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Page nameImageDateTypePerpetratorOfficial PerpetratorDescription
2014 Ukraine coup/ATO map 16 JUL 2014Military situation in Donbass at 16 JUL 2014
2014 Ukraine coup/Civil warProxy war
Civil war
2014 Ukraine coup/Cultural genocideA part of the 2014 Ukraine coup.
2014 Ukraine coup/Forged antisemitic leafletsThreatening anti-Semitic leaflets distributed in Donetsk. They are quickly revealed as forgeries designed to discredit the rebels
2014 Ukraine coup/Geneva agreementUkraine, Russia, EU and US diplomats meet in Geneva to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. Agreed statement issued.
2014 Ukraine coup/Odessa massacreOdessaTU-buildingFire.jpg2014 Ukraine coupEvents in Odessa culminating in the deaths of 48 (official narrative) and up to 120 (evidence-based alternative narrative) anti-Kiev Junta demonstrators by fire, gun-shots and beatings in and around the Odessa Trade Union building on 2 May 2014
2014 Winter OlympicsSports event in Russia.
2015 Bangkok bomb2015 Bangkok bomb.jpgUnknownCentral Bangkok terrorist Bomb attack on 17 August 2015 that killed 22 people
2015 European refugee crisisRefugeeCollage.jpgMigrationCrisis in Europe over the escalating numbers of refugees from Middle-Eastern and North African countries.
2015 Hawija bombingHawija2015.jpgCENTCOM
Netherlands/Air Force
A bombing of an IED plant that was ordered under suspicious circumstances went awry. Dutch Cabinet denied involvement, then denied any knowledge of the casualties until Dutch FOIA requests showed otherwise.
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdownShootdown.jpgAircraft shoot downTurkish air forceShoot-down of a Russian Su24M bomber over Syria by a Turkish F16 fighter on 24 November 2015
2015 Sousse attacksSeifeddine Rezgui YacoubiA mass shooting at the tourist resort of Port El Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia.
2015-11 Paris attacksParisattacks2.jpgAbdelhamid AbaaoudA series of coordinated terrorist attacks in France. Suicide bomber remembered to bring his passport, which survived blast.
2016 Batley and Spen by-electionBy election caused by the murder of Jo Cox
2016 Berlin attack2016 Berlin attack.jpgIslamic State
Anis Amri
Reported truck hijacking in Berlin attributed to ISIL.
2016 Brussels BombingBrussels bombers.jpgBombing
Mass murder
Suicide Bombing
Islamic StateA terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to ISIS by the commercially-controlled media, clearly assuming the people are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" Official Narrative
2016 Brussels Bombing/Media manipulationDH-2016-03-22-at-14.45.47.pngPropagandaFalse Belgian media reporting on the Mass murder in Brussels
2016 EU ReferendumLeave Remain 1.png
2016 Hurriyah car bombing hoax2016 Hurriyah car bombing.jpgA real bomb in the Hurriyah area of Baghdad reported as having killed people by commercially-controlled media but exposed as a hoax after CCTV footage appeared online.
2016 Istanbul airport attack2016 Istanbul airport attack.jpgMass shooting
Suicide Bombing
Islamic State
2016 London mayoral electionKhan Corbyn.jpgElectionThe "big first test" for Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party
2016 Magnanville stabbing2016 Magnanville stabbing.jpgStabbing
Hostage taking
President Hollande called it “incontestably a terrorist act” and said France was facing a terror threat “of a very large scale”
2016 Munich shooting2016 Munich shooting.jpgMurder–suicide
Mass shooting
David SonbolyA shooting spree supposedly carried out by an 18 year old, for as yet unexplained purposes.
2016 Orlando nightclub shootingPulse.jpgMass murder
Mass shooting
Hostage taking
Gun control shooting
Omar Mateen2016 mass shooting at gay nightclub in Florida
2016 Richmond Park by-electionKramer Olney Tonge.pngEnglish by-election
2016 Saumur Daesh CellSaumur Daesh Cell 2016.pngIn 2016 gardeners in Saumur, France found what appeared to be a Daesh cell, complete with recording equipment and props such as ISIS flags. Local police were told by the French Ministry of Defense that it was an exercise, although local police knew nothing of it.
2016 Sleaford by-electionJim Clarke1.jpg
2016 St Paul's by-electionJack Parsons.jpg
2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt.webpCIA
Fethullah Gülen
Turkish Air Force
Akın Öztürk
2017 Barcelona attacks050529 Barcelona 11.jpgVehicular assaultNational Intelligence CenterAttackers were police informants and under intense surveillance. Happened at a convenient time for the Spanish government.
2017 Copeland by-election2017 Copeland by-election.jpgBlairites scheming to lose, to reflect badly upon Jeremy Corbyn
2017 Frinton by-electionHaseldine Walford.jpglocal election in 2017
2017 Las Vegas shooting2017 Las Vegas shooting.jpgMass murder
Mass shooting
Gun control shooting
The most deadly mass shooting in US history, one about which many questions - most particularly "Why?" - remain unanswered. The original official narrative of a single "lone nut" shooter was confused as of February 2018.
2017 Manchester Gorton by-electionManchester Gorton.pngGorton by-election superseded by a General Election
2017 Manchester bombingManchester Arena.jpgSuicide bombingSalman AbediA highly suspicious 2017 bombing in Manchester, UK, that reportedly killed 22 people and injured hundreds. Provided a pretext for suspending campaigning in the UK/2017 General Election
2017 Stoke Central by-electionStoke Central Hustings.jpgBritish by-election wher one Blairite Labour MP replaced another.
2017 Westminster attack2017 Westminster attack.jpgStabbing
Vehicular assault
Khalid MasoodA combined vehicle assault and stabbing at an iconic London location
2018 Amesbury poisoningsDawn Sturgess.jpg
2018 Brussels DisinfoLabDisinfoLab.jpgA 2018 conference set up jointly by the EU Disinfolab and the Atlantic Council
2018 California FiresMalibuWoolseyFire.jpg"Climate change"At the time the deadliest and most destructive wildfire season ever recorded in California.
2018 Gaza MassacreGazacasualties30mar8june2018.jpgIsrael/Defense ForcesA massacre of at least 135 unarmed protestors including many women and children, and the wounding of many thousands more by Israeli IDF sniper teams, during the Palestinian 'Great March of Return' and the weeks following its end on 15 May 2018
2018 Riga Stratcom Dialogue2018 Riga Stratcom Dialogue.jpgSpooky/MICC conference attended by Maria de Goeij whose trip report on it for the Integrity Initiative was leaked.
2018 missile attack on Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraftIL-20.jpgIsrael trying to start WW3 by having Russian plane shot down in war ruse.
2018 missile strikes against SyriaF/UK/US air attack against Syria under pretext of revenging chemical attack on civilians. The air strikes fizzled out without leading to full war.
2019 G20 Osaka summitGroup of Twenty.jpgFourteenth meeting of Group of Twenty (G20) 28–29 June 2019
2019 Military World GamesPossibly used by the US as a venue to spread COVID-19 to China
2020 Labour Party leadership contestKeir Starmer replaced Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party (UK)
2021 Batley and Spen by-electionBandS result.jpgA by-election in the parliamentary constituency of Batley and Spen.
2021 British Ministry of Defence leaksMOD LEAKS 21 June 2021.pngAngus LapsleyA pile of 50 sensitive MOD documents are leaked.
2021 Canadian federal electionJustin Trudeau - Interview Funny - DskobqfUcAE-quO.jpg large.jpgJustin Trudeau's gamble resulted in a near identical result to 2019. He then went into coalition with Jagmeet Singh's NDP.