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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "An undercover police group to infiltrate UK protest groups". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Interpen  + (An off the books assassination squad connected to a lot of murders possibly on the orders of the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Ivermectin  + (An off-patent, very safe, drug which the [[Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance]] termed "effectively a “miracle drug” against COVID-19." A third rail topic for the media/medical establishment.)
  • File:Owning the Weather.pdf  + (An official document of the US Air Force dealing with research and development of weather modification programs on a 25 year view. Its publication coincided with the start of an upsurge in public awareness and disquiet about 'Chemtrails')
  • DSMA-Notice  + (An official request to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security, a system of censorship in use in the UK.)
  • ABC Trial  + (An official secrets case of 1977-78 during which the UK [[Labour]] government prosecuted 3 people for holding an interview, using the [[Official Secrets Act 1911]], a law they earlier had promised to repeal.)
  • Westland New Post  + (An offshoot of Gladio in Belgium, with an unclear connection to the [[Brabant Massacres]])
  • Scottish Defence League  + (An offshoot of the English Defence League.)
  • 2024 Yemen airstrikes  + (An ongoing attack on [[Yemen]])
  • Everipedia  + (An online encyclopaedia which uses blockchain.)
  • SearXNG  + (An open community metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other [[search engines]] while not storing information about its users.)
  • Document:An Open Letter On Defence  + (An open letter the BBC published from a grAn open letter the BBC published from a group of academics and military men written to the [[UK Prime Minister]] highlighting "global threats", warning that "security is threatened in almost every corner of the globe" and that decreased military expenditure would "damage our international credibility". Authors included at least three members of the [[Institute for Statecraft]].[[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Document:Open letter to President Putin from 300 Germans  + (An open letter to President Vladimir Putin from 300 Germans about the secession of Crimea and events in Ukraine since November 2013)
  • Document:A targeted and evidence-based approach to the COVID-19 policy response (an open letter)  + (An open letter to UK PM [[Boris Johnson]] from prominent scientists to hinder a new lockdown and change other failed policies)
  • Searx  + (An open source decentralised search engine)
  • Yacy  + (An open source decentralised web crawler)
  • Gigablast  + (An open source search engine written in over 500,00o lines of C/C++. In 2019, Martin Wells warned against using the code.)
  • The Collapse of Europe Conference  + (An openly Islamophobic conference in California, that may have been designed to promote [[Islamophobia]] in Europe as part of the "[[War On Terror]]".)
  • European Gendarmerie Force  + (An operational, pre-organised, and rapidly deployable EU intervention force with military status - meaning mysterious foreign-speaking troops with no local connections are used to crush unrest.)
  • Fentanyl  + (An opioid of much greater potency than [[heroin]], popular with big [[drug cartels]].)
  • International Common Law Court of Justice  + (An organisation describing itself as "a lawful citizens tibunal of concience")
  • WW1/Commission for Relief in Belgium  + (An organisation set up by J Edgar Hoover in 1915, ostensibly to provide humanitarian relief for Belgium but which was used to channel vital food and war fighting material to the German military with the calculated objective of prolonging the war.)
  • Crime syndicate  + (An organised group engaged in criminal behavior)
  • International Energy Agency  + (An organization that was formed after the [[1973 oil crisis]]. The IEA was initially dedicated to never let that happen again, as well as organizing the oil market and making sure [[big oil]] stays ahead of other energy sources.)
  • Dar El Tifl orphanage  + (An orphanage in East Jerusalem, in the traditionally upscale Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarah.)
  • COVID-19/Pandemic  + (An outbreak of Covid-19, a mild respiratory disease, caused worldwide mass panic with almost totalitarian outcome.)
  • File:King Family File Transcript.pdf  + (An outline and partial transcript of the 1999 civil trial, the only legal case to be heard regarding the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
  • Document:Chemtrails - Proof and Purpose  + (An outline of the activities of various agencies of the US UK military in the fields of climate modification by means of high altitude chemical spraying.)
  • Paul Wellstone  + (An outspoken critic of the Iraq War, most certainly killed by [[the cabal]].)
  • Aneurysm  + (An outward bulging, likened to a bubble or balloon, caused by a localized, abnormal, weak spot on a blood vessel.)
  • Document:George Bush and the CIA In the Company of Friends  + (An overview of Bush's CIA work and related business activity.)
  • Document:Frenzy in the Gold Market: The Repatriation of Germany’s Post World War II Gold Reserves  + (An overview of Germany's decision to repatriate it's physical gold bullion holdings, currently stored in the US, UK and France - they hope.)
  • Document:False Flags for Israel  + (An overview of Israel's long history of False Flag attacks.)
  • Document:Israel’s Information Ops  + (An overview of complex, worldwide Israeli 'Information Operations' conducted in support of its murderous military)
  • User:Robin  + (An overview of how the [[corporate media]], after years of ignoring the phrase, suddenly started to talk about the "[[deep state]]", possibly an unsuccessful effort to stem its rising popularity.)
  • Document:The Propaganda Model  + (An overview of the 'Propaganda Model' that accurately defines the nature of the western mainstream media. It also illustrates why "Commercially Controlled Media" is probably a better and more accurate term)
  • File:The War on Freedom.pdf  + (An overview of the events of 9-11, what lay behind them and where responsibility lies)
  • Document:The Real American Exceptionalism  + (An overview of the rights which the US hasAn overview of the rights which the US has claimed for itself as the lone superpower: international laws are strictly optional, to be followed only when convenient. "There is a clear correlation between state secrecy and the rule of law — as one grows, the other surely shrinks."— as one grows, the other surely shrinks.")
  • User:Robin  + (An overview of this important concept, including its application to [[permanent war]]s such as the "[[war on terror]]" or "[[war on drugs]]".)
  • User:Robin  + (An overview of this underresearched event organised by the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Catastrophic Contagion  + (An preparation exercise laying the groundwork for a "pandemic" for two areas that largely avoided the "Covid jab" - children and the continent of Africa.)
  • Document:The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld  + (An recommended and highly referenced overview of the deep state in action centering on the complex milieu of Khashoggi, the BCCI, and the Safari Club.)
  • Frank Sturgis  + (An spooky assassin involved in so many [[deep state]] operations that his FBI file was over 75000 pages.)
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (An state-funded organisation focused on supporting and educating businesses how to develop their companies in foreign countries.)
  • Myanmar  + (An strategic [[Asian]] state part of the "Golden Triangle" named by the [[CIA]] known for [[opium]] production. The [[military]] has a tight grip on the country. Location of a new coup in 2021.)
  • Muslim Council of Britain  + (An umbrella body for 500 mosques, schools and associations in Britain.)
  • Strategy of tension  + (An umbrella term used for long series of covert operations by governments aimed at stressing, destabilising or unsettling target populations or states. First used in Italy to describe [[Operation Gladio]] bombings.)
  • 'Tank Man'  + (An unarmed demonstrator who stopped a column of tanks by standing in front of them the day after the "Tiananmen Square massacre".)
  • Ashli Babbitt  + (An unarmed protester who was shot dead by [[Capitol Police]] in the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]]. The identity of her murderer is being withheld.)
  • File:The Secret Team.pdf  + (An unauthorised history of the [[CIA]]An unauthorised history of the [[CIA]] from its origins to the Kennedy assassination. Prouty suggested that the assassination was a coup d'état to stop the President from taking control of the CIA after the [[Bay of Pigs]] disaster. He also points out that the movement of Kennedy after a bullet struck his head was consistent with a shot from the grassy knoll. He also drew attention to the suspicious actions of the "Umbrella Man". suspicious actions of the "Umbrella Man".)
  • File:Unconditional Hatred.pdf  + (An uncomplicated military man ventures into the murky world of policy. A scathing indictment of [[Winston Churchill]] for his part in causing the most destructive war in world history.)
  • File:Bush Denunciation Letter 7 Feb 2011.pdf  + (An unequivocal allegation of torture by George W Bush and a request that the General Prosecutor of the Canton of Geneva follow up the legal responsibilities stemming from the UN Convention Against Torture.)
  • Bertha Champagne  + (An unexpected death of a long time nanny for the Bush family.)
  • Institute for Statecraft/Tor team  + (An unidentified subgroup of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Soviet Union  + (An union of Russian-backed states led by cAn union of Russian-backed states led by communists. After a civil war it became the largest country and fastest-growing economy of the [[1900s]], and superpower from the [[1940s]]. Its 1-century history is full of mass starvation, Jewish influence, targeting by [[Bilderberg]], proxy-wars, and a lasting communist and cultural mark (including on other countries). Its role in saving [[Western Europe]] from [[Nazi Germany]] is often downplayed. Dissolved in [[1991]] into [[Russia]] and 15 other states.[[Russia]] and 15 other states.)
  • Jean-François Vallet  + (An unknown Cercle visitor)
  • Sweden/Leader of the Opposition  + (An unofficial position)
  • COVID-19/Perpetrators  + (An unprecedented wave of [[COVID-19/Censorship|censorship]]An unprecedented wave of [[COVID-19/Censorship|censorship]] has been used to obscure the [[origins of Covid-19]], but certain patterns emerge in the response and cover up. Their brazenness, starting in 2020 but increasing throughout has been a bitter [[red pill]] for many to swallow.[[red pill]] for many to swallow.)
  • Sergio Luccarini  + (An unusually short tenure)
  • Document:Anatomy of the Deep State  + (An up to date analysis of the deep state in the US from a former insider who ''does not oppose the official narrative of 9-11''.)
  • File:How MH17 was shot down.pdf  + (An updated analysis of how Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down and taking account of developments up to 4 March 2015)
  • User:Robin  + (An useful expose of this piece of Orwellian language.)
  • Iran-Iraq war  + (An war from 1980-1988, that was ended with a UN-brokered ceasefire.)
  • Crown Agents  + (An “Emanation of the Crown” deserving of further scrutiny)
  • Cory Morningstar  + (Analyses fake green and leftist movements that are controlled by corporate interests)
  • "The Jewish Question"  + (Analysis and debate about the behaviour, wealth, power and political influence of Jews, as discrete minorities, in host societies together with that of the Jewish state itself.)
  • File:MH17 Report by Russian Union of Engineers.pdf  + (Analysis and report by the Russian Union of Engineers into the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 0n 17 July 2014)
  • Delphi method  + (Analysis method.)
  • File:Wiesel and Catholics.pdf  + (Analysis of [[Elie Wiesel]]s relationship with various naive senior [[Catholic Church]] prelates, including the Pope, through the 1990's and early 2000's)
  • Document:Reactions to the “Skripal case” in Greek newspapers  + (Analysis of headlines in Greek media about the [[Skripal-affair]])
  • Document:Terror Engineering  + (Analysis of its armaments and supply routes confirms that ISIS, like al Qaeda before it, is both a creation and tool of the Zionist NATO agenda)
  • Boston Marathon bombings/Photos  + (Analysis of photos from the Boston Bombing)
  • File:9 11 Commission Report's Significant Pattern of Omissions & Distortions.pdf  + (Analysis of some major discrepancies in 911 Comission report.)
  • Document:Bangkok Blast - Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it All  + (Analysis of the 18 August terrorist bombing in Bangkok illustrating western media (especially the BBC) bias by omission of major salient points)
  • Document:Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?  + (Analysis of the [[2016 Brussels Bombing]] from an experienced terror-sceptic.)
  • Document:Where we go from here - Britain after Brexit  + (Analysis of the so-called "[[Brexit]]" referendum result and prognosis for the future of the UK by a "passionate European" who wants to "keep the European flame alive".)
  • David Graeber  + (Anarchist anthropologist who played a leading role in the [[Occupy movement]]. Died suddenly in 2020.)
  • Peter Kropotkin  + (Anarchist philosopher promoting a decentralized economic system based on mutual aid, mutual support, and voluntary cooperation)
  • Emma Goldman  + (Anarchist revolutionary deported from the US during the [[Palmer Raids]])
  • Churkin demands ATC data at UN  + (Anatoly Churkin demands Ukraine authorities release recordings of Ukrain ATC recordings concerning the flight.)
  • Document:MI6, Theresa May and the Manchester attack  + (And so the story of [[MI6]]And so the story of [[MI6]] and [[Theresa May]], their sponsorship of [[Libyan Islamic Fighting Group|Islamic jihadism]], and the likely “blowback” the [[2017 Manchester bombing|UK just experienced in Manchester]] is a sleeping dog no one seems willing to disturb.eping dog no one seems willing to disturb.)
  • Document:There’s not just a ferry fiasco – the Gupta scandal is even bigger  + (And the cost of the taxpayer guarantee to [[Sanjeev Gupta]] the [[SNP]] didn’t wish you to know about? A gross cost of £586m.)
  • Document:The Zombie Apocalypse  + (And then to look at the election of [[Sir Rodney Woodentop]] and one has to ask oneself: :"Do I want him as a PM, who panders to the status quo to be elected, in order to allow the status quo to continue?")
  • Document:Assange ruling a dangerous precedent for journalists and British justice  + (And yet despite all this, the English HighAnd yet despite all this, the English High Court ruled on 10 December 2021 that it was satisfied with “assurances” that [[Assange]]’s wellbeing would be protected were he extradited to the [[United States]]. [[British]] judges may be persuaded by those assurances. Many others, including [[Assange]], will not be.nge]], will not be.)
  • André Vltchek  + (Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist.)
  • Canterbury Christ Church University  + (Anglican higher education institution)
  • Henri Deterding  + (Anglo-Dutch oil tycoon, one of the richest men in the world, oil cartel instigator, very early sponsor of Hitler)
  • Königswinter  + (Anglo-German Influence network)
  • George Bernard Shaw  + (Anglo-Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist keen on [[eugenics]].)
  • Luca Del Bono  + (Anglo-Italian entrepreneur listed in [[Jeffrey Epstein's black book]].)
  • Document:Seventy Years of Harassing the Political Establishment and Peoples of Europe  + (Anglo-US domination of the political establishments and peoples of Europe - especially Germany - over 70 years following the end of World war II)
  • John Loudon  + (Anglo/Dutch CEO of [[Shell]], and close friend with [[David Rockefeller]]. Attended the [[1962 Bilderberg|1962]], [[1965 Bilderberg|1965]], [[1975 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • Robert Menzies  + (Anglophile [[deep state actor]], [[prime minister of Australia]] 1939-41, 1949-66)
  • Aguinaldo Jaime  + (Angolan politician and economist)
  • Lizard  + (Animals. Named as method for aliens to camouflage themselves as by - among others - [[David Icke]].)
  • William Cooper  + (Announced around 10 weeks before 9/11 thatAnnounced around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup> He was killed by the [[US Marshals Service]] less than two months after the event.months after the event.)
  • Marc Tessier-Lavigne  + (Announced in July 2023 that he would resign as [[Stanford University President]])
  • Brussels Forum/2018  + (Annual 3 day spooky get-together of [[transatlantic]] politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the [[CIA]] and [[German Marshall Fund]]. Discussed the "Fight for Economic Equality".)
  • Brussels Forum/2019  + (Annual 3 day spooky get-together of [[transatlantic]] politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the [[CIA]] and [[German Marshall Fund]]. Discussed the "Fight for Economic Equality".)
  • Brussels Forum/2023  + (Annual 3 day spooky get-together of [[transatlantic]] politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the very spooky [[German Marshall Fund]].)
  • World Fellows Program  + (Annual 4 month training/networking project that has run out of [[Yale University]] annually since 2002.)