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A group of doctors wrote a letter to the Premier advocating an alternative response to disease management, noting that more than 41,000 people die every year in Victoria, roughly 10,000 each from cardiovascular disease and cancer, yet in seven months of a supposed pandemic less than 600 Victorians have died of Covid-19: 90% of them over 65 years of age and most with multiple co-morbidities.<ref>https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2020/09/a-doctors-open-letter-to-daniel-andrews/</ref><ref>https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/16/from-blue-shirts-to-brown/</ref>
A group of doctors wrote a letter to the Premier advocating an alternative response to disease management, noting that more than 41,000 people die every year in Victoria, roughly 10,000 each from cardiovascular disease and cancer, yet in seven months of a supposed pandemic less than 600 Victorians have died of Covid-19: 90% of them over 65 years of age and most with multiple co-morbidities.<ref>https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2020/09/a-doctors-open-letter-to-daniel-andrews/</ref><ref>https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/16/from-blue-shirts-to-brown/</ref>
{{FA|Covid Doctors Network: Open Letter to Premier Daniel Andrews}}

Revision as of 04:58, 30 September 2020

Event.png COVID-19/Resistance(Civil disobedience) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Paris covid lockdown resistance slogan.jpg
On a wall in Paris: “You will not confine our anger.”
DateMarch 2020 - Present
Interest ofAnonyme Citoyen, 'Little Apostate', Maxime Bernier, Daily Expose, Michelle Dewberry, Viviane Fischer, Reiner Fuellmich, Bill Gates, David Greenhalgh, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Health Freedom for Humanity Symposium 2021, Israeli Peoples Committee, Esther McVey, Maajid Nawaaz, Isabel Oakeshott, Thomas Oppermann, Rebel News, Dominique Samuels, Desmond Swayne, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

“There’s no heroism in any of this. This is merely a matter of honesty. The only possible way to fight the plague is honesty.”
Albert Camus (1947)  [1]

Resistance about COVID-19 has many facets: In phase one, where chaos and panic prevailed, resistance included mental hygiene, staying out of hysteria, keep one's sanity. In phase two (April-?) resistance included: civil disobedience, lawsuits, demonstrations and the speaking out against the measures by doctors and experts.



A group of doctors wrote a letter to the Premier advocating an alternative response to disease management, noting that more than 41,000 people die every year in Victoria, roughly 10,000 each from cardiovascular disease and cancer, yet in seven months of a supposed pandemic less than 600 Victorians have died of Covid-19: 90% of them over 65 years of age and most with multiple co-morbidities.[2][3]

Full article: Covid Doctors Network: Open Letter to Premier Daniel Andrews


In early September a letter signed by 619 medical doctors 1710 medically trained health professionals from Belgium is sent to authorities and media asks for an open debate about the corona-measures without any form of censorship.[4][5]


In July the extra-parliamentary Corona review board formed to discuss with experts the overreach of the taken measures and influence policymakers.[6][7] Robert F. Kennedy was invited as a speaker to a gathering in Berlin on 29 August 2020.[8]


"Experienced con men are scared of marks who laugh after they have been taken." [9]

After a month or so of lockdown, resistance was growing among the locked down,[10] with increasings suspicions of its motives, and awareness of other agendas at work.

  • In England, by the end of September, substantial protests happened in Trafalgar Square in London.[11][12]
  • North Carolina saw demonstrations in mid April.[13]
  • Protesters in Berlin, Germany, demand constitutional rights. Activist video: www.nichtohneuns.de
  • In Germany, medical lawyer Beate Bahner who filed a complaint against the corona measures with the Federal Constitutional Court Of Germany and called for demonstrations, was arrested and deported to a prison psychiatric ward for two days. The public prosecutor is investigating for „public provocation to commit crimes“ and shut down her website temporarily.
  • Another lawyer asks in an open letter to the German Federal Chamber of Lawyers: „Lawyers sent to psychiatric hospital for protest? Is it that time again in Germany?“
  • April, 25: Protests in Vienna, Austria (200 people reported) and
    • all along the border of Germany/Poland. 125.000 cross boarder workers are denied passage;
    • similar repercussions at European borders are likely not given enough media attention. [14]
  • In Switzerland, a „corona critical“ doctor was arrested by a special police unit for alleged „threats against relatives and authorities“ and deported to a psychiatric clinic.[15]
  • In Chile, protests that erupted over an increase in ticket prices in 2019, continued in in April of 2020 during the lockdown.[16][17]
  • German general practitioners have published an appeal to politics and science in which they call for „a more responsible handling of the corona crisis“.[18]
  • Since Mai, 1 2020: Protests (350 - 1000 people) in every major city in Germany (and probably worldwide, i.e. US[19]) [20]

Car convoys

Google snapshot May 1, 2020
  • "Outraged by their governor’s ban on “non-essential” sales and activities, thousands of angry Michigan residents got into their cars and drove to her office in Lansing, in what they dubbed ‘Operation Gridlock.’"[21]
  • A internet search (May, 1 2020) for "corona car convoy protest" reveals that all over the world a wave of protests involving car convoys - thus obeying the 'no-contact-rule' - happened. [22][23][24][25][26]

Legal cases against "lockdown" measures

Various courts, up to the supreme court(s) are critical of the measures:

  • In September 2020 a federal judge ruled the Pennsylvania lockdown “Unconstitutional”[27][28]
  • The German supreme court ruled general stay-at-home-orders illegal. [29]
  • In Hesse, Germany, the supreme court ruled[30] against general stay-at-home-orders and made clear that politicians need constantly prove why basic rights are taken away - citizens had not to prove why they are exercising their rights. Meetings of 50 people must be allowed. In consequence local politicians support protests to open German borders.[31]

April 2020, as the lower case fatality rate became clear, judges and lawyers started to challenge the proportionality of the COVID lockdown, i.e. Peter Vornahme (Judge, Bavaria, Germany) and Lord Sumption (Judge, UK).

The situation in other states is likely comparable to Germany.[citation needed] / US[32]

  • Jens Wernicke, editor of rubikon.news published a lawsuit and announced his intention to go "a long way through the courts".[33]
  • The website kollateral.news of a German specialist lawyer is collecting reports on „suffering due to the lockdown“ and on the actual situation in German hospitals.[34]



Page nameDescription
2022 Freedom ConvoyA Canadian protest against the COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation for truckers which acted as a focal point for opposition to government overreach.
Michael BallwegOrganizer of some highly successful German protests against Covid. The government put him in custody for 9 months, then released him without charges.
Corona Investigative CommitteeLawyer committee investigating the "Corona pandemic".
Hannes HofbauerAustrian author, journalist and book publisher.
Bob MoranBritish cartoonist sacked for cartoons against the official Covid-narrative
Cindy SheehanAmerican anti-war activist particularly known for her extended antiwar protest at a makeshift camp outside President George W. Bush's Texas ranch in 2005.
White RoseCOVID-19 resistance group taking the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers!


Related Quotations

Ron DeSantis“Politicians want to force you to cover your face as a way for them to cover their own asses that's just the truth they want to be able to say they're taking this on and they're doing this even though it's not proven to be effective they want to continue to do it”Ron DeSantis22 August 2021
Maajid Nawaaz“Up to 700,000 vaccine passports have been affected by NHS blunders, locking many people out of foreign travel, after the wrong data was recorded by health officials

Imagine (if) this locked you out of DOMESTIC services?


Maajid Nawaaz3 September 2021


Related Documents

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File:WorseThanTheDisease.pdfpaper10 May 2021Stephanie Seneff
Greg Nigh
Peer reviewed paper concerned with gene mutation caused by vaccines in humans
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  1. https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2020/02/cdt-censorship-digest-january-2020-wuhan-coronavirus-outbreak/ The Plague
  2. https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2020/09/a-doctors-open-letter-to-daniel-andrews/
  3. https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/16/from-blue-shirts-to-brown/
  4. https://www.aier.org/article/open-letter-from-medical-doctors-and-health-professionals-to-all-belgian-authorities-and-all-belgian-media/ saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is
  5. https://docs4opendebate.be/en/open-letter/ saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is
  6. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/640-european-doctors-gather-discuss-overreaction-covid-damaging-society/
  7. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbKImrIHuDrA-J2IavZuaQ/about
  8. https://acu2020.org/english-versions/
  9. Eric Berne, M.D, "Let's pull a fast one on Joey", in: Games People Play. The psychology of human relationships, Penguin Books, 1964, p.122
  10. https://trib.com/news/local/casper/demonstrators-gather-in-casper-park-to-protest-government-overreach/article_1439586c-0a83-5f21-b3f8-c7bf7d8bd012.html
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/think-its-illegal-1000s-rally-london-oppose-another-covid-19-lockdown
  12. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/thousands-protest-covid-19-restrictions-central-london-73260420
  13. https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/14/north-carolina-reopen-protests-coronavirus/
  14. https://politikstube.com/corona-lockdown-zunehmender-widerstand-gegen-covid-19-massnahmen/
  15. https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
  16. https://amerika21.de/2020/04/239279/chile-corona-proteste-gehen-weiter
  17. https://www.latercera.com/nacional/noticia/vuelven-las-manifestaciones-a-plaza-baquedano-en-medio-de-la-pandemia-del-covid-19/F6XPZPT3EZGVFAPB3IQUHPWV4A/
  18. https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
  19. https://abcnews.go.com/US/residents-protest-coronavirus-stay-home-orders-states/story?id=70233220
  20. https://www.echo24.de/region/stuttgart-demonstration-coronavirus-einschraenkungen-menschen-polizei-13745965.html (see picture)
  21. https://www.rt.com/usa/485921-michigan-lansing-quarantine-protest/
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXAT8JUsX9s
  23. https://www.rt.com/usa/485921-michigan-lansing-quarantine-protest/
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y-n_H9LDiY
  25. https://www.google.com/search?q=corona+car+convoy+protest&oq=&aqs=
  26. https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=corona%20car%20convoy%20protest
  27. https://off-guardian.org/2020/09/15/federal-judge-rules-pennsylvania-lockdown-unconstitutional/
  28. https://www.rt.com/usa/500705-judge-pennsylvania-lockdown-unconstitutional/
  29. https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Verfassungsgericht-Demonstrationsrecht-gilt-trotz-Corona-Pandemie-4704019.html
  30. http://www.verfassungsgerichtshof-saarland.de/verfghsaar/dboutput.php?id=352&download=1
  31. https://www.welt.de/regionales/rheinland-pfalz-saarland/article207807617/Fuer-offene-Grenzen-Menschen-gehen-auf-die-Strassen.html
  32. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/coronavirus-lawsuits-filed-pandemic
  33. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/der-verfassungsnotstand
  34. https://kollateral.news/was-wollen-wir/ saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is