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 Has imdbDescription
Karel De Gucht politician and 3 time Bilderberger
Bernard Guetta journalist and editor, and MEP. Supported the official narrative from a "leftist" angle during the Cold War, the Arab Spring, the deep state drive for European supranational integration; and the New Cold War. French-American Foundation/Young Leader. Bilderberg/1998.
Ted Gunderson policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations
Alfred Gusenbauer de Madrid, quad Bilderberger Austrian politician
Corey Haim actor who died of an "accidental drug overdose" after making accusations relating to Hollywood/VIPaedophile.
Greg Hajdarowicz drug company founder and owner of newspaper Rzeczpospolita, since 2021 in collaboration with George Soros. Attended Bilderberg 2018.
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger on Gender and Diversity in management
Warren Harding under suspicious circumstances, as did a number of people around him.
Robert Hare
Benjamin Harrison
Niels Harrit chemist whose research provides evidence that the trade center towers were demolished by nano-thermite.
Joseph Harsch correspondent for each of the three major broadcast US networks he "shaped as much as has any journalist the American public’s understanding of the breathtaking events of the 20th century". 1958 and 1962 Bilderbergs
Kurt Haskell lawyer who overheard a 3rd party get the underwear bomber boarded on the plane without a passport, and incident which he says "fundamentally changed his life".
Orrin Hatch
Tom Hayden New Left activist and politician. Aligned with US foreign policy from a "human rights" angle.
Chris Hedges fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment.
Per Egil Hegge Norwegian journalist and editor
Lars Heikensten central banker and Nobel Foundation
Richard Heinberg of Peak Oil.
Olli-Pekka Heinonen politician and civil servant. Bilderberg boost in 2011, when he became Prime Minister's state secretary.
Teresa Heinz $500 million fortune after husband died in aircraft accident, later married John Kerry.
Eero Heinäluoma Finnish politician. Groomed as successor Prime Minister, but failed in elections.
Kyle Hence
Jimi Hendrix guitarist and singer who died of a drug overdose.
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert Defence Minister, connected to the 2015 Hawija bombing, lied about knowledge of any deaths and covered-up any juridical complicity with Mark Rutte & Bert Koenders.
Franz Heubl politician who attended le Cercle
John Hickenlooper politician and businessman
Frederick Hitz =m nm knf i1
Mike Hoare British Army Soldier and later an infamous Mercenary with numerous exploits to his name.
Jimmy Hoffa labor leader whose disappearance may be related to the JFK Assassination
David Hoffman
Erik Hoffmeyer academic and central bank governor for 29 years who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Barbara Honegger
Herbert Hoover President 1929-1933
J. Edgar Hoover Deep politician whose position as long time FBI head allowed him to make extensive use of sexual blackmail.
John Hope aristocrat and Tory politician.
Daniel Hopsicker producer, director and investigative journalist whose primary focus was the illegal drug trade by the US deep state.
Karen House Corporate Media controller who attended the 1982, 1988, and 1992 Bilderbergs.
Hubert Humphrey
E. Howard Hunt CIA officer and USDSO. Heavily involved in both the Watergate Coup and the assassination of JFK.
Samuel Huntington
Kay Bailey Hutchison ambassador to NATO said US prepared to consider a military strike to destroy Russian missiles.
Hans Graf Huyn deep politician who attended Le Cercle
Per Hækkerup transatlantic Foreign Minster, with ambitions to become PM
David Ignatius of spooky "security" conferences
Claude Imbert deep state connected columnist and editor. Bilderberg/1991. After his death exposed as France/VIPaedophile.
Ferdinando Imposimato who has spoken out about 9/11 and other deep politics subjects.
Walter Isaacson and CEO of the Aspen Institute. US deep state biographer, energetic CRISPR advocate
Hastings Ismay Secretary General of NATO.
Brian Ivory businessman