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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Scathingly accurate insights into what the UK Labour Party has become". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Russian ATA questions  + (Russia’s Air Transport Agency publish 22 questions and 6 'necessary actions' addressed to the Ukrainian authorities)
  • Fiona Hill  + (Russophobic UK-born US foreign affairs specialist who has spent her whole career working to expand US influence in Eurasia)
  • Keir Giles  + (Russophobic [[UK deep state operative]], member of [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Oswald purchased rifle  + (Ruth Paine makes notation on her calendar 'LHO purchase of rifle.' ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 293)
  • Madeleine Albright  + (Ruthless [[politician]]Ruthless [[politician]], acquired and beloved by everyone named [[Clinton]] in the [[1990s]]. Hero of [[Kosovo]]. Most powerful woman of all time according to [[ISGP]]'s superclass index. When asked about half a million dead [[Iraqi]] children because of the sanctions she enforced, she replied "We think the price is worth it." replied "We think the price is worth it.")
  • Louise Mushikiwabo  + (Rwandan politician with unusually few MSC visits for a member of the [[MSC Advisory Council]])
  • Ryszard Kukliński  + (Ryszard Jerzy Kukliński was a Polish colonel and Cold War spy for NATO.)
  • McGeorge Bundy  + (S&B, Deep state actor, National Security Advisor)
  • Ben Griffin  + (SAS turned whistleblower and ant-war activist, subject to legal gags, who gives an unflattering inside perspective of the SAS culture.)
  • Guido Colonna di Paliano  + (SDS connected Italian aristocrat and diplomat. [[Deputy Secretary General of NATO]] 1962-64, then European Commissioner.)
  • Mort Janklow  + (SDS connected literary agent)
  • Alexander Vershbow  + (SDS connected regular at the [[Brussels Forum]])
  • Philip Stephens  + (SDS-connected British editor)
  • David Green  + (SFO Director 2012-18)
  • Gianfranco Battelli  + (SISMI Director on 9-11, who reports that he refused to cooperate in kidnapping terrorist suspects for the CIA.)
  • Fritz Erler  + (SPD Deputy chair. Attended all Bilderberg meetings from 1955 September to his death in 1967, aged 53)
  • Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle  + (SPIONS have aroused significant interest as delivery system of biotherapeutics (therapeutic cells, proteins and genes).)
  • Bullet 399 handed to SS Chief Rowley  + (SS Agent Richard Johnson hands bullet 399 to SS Chief Rowley at Executive building in Washington D.C. ref. Best Evidence, p 646)
  • Lawson receives Texas trip schedule  + (SS Agent Winston Lawson is briefed and receives a tentative schedule of Texas trip from SS Agent [[Roy Kellerman]] who was the agent in charge of arranging the timetable for trip and responsible for motorcade route.)
  • SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels test-drive route  + (SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels drive route from Lovefield to Trademart which went down Main street to Stemmons freeway. ref. W.C.)
  • JFK/Assassination/Motorcade/Timing verified  + (SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels with Dallas police assistant Chief Charles Batchelor drive motorcade route verifying that it could be driven in 45 minutes and was unchanged. ref. W.C.)
  • Bullet 399 sent to FBI Lab  + (SS Chief Rowley sends bullet 399 to FBI laboratory. ref. Best Evidence, p 646)
  • Paul Dickopf  + (SS spook who became leader of the [[German Federal Police]] after the war, where he recruited exclusively former [[Gestapo]] and [[SS]] officers. Also a paid "unilateral agent" of the [[Central Intelligence Agency|CIA]] since 1948.)
  • Luiz Henrique Mandetta  + (Sacked after implementing the COVID-19 Lockdown)
  • Pedro Luis Díaz Lanz  + (Sacked by Fidel Castro after voicing opposition to communism.)
  • Murat Çetinkaya  + (Sacked by Tayyip Erdogan)
  • Vernon Kell  + (Sacked by Winston Churchill.)
  • John Sinclair  + (Sacked by [[Anthony Eden]] after the death of frogman sent to spy on Soviet ship.)
  • Esther McVey  + (Sacked just before [[COVID]])
  • Dennis Blair  + (Sacked without ceremony)
  • Juliana Wilhelmina  + (Sad (but not completely clean) wife of seemingly ruthless Prince Bernhard. Was silenced and blackmailed very early with her spooky connections by her own husband.)
  • User:Robin  + (Sadly, false flag attacks have become routSadly, false flag attacks have become routine in the 21st century, and a lot of effort and resources are channeled into their production - and even more into the suppression of these truths. The more people who understand this technique, the less effective and more counterproductive it will be.ive and more counterproductive it will be.)
  • Neil Basu  + (Said there should be a discussion about whether it is "the correct thing for society to allow" people to spread online "misinformation that could cost people’s lives".)
  • Abu Qatada  + (Salafi cleric and Jordanian national, expelled from UK)
  • Homosexuality  + (Same-sex attraction.)
  • Ivo Samkalden  + (Samkalden, as first [[Jewish]]Samkalden, as first [[Jewish]] mayor of [[Amsterdam]] from [[1967]] to [[1977]], was the main instigator - with backing and a secret advisory board - that changed Amsterdam's main financial economy from industrial to [[corporate]] sources. During his tenure the first coffee-shops were opened and multiple [[drug]]-networks were set-up. [[Klaas Bruinsma]] escaped this "law and order mayor".[[Klaas Bruinsma]] escaped this "law and order mayor".)
  • Crispin Blunt  + (Sandhurst, Le Cercle, MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee)
  • Geoffrey Tantum  + (Sandhurst, MI6, Former(?) secretary of [[Le Cercle]])
  • Document:Killing Diplomacy  + (Sane people will choose politics over war,Sane people will choose politics over war, and sane – that is, competently governed – nations will choose diplomacy over belligerence and confrontation. If we look around in search of such incompetently governed nations, two examples readily present themselves: the [[United States]] and the [[United Kingdom]].ited Kingdom]].)
  • David Veness  + (Sat on the [[Mishcon Note]] written by [[Diana Spencer]] about her presentiment of a fatal car crash.)
  • Babylon Bee  + (Satirical website censored since 2020.)
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals  + (Saudi Arabian university)
  • Makarem Batterjee  + (Saudi YGL businessman who worked with the Saudi government on [[COVID-19]] as president of the [[Saudi German Hospitals Group]])
  • Sami Alangari  + (Saudi businessman with [[deep state]] connections.)
  • Maan al-Jaraba  + (Saudi political [[dissident]] who claims he was attempted murdered in a similar way to [[Jamal Khashoggi]].)
  • Bandar bin Sultan  + (Saudi state media announced that he was removed from this position "at his own request".)
  • Ted Westhusing  + (Saw a lot of [[fraud]] going on in Iraq and let his exasperation show. Shot dead near Baghdad.)
  • David Grimes  + (Says the things wanted, therefore allowed access to [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] as a 'debunker'. Very fond of the [[straw man]] argument.)
  • Document:The Rossing File:The Inside Story of Britain's Secret Contract for Namibian Uranium  + (Scandal in the [[1970s]]Scandal in the [[1970s]] and [[1980s]] of collusion by successive British governments with the mining conglomerate [[Rio Tinto Group|Rio Tinto]] to import [[yellowcake]] from the [[Rössing Uranium Mine]] in [[Namibia]] (illegally occupied by apartheid [[South Africa]]) in defiance of international law, and leading to the targeting of [[UN Commissioner for Namibia]] [[Bernt Carlsson]] on [[Pan Am Flight 103]] in December 1988.[Pan Am Flight 103]] in December 1988.)
  • Tina Joemat-Pettersson  + (Scandal ridden ex-minister form South Africa who died suddenly)
  • Barbados  + (Scenic [[Caribbean]] island nation. Formerly part of the [[British Empire]])
  • Paddy Lillis  + (Schemed successfully to deny new Corbyn supporters a say in Labor internal elections.)
  • Jim Marrs  + (Scholar for 9/11 Truth who taught a class on the [[JFK assassination]] at the [[University of Texas at Arlington]] for 30 years.)
  • File:Truth for Germany.pdf  + (Scholarly questioning of the official (vicScholarly questioning of the official (victor's) narrative of World War II as "The Peoples' War" or "The Good War". A narrative that is quintessentially ideological in laying blame for the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in history to date on Germany alone. The book, together with his subsequent publishing activities in the field of historical revision have earned this meek and self-effacing man one term of imprisonment and several other convictions in 'Freedom-loving' Germany.r convictions in 'Freedom-loving' Germany.)
  • New College School  + (School tied to [[New College, Oxford]].)
  • Fritz Halm  + (Schweizerische Arbeitgeberverband. Known earlier as Zentralverband Schweizerischer Arbeitgeberorganisationen.)
  • Space Relations  + (Sci-fi novel of an intergalactic empire ruled by aristocrats, whose boredom and absolute power have driven them to madness, in which humans are kidnapped to become illegal playthings of the galaxy's super-rich.)
  • Richard Lewontin  + (Science dissident who wrote ''Not In Our Genes'' and aired ''Biology As Ideology''.)
  • Gerard Piel  + (Science editor at [[Life magazine]], then editor in chief at [[Scientific American]] [[1947]]-[[1984]].)
  • Science/Problematic notions  + (Science is sometimes used as [[thought stopping cliché]] and/or tied to [[grant]]s to predetermine desired outcomes for businesses as well as education curriculums)
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology  + (Science university in Moscow with rigorous training standards)
  • Scientism  + (Science™ when used as a bullying technique: "just shut up and follow the experts". Exaggerated belief in science)
  • File:What Really Caused the ROKS Cheonan Warship Sinking?.pdf  + (Scientific proof that it was not the North Korean military that sank the Cheonan, but a rogue South Korean submarine)
  • Pugwash Conferences  + (Scientis organization whose main objective is "the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and biological) and of war as a social institution to settle international disputes.")
  • Metin Sitti  + (Scientis with interest in microrobotics and nanotechnology)
  • Dennis Bushnell  + (Scientist and futurist working for NASA)
  • Árpád Pusztai  + (Scientist who was fired - likely after a intervention from Prime Minister [[Tony Blair]] - after publishing research unfavorable to genetically modified food.)
  • Richard Lindzen  + (Scientist with opinions outside the [[scientific consensus about climate change]])
  • Luhan Yang  + (Scientist working on [[xenotransplantation]], cross-species transplants. [[Berggruen Institute]]. [[World Economic Forum]] Young Leader.)
  • John Davison Rockefeller III  + (Scion of the [[Rockefeller family]] with a lifelong passion for [[population control]])
  • Jonathan Oppenheimer  + (Scion of the gold and diamond [[Oppenheimer family]], [[Carnegie Endowment for International Peace]], [[WEF/GLT/2002]], [[WEF/YGL/2005]]...)
  • Aberdeen University  + (Scotland's third-oldest university and the fifth-oldest in the English-speaking world)
  • Tom McKillop  + (Scottish Bilderberger, [[AstraZeneca CEO]] 1999-2006, European Round Table of Industrialists)
  • Raymond Robertson  + (Scottish Conservative politician, later founding director of PR-company [[Halogen Communications]])
  • Maggie Chapman  + (Scottish Green politician)
  • Gavin Strang  + (Scottish Labour MP)
  • Christine Jardine  + (Scottish Liberal Democrat MP since 2017)
  • Mhairi Black  + (Scottish National Party MP in London)
  • Nicola Sturgeon  + (Scottish National Party MSP for Glasgow Southside)
  • Janey Godley  + (Scottish Nationalist, paid to promote [[face masks]] and [[lockdowns]] in a series of ad campaigns.)
  • Alyn Smith  + (Scottish SNP politician. Member of [[Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China]].)
  • Sean Connery  + (Scottish actor most known for the British propaganda movie series [[James Bond]]. Supporter of Scottish independence.)
  • John Hope  + (Scottish aristocrat and Tory politician.)
  • Helena Kennedy  + (Scottish barrister, broadcaster, member of the House of Lords.)
  • Brian Ivory  + (Scottish businessman)
  • Adam Werritty  + (Scottish businessman and close friend of the former Secretary of State for Defence [[Liam Fox]] - and also close to [[Mossad]].)
  • John Kerr  + (Scottish businessman and diplomat, attended all Bilderbergs from 2004 up to 2016)
  • William Duncan  + (Scottish businessman who attended the [[1980 Bilderberg]])
  • Malcolm Kendrick  + (Scottish doctor and author. He is particularly known for his belief that belief that [[cholesterol]] does not cause [[cardiovascular disease]], but also has written extensively, and with humor, on a number of medical [[dogmas]].)
  • Bill Ramsay  + (Scottish independence activist against [[nuclear weapons]].)
  • Mark Hirst  + (Scottish independence activist persecuted by [[COPFS]])
  • Alba Party  + (Scottish independence party, trying to take over from the [[Scottish National Party]], which has moved closer to the British establishment.)
  • Neil Mackay  + (Scottish journalist allegedly pro-independence, but seems to align very closely with the narrative from [[UK deep state]].)
  • George Kerevan  + (Scottish journalist, economist, previously [[Scottish National Party]], then joined [[Alba Party]])
  • Colin Boyd  + (Scottish judge who has been a Senator of the College of Justice since June 2012.)
  • Frank Mulholland  + (Scottish lawyer and [[Lord Advocate]])
  • Neil Davidson  + (Scottish lawyer and former Advocate General for Scotland.)
  • Kenneth Roy  + (Scottish ministers with or without the assScottish ministers with or without the assistance of the [[Lord Advocate]] have managed to convince themselves that the most expedient way of marking 10 years of the [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie scandal]] is simply to affirm the infallibility of Scottish justice.irm the infallibility of Scottish justice.)
  • Dounreay  + (Scottish nuclear facility)
  • Danny Alexander  + (Scottish politician. The deputy of [[George Osborne]] (2010 to 2015))