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Carl Burckhardt of the International Committee of the Red Cross (1945–48), where he assisted Germans wanted for war crimes escape to South America. September 1955 and 1956 Bilderberg meetings.
Peter van Buren Service official who exposed the extremely wasteful and ineffective spending during the reconstruction effort after the 2003 Iraq War.
Jason Burke journalist who described the 2003 Iraq War as "entirely justifiable from a humanitarian perspective".
Nina Burleigh writer and investigative journalist.
James Burnham"The first neoconservative", spooky propagandist philosopher
Margie Burns
Chris Busby independent scientist whose work demonstrates that inadequate risk models are used by the establishment in its estimation of the health impact of low dose exposure to radiation. A concerted campaign has tried to undermine his credibility because his message challenges the status quo.
Erhard Busek the 1981 Bilderberg as chairman of the Vienna’s People’s Party. Later Vice-Chancellor of Austria for 4 years. Chairman of European Forum Alpbach.
Jacques de Bourbon Busset diplomat and author, attended the 1957 October Bilderberg as former Deputy Head of Robert Schuman’s Private Office, where he aided in the development of the Schuman Plan. Later Vice President at CERN
Claude Bébéarébéar/e/B001K7K0JIFrench insurance executive and organizer of the business lobby.
Carole Cadwalladr who took part in an IfS presentation about "Russian Propaganda". Rose to international prominence in 2018 when she exposed the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Regina Calcaterra attorney who wrote of her childhood in foster homes and homelessness.
Luigi Caligaris Bilderberger Italian officer, later politician
Alastair Campbell
Miriam Camps State Department official and historian who attended the 1972 and the 1974 Bilderbergs
David Cannadine
Lucio Caracciolo Bilderberg Italian journalist economist
Jack Caravelli US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Raymond Carr member of the Bullingdon Club
Waggoner Carr to the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald was on the FBI payroll
William Guy Carr
Maria Carrilho pro-EU and pro-NATO politician and academic. Attended Bilderberg/1995.
John le Carréé/e/B000APC3LO/
Karl Carstens politician who attended the 1971 Bilderberg and caught a Bilderberg wind; became a member of the Bundestag in 1972. German President 1979-1984
Jimmy Carter US President posed problems for the US Deep state but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in
Raymond Cartier journalist, editor of Paris Match during the 1960s. Bilderberg/1971.
Felice Casson
İsmail Cem byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ismail+Cem&search-alias=books&field-author=Ismail+Cem&sort=relevancerankTurkish politician and Robert College alumnus. Attended 1 Bilderberg as mooted presidential candidate, a second as Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hasan Cemal byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Hasan+Cemal&search-alias=books&field-author=Hasan+Cemal&sort=relevancerankTurkish writer who published on the Armenian Genocide. Opponent of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Attended the 2004 Bilderberg conference.
James Chace the phrase "the indispensable nation" with Sidney Blumenthal.
Anton Chaitkin
Iris Chang journalist, author of historical books and political activist. Suspicious "suicide".
Noam Chomsky acclaimed critic of US foreign policy with an encyclopedic knowledge of history, Chomsky has become a gatekeeper by his refusal to contemplate false flag attacks. By 2021 turned proponent of starving dissidents to death in concentration camps.
Michel Chossudovsky author, academic and editor of the Global Research website.
Raymond Chretienétien/dp/2896060367Attended the 1998 Bilderberg as Canadian Ambassador to the US.
Jean Chrétienétien/e/B001JS3GNUPrime minister of Canada 1993-2003, Bilderbergs in 1982 and 1996
Evelyn Le Chêne byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Evelyn+Le+Chene&search-alias=books&field-author=Evelyn+Le+Chene&sort=relevancerankSuspected spymistress who infiltrated the Campaign Against Arms Trade
Innocenzo Cipolletta Bilderberg businessman financier
Tom Clancy
Harold Cleveland vice president, double Bilderberger
Leslie Cockburn
Patrick Cockburn
Angelo Codevilla in Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Professor of international relations. Proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Defender of the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
Avner Cohen
T. J. Coles
Peter Collier
Chuck Colson for conspiring to cover up the Watergate burglaries
Alex Constantine
George Contogeorgis politician. Played an important role in the negotiations for Greek accession to the European Economic Community in 1981.
Jonathan Cook journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since 2001.