002 Bilderberg. "Early retirement" in 2004 after abetting widespread accounting irregularities at Fannie Mae. One of the "25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis" in 2008.
Dan RatherUS corporate journalist and former news anchor. He made his career by misrepresenting the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination. While generally reliably staying within the Overton window of accepted opinions, he was set up and fired in 2004, presumably for showing insufficient patriotism after 911 by revealing the Abu Ghraib torture.
Steven RattnerTwo decades at Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Morgan Stanley, US Treasury Department, 5 Bilderbergs, Brookings...
Rudolph RauchTIME magazine senior correspondent "In Attendance" at the 1995 Bilderberg meeting.
Lee RaymondUS deep state connected Bilderberger businessman
Celina RealuyoGoldman Sachs, "counterterrorist", national security
Leo Rafael ReifPresident of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On the boards of the World Economic Forum, the Carnegie Endowment, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Broad Institute, etc.
William ReillyIntroduced the "Environmental Constraints" discussion at the 1989 Bilderberg as EPA Administrator, Co-Chaired the Deepwater Horizon commission with Bob Graham
Julissa Reynoso7th floor group
William Rhodes53 years with Citibank where he "helped" South Korea, Brazil and others with debt refinancing. Senior Vice Chairman 1999-2010.
Condoleezza RiceUSDSO: "No one could have imagined airplanes flying into buildings"
Susan RiceUS deep state operative. US National Security Advisor from 2013-17
Bill RichardsonUS Bilderberger who went to Myanmar in 2021 "to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19." Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
Rozanne RidgwayBilderberg Steering committee
Gianni RiottaTransatlantic oriented Italian journalist and editor-in-chief
James Roche
Jay RockefellerSon of John Davison Rockefeller III. Two Bilderbergs
Nicholas Rockefeller
Judith RodinAttended the 2005 Bilderberg as President of the Rockefeller Foundation. Involved in the 2010 Lock Step event
Kenneth RogoffChief Economist of the International Monetary Fund 2001-3, WEF AGM regular
Alina RomanowskiUS spook/diplomat with long experience in counterterrorism.
Paul Romer
Gideon RoseUS journalist, WEF regular
Nina RosenwaldInfluential neoconservative and operator in many activities of the pro-Israel lobby in the US
Dennis RossUS diplomat, author, US Director of Policy Planning under GHWB
Kenneth RothUS lawyer, serial WEF AGM and MSC visitor
J. Stapleton RoyUS diplomat interested in Asia
David RubensteinBillionaire Bilderberger Brookings co-founder and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group
Barnett RubinDouble Bilderberger, CFR, US political scientist
Jamie Rubin
... further results
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