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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A report to congress". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Hierarchy  + (A pyramidal arrangement of power or social status, with many people of low status, and corresponding few of high status.)
  • File:Security Terrorism and the UK.pdf  + (A quintessentially UK Establishment view on Security and Terrorism in the UK.)
  • Document:Economic Tasks - Vladimir Putin  + (A quintessentially orthodox IMF/WTO economic analysis from the Russian Prime Minister in the run up to the Presidential election in March 2012.)
  • Adam Garrie  + (A radio journalist)
  • Operation Crevice  + (A raid launched in the UK on the so-called "fertiliser bomb plotters".)
  • Document:Programme for the visit of the Lithuanian MOD Stratcom team  + (A range of seminars in connection with a Lithuanian delegation to Institute of Statecraft, including with Bill Browder's Hermitage)
  • 9-11/Censorship  + (A range of tactics have been employed to try to stifle dissent about 9/11, from ad hominem attacks to assassination. As of 2016, censorship is ongoing.)
  • Document:Zionist Terrorists Released by Mexican Attorney General  + (A rare English language article on the penetration of the Mexican Assembly building by two heavily armed Israeli and Zionist gunmen - and their release without charge or apparent investigation just two days later.)
  • Document:It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war  + (A rare note of sanity (and accuracy) on the 2014 Ukraine coup from a western corporate media)
  • Document:The CIA - long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society  + (A re-examination of an obscure appendix from a CIA document that was exposed by the 1977 Senate hearings into MKULTRA. Is a secret CIA unit directing and expanding drug use in a pre-meditated effort to weaken society?)
  • 2016 Hurriyah car bombing hoax  + (A real bomb in the Hurriyah area of Baghdad reported as having killed people by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] but exposed as a hoax after [[CCTV]] footage appeared online.)
  • Document:Getting it Right  + (A realistic appraisal of the functioning and lack of EFFECTIVE political oversight of the UK Secret Intelligence Services)
  • Document:From Glory Boy to PoW Songbird  + (A reality based counterbalance to the de-rigeur 'war-hero' treatment that John McCain is routinely accorded by the US commercially-controlled media and his Wikipedia entry)
  • File:Machiavellian-state-terror.pdf  + (A reanalysis of the events of 7/7 as possible 'Machiavellian State Terror'.)
  • User:Robin  + (A reasonable overview of this undermentioned topic.)
  • Cold War II  + (A rebooting of the original [[Cold War]], that was definitely tied to the UK deep state in late 2018.)
  • Document:The Spanish Civil War  + (A rebuttal of the dominant western narratiA rebuttal of the dominant western narrative of the Spanish civil war as an idealistic crusade by the 'International Brigades' to defend an embattled elected left-wing government from evil fascists. As always, the devil is in the detail - in this case the inconvenient suppressed detailis case the inconvenient suppressed detail)
  • Cryptogon  + (A recommended news aggregator which only occasionally get distracted by prices of shares or gold.)
  • Lost and Found ID  + (A recurring theme in deep events, whereby the perpetrators supposedly leave behind them a trail of very revealing information such as identity documents.)
  • "Refrigerated morgue trucks"  + (A recurring theme in the COVID-19 media manipulation was suggestive images of refrigerated trucks because morgues were overflowing.)
  • Project Iris  + (A reference used by [[Harod Associates]] on a report into public perceptions of the [[Skripal Affair]])
  • Fritz Kraemer  + (A refugee from Nazi Germany and "the greatest single influence" on [[Henry Kissinger]]. [[Mae Brussell]] identified him as "Number One" most powerful person in the United States.)
  • Below Gotham Labs  + (A regularly updated and informative news site with a focus on mass surveillance by [[The Deep State]].)
  • DEFUSE  + (A rejected proposal from [[Peter Daszak]] of [[EcoHealth Alliance]] to weaponise naturally occuring bat coronaviruses, to preempt "zoonotic spillover". Authenticity questionable.)
  • Jimmy Carter  + (A relatively enlightened presidency, although he was unable to restrain the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Richard Nixon  + (A relatively independent US president who may have been removed from power because he was planning to expose the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.)
  • Ketamine  + (A relatively safe anaesthetic)
  • Hinduism  + (A religion traditionally mostly in India.)
  • Atheist  + (A religious belief.)
  • 9-11/Drills  + (A remarkable number of [[terror drills]]A remarkable number of [[terror drills]] occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks.ave hindered response to the real attacks.)
  • Joël van der Reijden  + (A renowned independent researcher into the deep state. He serves as an inspiration to Wikispooks and occasionally contributes ISGP-related content himself.)
  • Mae Brussell  + (A renowned researcher and investigative journalist in the field of deep politics.)
  • Action Counters Terrorism  + (A replacement for the highly criticised [[Prevent]] "branding platform" of "[[counter-terrorism]]".)
  • Arms for Libya 2.0  + (A replay of the original [[Arms For Libya]]A replay of the original [[Arms For Libya]], in that a [[US deep state]] [[arms dealer]] was charged with selling weapons to Libya. However, in contrast to the original case, [[Marc Turi]] had a secret ace in the hole which caused the USDOJ to drop all charges and hush the affair up.o drop all charges and hush the affair up.)
  • Document:Craig Murray and 9-11  + (A reply to Craig Murray's article explaining his embargo on any further discussion of 9-11 in the comments section of his blog)
  • The Fitzgerald report  + (A report about monopolistic practices by [[big pharma]] from 1953)
  • File:Maidan snipers.pdf  + (A report about the Kiev Maidan sniper events of February 2014 by German TV investigative programme "Monitor" that first aired on 10 April 2014)
  • File:Armyvisitstoschools.pdf  + (A report about the recruiting activities and practices of the British army in the nations schools. It shows that emphasis is placed on schools in disadvantaged areas and discusses the reasons for this)
  • File:Proof the Investigation is Politically Directed TWA Flight 800.pdf  + (A report about what an airline executive with military background thought about TWA Flight 800 in the immediate aftermath.)
  • File:9-11-9 the Vicsim Report.pdf  + (A report alleging inconsistencies, repetitions and photo-fakery of much of the reporting and memorial sites for the victims of the 9/11 attacks.)
  • Document:Release of the Lockerbie Prisoner  + (A report by the official UN Observer of the Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands, commenting on the release on compassionate grounds of the only person convicted in the Lockerbie case.)
  • File:Anonymous-Operation Want.pdf  + (A report into the finances of the Wallenberg family as they relate to a proposal to create an additional seat on the NASDAQ OMX Group Board of Directors which is currently (2 April 2011) awaiting SEC approval.)
  • Document:CIA wanted to kill Lockerbie bomber before trial  + (A report of [[William Chasey]]A report of [[William Chasey]]'s allegation (after being diagnosed with incurable cancer) that [[CIA]] agents tried to convince him to plant homing devices on [[Megrahi]] and [[Fhimah]] as part of the plot to assassinate them before the [[Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial|Lockerbie trial]].[[Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial|Lockerbie trial]].)
  • File:LloydsPeakOilReport.pdf  + (A report on "Sustainable Energy Security".)
  • File:Rainoffire.pdf  + (A report on Israeli use of white phosphoroA report on Israeli use of white phosphorous munitions during Operation Cast Lead against the Gaza Strip December 2008 - Jan 2009. It documents extensive use of illegal munitions and is notable for some startling pictures of white phosphorous trails raining down on fleeing civilians. trails raining down on fleeing civilians.)
  • Document:Progress report on establishing national clusters  + (A report on building of a network of cells to monitor and influence public opinion)
  • File:Fallujah Birth Defects.pdf  + (A report on research into the legacy radiation effects of depleted uranium weapons usage in Fallujah, Iraq during the 2003 Iraq war.)
  • Document:Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013  + (A report on the Human rights record of theA report on the Human rights record of the USA through 2013. An official publication of the government of the Peoples Republic of China. A response to the hypocricy of the US government in publishing similar reports on 200 countries and excluding itself - Clearly the US considers itself exempt in such matters.S considers itself exempt in such matters.)
  • John Urquhart Cameron/Lockerbie Forensic Evidence Report  + (A report on the Lockerbie forensic evidence compiled by Dr John Cameron)
  • File:Koechler-lockerbie-appeal report.pdf  + (A report on the appeal proceedings at the Scottish Court in the Netherlands)
  • File:JusticeDenied.pdf  + (A report written in 1999 in the run up to the unsuccessful appeal by Samar and Jawad against their conspiracy convictions. Includes a preface by Paul Foot.)
  • Bill Hunter  + (A reported who investigated the JFK assassination. Shot dead by a policeman, reportedly accidentally.)
  • Inconvenient History  + (A repository of scholarly works of historical revisionism - especially regarding World War II)
  • David Icke  + (A reputation in [[corporate media]] as the 'de facto face of conspiracy'.)
  • Global Research  + (A research and media organization based in Montreal, Canada, and highly recommended source of independent news)
  • UN/Institute for Disarmament Research  + (A research institute of the United Nations focused on [[disarmament]] and [[international security]]. The directors are "safe hands".)
  • Iran University of Science and Technology  + (A research institution and university of engineering and science.)
  • "Strike Hard Campaign"  + (A research project into repressive [[social control]] carried out against Chinese Muslims.)
  • Danny Casolaro  + (A researcher into the [[US Deep state]] who suffered a bloody fate soon after announcing that he was about to implicate powerful people.)
  • Martin John Rogers  + (A researcher into tropical diseases, particularly malaria, who suddenly disappeared without apparent explanation about 14 days before being found dead by his wrecked car.)
  • Milo Speriglio  + (A researcher who died in unexplained circumstances in 2000.)
  • Larisa Shevchenko  + (A resident of city of Lugansk in the [[Donbas]] who protested against the coup activities on the [[Maidan]] in [[Kiev]] since 2013.)
  • Document:Huawei’s phone business would be decimated without Google’s Android  + (A resolution to the ongoing [[US-China trade war|trade dispute between the US and China]]A resolution to the ongoing [[US-China trade war|trade dispute between the US and China]] is now more urgent than ever. However, [[China]] is unlikely to react positively to the bullying tactics of the [[US]]. And that means [[Huawei]]’s [[mobile phone|phone]] business may be in limbo for a while yet. business may be in limbo for a while yet.)
  • Asset  + (A resource by means of which intelligence is gathered; but also a person through whom things are getting done.)
  • John O'Neill  + (A respected and sincere opponent of "terroA respected and sincere opponent of "terrorism" who faced opposition in trying to investigate the [[U.S.S. Cole attack]] and who was the [[FBI]]'s leading expert on [[Al Qaeda]]. Later made Head of Security for the [[World Trade Center]], where he was killed on his first day at work, [[9-11 | September 11th]], 2001.[[9-11 | September 11th]], 2001.)
  • Barry Walker  + (A retired Hong Kong Police Force officer and commentator on the Lockerbie Bombing.)
  • Dair Farrar-Hockley  + (A retired Major General who joined the [[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Martin Moore-Bick  + (A retired UK judge who lead a public inquiry into the [[Grenfell Tower fire]].)
  • David Halpin  + (A retired UK orthopedic and trauma surgeon turned activist who, amongst other things, has been instrumental in questioning the official narrative as regards the death of Dr. David Kelly.)
  • Document:The World Through the Prism of Europe  + (A retrospective on how Europe now views thA retrospective on how Europe now views the events of World war II and its aftermath by the wife of Ernst Zundel who has been relentlessly persecuted by the western Establishment for no reason other than stubbornly authoring and publishing research on WWII and The Holocaust.ishing research on WWII and The Holocaust.)
  • User:Peter  + (A revealing description of the methodologies of power and the dynastic modalities of its passing. Do not be put off by the word 'Occult', which is used in its classic root sense of 'Hidden'.)
  • Document:Ariel Sharon - War is Peace  + (A review of how the western corporate media reported on the legacy of Ariel Sharon following his death in early January 2014, together with evidence of the unreported reality.)
  • File:Freedom Flotilla.doc  + (A review of media sources.)
  • Document:JFK - What We Know Now  + (A review of the JFK assassination evidence 47 years on, including comments on the [[Zapruder film]])
  • Document:My 2019  + (A review of the author's year. Notable forA review of the author's year. Notable for his retrospective on the scurrilous misrepresentations of his views on immigration, Islam, China and other contentious topics, by [[The New Statesman]] which cost him his unpaid government advisory job before it was exposed as a thoroughly dishonest [[hit piece]] and an apology issued.[[hit piece]] and an apology issued.)
  • Document:Cognitive Infiltration  + (A review of the book by [[David Ray Griffin]])
  • Document:Behind the 2011 Orgy of Destabilisations  + (A review of the book by [[David Ray Griffin]])
  • Document:Full Spectrum Dominance  + (A review of the book by [[William Engdahl]].)
  • Document:The Jewish Question  + (A review of the historical tensions between the Jewish Diapora and its host nations up to the end of the nineteenth century)
  • Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz  + (A review of the the series of forensic exaA review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authorityt that was published without his authority)
  • Gish gallop  + (A rhetorical technique that involves overwhelming the opponent with as many arguments as possible, with no regard for the accuracy, validity, or relevance of those arguments.)
  • OpIndia  + (A right wing news website based in [[India]])
  • Merchant Venturers  + (A royally chartered group of 85 rich individuals, centered on Bristol, exercising great influence over financial institutions, big media and big oil.)
  • Document:Victoria Nuland's 'Ukraine-gate' Deceptions  + (A rundown of the for-public-consumption deceptions of Victoria Nuland in connection with her "Ukraine-Gate" telephone call gaff, details of which broke in early February 2014)
  • Document:War on Libya: Official Lies and Misconceptions  + (A rundown of the principal falsehood propagated by the official narrative on Libya)
  • Document:The Production of Evil  + (A russian Lawyer decodes the real meaning of ISIS)
  • Contadora Island  + (A safe haven in [[Panama]] where U.S. politicians and corporate executives enjoyed sex and drugs away from the prying eyes of the international press, particularly in the [[1980s]].)
  • Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity  + (A scarier version of [[DARPA]])
  • Document:Washington's "Pivot" hits a Brick Wall  + (A scathing polemic on US support and promotion of the civil war in Ukraine)
  • Atlantic Storm  + (A scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. Recommended [[militarization]], [[vaccination]] and stockpiling drugs. Held January 2005.)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly Washington DC Schedule  + (A schedule of c's meetings in Washington)
  • Antony Sutton  + (A scholarly professor at the [[Hoover Institution]]A scholarly professor at the [[Hoover Institution]] who became controversial when he tried to reach the public with his research. His work has become increasingly influential as the Internet Age has gathered momentum after his death at the age of 77 in 2002. after his death at the age of 77 in 2002.)
  • Dunblane school massacre  + (A school massacre by an acquaintance of [[George Robertson]], a Bilderberger and later [[Secretary General of NATO]] with a range of other connections.)
  • Stoneman Douglas High School shooting  + (A school shooting in Florida in 2018)
  • File:TheRudolfReport.pdf  + (A science-based forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz.)
  • Tyrone Hayes  + (A scientific whistleblower. [[Big Ag]] corporation [[Syngenta]] orchestrated an attack on Hayes' scientific credibility.)
  • Information hygiene  + (A scientific-sounding [[buzzword]]A scientific-sounding [[buzzword]] being promoted as part of the [[SDS]] [[internet censorship]] project. Information hygiene is a mix of censorship through "[[fact checkers]]" and "technological solutions", and attempting to get the population to [[self censor]] and instead "[[trust the experts]]".[[trust the experts]]".)
  • DuckDuckGo  + (A search engine that claims not to track its users, and which does not appear to be censoring this site as much as [[Google]])
  • NNDB  + (A searchable database of over 40,000 people, groups and jobs of interest.)
  • David Malone  + (A second generation documentary film-maker whose father made The Ascent of Man with Bronowski, The Age of Uncertainty with Galbraith and Cosmos with Sagan.)