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Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Klaus KleinfeldUS/German businessman. Bilderberg steering committee, CFR, ERTI
Roland KochGerman politician
Bassma KodmaniA Syrian/French "trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry". who attended 2 Bilderbergs; in 2008 before the start of the 2011 regime change proxy war, and in 2012.
Mustafa KoçTurkish businessman. Attended all Bilderbergs from 2004 until his death in 2016
Henry KravisLike his wife, Marie-Josée Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Marie-Josée KravisLike her husband, Henry Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Neelie KroesAttended all Bilderbergs from 2005 up to 2012. European commissioner
Fred KruppWell-paid President of corporate-friendly Environmental Defense Fund. Attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Pascal LamyMulti-Bilderberg former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Enrico LettaSingle Bilderberg. Prime Minister of Italy
Ariel LeviteIsraeli nuclear expert and war hawk who attended Bilderberg/2012, where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.
Cheng LiBorn in China, Cheng Li cames to US in 1985 and works for Brookings Institution. Triple Bilderberg
John LipskySingle Bilderberger. Briefly acted as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Andrew LiverisDow Chair and CEO, member of the Australian Covid task force
Peter LöscherBig pharma Bilderberger
Peter MandelsonSupranational deep state operative. Bilderberg, TLC, Ditchley etc.
Philippe MariaBelgian royalty, regular Bilderberg
Jessica MathewsCarnegie Endowment for International Peace President, Far heavier Bilderberg habit than her husband (a US general), former(?) Steering Committee member
Frank McKennaCanadian businessman and money manager, former Ambassador to the US, 10 Bilderbergs spanning 1994 and 2013
Jacob MchangamaDanish lawyer who attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Kenneth MehlmanBilderberger businessman, George W. Bush administration, CFR, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.
John MicklethwaitEditor of The Economist for 9 years then Bloomberg News
Thierry de MontbrialFrench deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
Craig MundieMicrosoft. Bilderberg Steering committee member.
Matthias NaßFormer Bilderberg steering committee. International correspondent for die Zeit.
Michael NoonanIrish lawyer
Peggy NoonanColumnist for The Wall Street Journal who attended four Bilderbergs in the 2010s. CFR.
Jorma OllilaShell chairman, Nokia CEO, Bilderberg steering committee, WEF
Peter OrszagTri-Bilderberger US deep state operative who wrote a book for the Brookings Institution about 9/11. Council on Foreign Relations, Citigroup, Lazard Frères
Dimitrios PapalexopoulosGreek business leader
Alexander PechtoldPopular politician during Afghan war. Protected Jan Peter Balkenende. Implicated in corruption. Single Bilderberg. Often ran his mouth with politically incorrect one-liners before Wilders took that role.
Richard Perle"widely considered a core representative of the neoconservative political faction"
Paul PolmanBilderberger who was made a member of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19
Robert PrichardCanadian corporate media executive who 8 Bilderberg meetings between 2005 and 2013. Later Chairman of the Bank of Montreal.
Itamar RabinovichIsrael Ambassador to the US back in the 1990s, attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Gideon RachmanQuad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Steven RattnerTwo decades at Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Morgan Stanley, US Treasury Department, 5 Bilderbergs, Brookings...
Alison RedfordAttended the 2012 Bilderberg as Premier of Alberta
Heather ReismanCanadian former Bilderberg steering committee businesswoman, married to billionaire Gerald Schwartz.
Wolfgang ReitzleGerman manager in the automotive industry, including BMW and Ford.Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Munich Security Conference.
Kenneth RogoffChief Economist of the International Monetary Fund 2001-3, WEF AGM regular
Charlie RoseUS journalist whose break came after he was hired by fellow multi-Bilderberger, Bill Moyers
Dennis RossUS diplomat, author, US Director of Policy Planning under GHWB
Jacek RostowskiBilderberg
Robert RubinFinancial industry deregulator. Goldman. Citigroup. CFR Chairman. "Where Wall St. meets Washington"
Mark RutteHeptabilderberger, NATO SG & Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Protégé of Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of cover-ups. Often "has no memory" of them.
Paul SchefferDouble Bilderberger author/academic
Eric SchmidtUS billionaire who works for Alphabet (a.k.a Google). A 1997 WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow with numerous other deep political connections.
Rudolf ScholtenAustrian politician on the Bilderberg Steering committee