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Murray Edwards10 December 1959Tar sands billionaire, where he has more at stake than possibly any other individual. Attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting.
Matthew EhretCanadian political analyst and editor-in-chief of the Canadian Patriot Review. He has written extensively on the Canadian deep state and how the British deep state still dominates the world.
Charles EmondMay 1972Canadian banker
Michael Evans16 August 1957Attended the 2013 Bilderberg. Goldman Sachs for 20 years. independent director of the Barrick Gold Corporation.
Marcel Faribault8 October 190826 May 1972Canadian notary, businessman and administrator.
Anthony FellCanadian Bilderberg businessman banker
Brian FergusonCanadian businessman
Gérard Filion18 August 190926 March 2005Canadian businessman and journalist who attended the 1970 Bilderberg
Eric Findley1950
Gordon Fisher19291985Newspaper CEO charged with a cartel conspiracy to reduce competition.
Donald Fleming23 May 190531 December 1986Canadian politician. Attended the 1961 Bilderberg meeting before becoming Minister of Justice and Attorney General in 1962.
Al Flood1937Canadian banker of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce who failed upwards. Bilderberg/1996
Robert A. D. Ford8 January 191512 April 1998Bilderberger diplomat poet
Josée Forest-Niesing18 December 196420 November 2021Ontario Senator who died of COVID-19 at the age of 56
Charles Foulkes3 January 190312 September 1969Canadian soldier who attended the 1961 Bilderberg
Robert Fowler18 August 1944Canada's longest-serving Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN
Sean Fraser1 June 1984WEF/Young Global Leaders/2022. After being elected to parliament in 2015, he became Minister of Immigration in 2021.
David Freiheit23 May 1979Canadian lawyer and Youtuber
Mike Frost1938Canadian SIGINT spook for 34 years who became a whistleblower
Barbara Frum8 September 193726 March 1992Prominent Canadian Broadcasting Corporation journalist. Attended Bilderberg/1986.
David Frum30 June 1960Neoconservative deep state operative who coined the phrase "axis of evil"
Louise Fréchette16 July 1946Canadian politician who attended the 2000 Bilderberg as United Nations Deputy Secretary-General
R. Donald Fullerton7 June 193129 May 2011Canadian banker
Frank Furedi3 May 1947Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent.
Lysiane Gagnon21 June 1941Bilderberger journalist from Quebec. A prominent defender of Israel.
Brian Gallant27 April 1982One of the youngest Premiers in Canadian history. WEF/Young Global Leaders 2015
J. Douglas Gibson3 September 19091988Little known Canadian banker who attended the 1961 Bilderberg
Marilyn Gladu1961Conservative MP in Canada; member of the shadow cabinet. Advocate of hydroxychloroquine.
Peter Godsoe2 May 1938Attended the 1999 Bilderberg as Chairman and CEO of the Bank of Nova Scotia
Brooke GoldsteinFounder and Executive Director of the Lawfare Project.
Duncan Gordon19141987Canadian accountant and deep state operative, and brother of Walter L. Gordon.
Walter Gordon27 January 190621 March 1987Triple Bilderberger, President of the Canadian Privy Council
Allan Gotlieb28 February 192818 April 2020Quad Bilderberger Canadian diplomat
Karina Gould28 June 1987Young minister with the spooky job of stopping "online meddling and the spread of disinformation", then International Development. World Economic Forum Young Global Leader 2020.
Anthony Griffin15 August 191115 September 2015Worked for S.G. Warburg. A member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee for 32 years.
Franklyn GriffithsCanadian academic
Chris Hadfield29 August 1959Canadian pilot and astronaut, presumably scouted at Bilderberg for a political career
Corey Haim23 December 197110 March 2010Canadian actor who died of an "accidental drug overdose" after making accusations relating to Hollywood/VIPaedophile.
Anthony HallAcademic targeted by B'nai B'rith in 2016 for "using his academic credentials to deny the Holocaust and promote 9/11 conspiracy theories."
Charles Hantho1931Canadian Bilderberger chemical industry businessman
Robert Hare1934
Stephen Harper30 April 1959Attended the 2003 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Canada
Michael Harris1948Investigative journalist who attended the 1996 Bilderberg conference. Cancelled from corporate media after criticizing Israel.
Ivan Head28 July 19301 November 2004Canadian lawyer dubbed "Canada's Henry Kissinger" who was an "influential foreign policy adviser of" Pierre Trudeau.
Arnold Heeney5 April 190220 December 1970Deep State Canadian civil servant, then Ambassador to the United States. When PM Diefenbaker showed signs of independence, Heeney spent much time lobbying his own government against it.
Paul Hellyer6 August 1923Hellyer is the longest serving current member of the Privy Council of Canada. A Minister of National Defence in the cabinet of Lester B. Pearson in the 1960s, he later promoted the merger of smaller and various left-wing activists to save Canada from the effects of globalization, as well as possible annexation by the United States. In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in the existence of UFOs.
Maryam HeneinActivist and health practitioner, known for Vanishing of the Bees.
Peter Herrndorf27 October 194018 February 2023Canadian media executive who attended the 1999 Bilderberg.
William Higgitt10 November 19172 April 1989
Charles HoffeCanadian doctor who blew the whistle on large-scale RNA vaccine injuries.