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Zalmay KhalilzadUS deep state actor who has been central in shaping the US policy towards Afghanistan
Roderich KiesewetterFormer Bundeswehr general staff officer turned politician
Robert KimmittUS deep state functionary, CFR, Bilderberg etc. Facebook's "Lead Independent Director" since March 2020
Ewald-Heinrich von KleistGerman deep politician
John KornblumUS diplomat wo attended at least 4 Brussels Forums
Stefan KorneliusGerman editor. Süddeutsche Zeitung
Jon KylUS lawyer whom Sibel Edmonds named as one of her "Dirty Dozen"
Karl LamersGerman politician
Stephen LarrabeeRAND political scientist, MSC
Kurt LaukBilderberg businessman and politician, advisor to Angela Merkel, heavy Munich Security Conference habit
Sergei LavrovRussian diplomat and very competent Foreign Minister
Pierre LelloucheFrench politician
Mariot LeslieChatham House, UK's Permanent Representative to NATO
Joe LiebermanLawyer-Senator whom Sibel Edmonds named in 2006 as one of her "Dirty Dozen".
Thomas de MaizièrePromoter of global surveillance, permanent state of emergency
Mikhail MargelovRussian liberal politician. Played a major role as propagandist in the 1996 election campaign of Boris Yeltsin in 1996 and for Vladimir Putin in 2000. Attended the 2003 Bilderberg meeting.
Jessica MathewsCarnegie Endowment for International Peace President, Far heavier Bilderberg habit than her husband (a US general), former(?) Steering Committee member
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Angela MerkelGerman deep state operative who aggressively pushed COVID-19 vaccines.
Friedrich MerzGerman transatlantic lobbyist and politician. Blackrock. Former chairman of the influential Atlantik-Brücke.
George MitchellLe Cercle
Philipp MißfelderSuper-transatlantic German politician, YGL/2014, who died of a pulmonary embolism in 2015
Thierry de MontbrialFrench deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
Pierre MorelFrench panelist at the 1990 Bilderberg
John Edwin MrozUS businessman
Phil MurphySuspected deep state functionary who "wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights" when he announced "COVID Lockdown" as Governor of New Jersey.
Pauline Neville-JonesBBC governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Omid NouripourGerman Green politician involved in many transatlantic influence networks.
Victoria NulandHigh ranking member of the federal government. Served in the administrations of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Sam NunnUSDSO? Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2 Bilderbergers, participated in both Operation Dark Winter & A Spreading Plague
Joseph NyeUS deep state connected academic who wrote in June 2021 that Vaccinating the world against Covid-19 is in America’s national interest
Arend OetkerGerman businessman, Chairman of Atlantik-Brücke for 5 years, named one of the: "50 most powerful people in the German economy"
Volker PerthesGerman double Bilderberger businessman, TLC
Karen PierceUK diplomat with jobs including UK/Permanent Representative to the UN
Danielle PletkaHawkish neoconservative academic, champion for Ahmad Chalabi
Hans-Friedrich von PloetzGerman Permanent Representative to NATO, and Ambassador to the UK and Russia. Attended the 1995 Bilderberg meeting as State Secretary in the Foreign Office
Ruprecht PolenzGerman politician. Proponent of Turkish membership in the EU.
Detlef PrinzMSC regular
Anders Fogh RasmussenBilderberger, ex Danish PM, ex-Secretary General of NATO.
Olli RehnAttended the 2007 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Enlargement. FIFA COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee chair
Wolfgang ReitzleGerman manager in the automotive industry, including BMW and Ford.Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Munich Security Conference.
Peter RickettsSpooky UK diplomat
Kenneth RothUS lawyer, serial WEF AGM and MSC visitor
Kevin RuddHad his big break after attending first meeting of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue in 1993. Later became Prime Minister.
Volker RüheGerman Defence Minister, 5 Bilderbergs, Atlantik-Brücke, suspected Deep state operative
Mikheil SaakashviliWEF/CIA client President of Georgia
Eberhard SandschneiderGerman Asia expert
Randy ScheunemannUS neocon foreign policy advisor to presidential candidate John McCain.
Helga SchmidRegular at the Brussels Forum and Munich Security Conference
Karel SchwarzenbergDeep state connected Czech diplomat and politician, MSC regular