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ASK Query
[[Has nationality::Turkey]]
SQL Query
  t0.smw_id AS id,
  t0.smw_title AS t,
  t0.smw_namespace AS ns,
  t0.smw_iw AS iw,
  t0.smw_subobject AS so,
  t0.smw_sortkey AS sortkey, t0.smw_sort
  `mw_smw_object_ids` AS t0
  `mw_smw_di_wikipage` AS t1 ON t0.smw_id=t1.s_id
  (t1.p_id='514679' AND t1.o_id='54659')
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-delete'
  AND t0.smw_iw!=':smw-redi'
  t0.smw_sort ASC
SQL Explain
1SIMPLEt1refs_id,o_id,p_id,s_id_2,s_id_3,o_id_2,o_id_3o_id_39const,const175Using temporary; Using filesort
1SIMPLEt0eq_refPRIMARY,smw_id,smw_iw,smw_iw_2PRIMARY4wikispooks.t1.s_id1Using where
Auxilliary Tables
No auxilliary tables used.
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Errors and Warnings
Semih Akbil192721 June 1986Spokesman for the Turkish government after the invasion of Cyprus. Attended the 1975 Bilderberg
Gündüz Aktan7 August 194119 November 2008Single Bilderberger Turkish diplomat
Yıldırım Aktürk1941Connections in the Turkish government. Member of the Board of Directors of TUSIAD
Mustafa Akyol20 February 1972Single Bilderberg Turkish journalist and author arguing for Islamic liberalism
Ali Hikmet Alp5 December 1932Turkish diplomat who attended the 1994 Bilderberg meeting.
Fuat Alpkartal1902April 1978A Turkish officer with strong ties to the Turkish intelligence community and a former Military Attaché in Washington. Attended the 1959 Bilderberg.
Ertuğrul Apakan1947Turkish diplomat who chaired the The UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee in 2010.
Tekin Ariburun3 October 190313 October 1993Attended the 1959 Bilderberg as Commander of the Turkish Air Force. Retired in 1960 because he was against the military coup. Briefly acting President of Turkey in 1973.
Mustafa Aydin15 September 1967Turkish "security" academic. German Marshall Fund. Bilderberg/2024
Senem Aydın-DüzgitSingle Bilderberger Turkish academic. Opponent of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, strongly for the European Union. Published about COVID-19
Aslı Aydıntaşbaş24 February 1973Turkish journalist in Cumhuriyet, Milliyet, CNN Türk. Deep state connections. Attended the 2013 Bilderberg meeting.
Mehmet Ağar30 October 1951Turkish politician who escaped the Susurluk car crash after being forewarned. Reportedly in charge of heroin trafficking through Turkey. Arrested and served time in jail. Released in 2013
Mehmet Ali Ağca9 January 1958
Ali Babacan4 April 19678 times Bilderberg visitor, Turkish politician
Galip Balkar193611 March 1983Assassinated by Armenians while Turkish Ambassador to Yugoslavia
Evren BaltaTurkish Bilderberger academic
Evelin Banev8 October 1964Bulgarian "cocaine kingpin".
Mehmet BayarTurkish politician
Uğur Bayar1 May 1957Turkish businessman and financier.
Deniz Baykal20 July 1938Turkish perennial politician, had to resign after 2010 sextape
Egemen Bağış23 April 1970Bilderberg Turkish politician. Former president of the Federation of Turkish American Associations.
İlker Başbuğ29 April 1943Chief of the General Staff of Turkey.
Erdem Başçı1966Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey from 2011-2016
Burhan Belge1 February 189912 January 1967Turkish diplomat. First husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor, father of Murat Belge
Enis Berberoğlu1 April 1956Turkish politician and journalist sentenced in 2017 to 25 years in prison on spying charges
Feyyaz Berker7 October 192522 August 2017spooky Turkish businessman, Turkish Industry and Business Association chair
Selahattin Beyazit5 July 193121 January 2022One of the biggest industrialists in Turkey and member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Dinc Bilgin1940Turkish media mogul whose media empire was seized by the Turkish government in 2002.
Çevik Bir1939Turkish general who organized 1997 'soft' coup.
Mehmet Ali Birand9 December 194117 January 2013Turkish journalist with Milliyet and CNN Türk. Spoke positively of Fethullah Gülen. Attempted framed by intelligence services.
Nuri Birgi1907198623 Bilderbergs, Turkish Permanent Representative to NATO
Eşref Bitlis193317 February 1993Turkish general who was assassinated by deep state as part of the Turkey/1993 Planned Military Coup
Cem Boyner23 September 1955Turkish businessman. Selected a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1994, and attended the 1995 Bilderberg meeting, just as he was going from leader of the Turkish Industry and Business Association to an attempted political career.
Ümit Boyner28 September 1963Double Bilderberg President of the Turkish Industry and Business Association
Ali Bozer28 July 192530 September 2020Became acting Prime Minister of Turkey for 9 days in 1989 after attending two Bilderbergs
Sedat Bucak31 October 1960Survived the 1996 Susurluk car crash.
Selin Sayek Böke24 August 1972US born Turkish World Bank economist being groomed by the USA to high positions in Turkey. Attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil190830 December 1993Turkish politician who lost his job 3 times in separate military coups. Bilderberg/1975
Yavuz Canevi1939Attended the 1986 Bilderberg as Governor of the Turkish Central Bank
Huseyin Celem28 September 1937Turkish diplomat who attended the 1993 Bilderberg in Greece as Turkish Ambassador
İsmail Cem15 February 194024 January 2007Turkish politician and Robert College alumnus. Attended 1 Bilderberg as mooted presidential candidate, a second as Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hasan Cemal1944Turkish writer who published on the Armenian Genocide. Opponent of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Attended the 2004 Bilderberg conference.
Ahmet Ünal Ceviköz6 November 1952Former Turkish ambassador to the UK. He attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
Mehmet Fatih Ceylan6 October 1957Turkish spooky diplomat
Süreyya Ciliv1958Turkish businessman, Microsoft
Esra Eczacıbaşı CoşkunWEF-backed Turkish "Digital Transformation Coordinator"
Canan DagdevirenTurkish academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Selva DemiralpBilderberg economist who has extensive interactions with several central banks including the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and the Central Bank of Türkiye. Pushed COVAX in 2021.
Süleyman Demirel1 November 192417 June 2015Turkish PM
Kemal Derviş10 January 1949UNDP administrator, 4 times Bilderberger, Brookings