Austria/Deep state

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The Austrian deep state

The Austrian deep state is not yet well documented here.



During the Cold War, leading Austrian editors were bribed by the CIA to spread news stories.[1]



The Austrian Deep state involved Club 45, an Austrian association founded in 1973 by leading members of the Social Democratic Party after inspiration from Henry Kissinger.

The freighter Lucona sank after an explosion on January 23, 1977 in the Indian Ocean, killing six of the twelve crew members. The case was an attempted insurance fraud, and the loss of the crew was part of the calculations. Of deep political interest is that the official cargo was a uranium ore processing plant[clarification needed], of great interests to many countries.

Hannes Androsch, Austrian Minister of Finance, attended 11 Bilderberg meetings and was on the Bilderberg Steering committee.


Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor of Austria from 1986-1997, attended 17 Bilderbergs and was on the Steering committee.

As Austrian ambassador to Athens in 1985, Herbert Amry uncovered the illegal export of weapons to the warring state Iran from neutral Austria. This, known as the Noricum scandal, caught the attention of the public, parliament and courts in Austria. Amry then died of a sudden heart attack - or poisoning.

Heribert Apfalter, a member of Club 45, was an Austrian businessman who died suddenly in 1987, amid rumours of foul play. Alfred Dallinger, who also attended the 1979 Bilderberg, died in a small plane in 1989.


21th Century

Rudolf Scholten, an Austrian politician, attended 21 Bilderbergs, including all meetings since 2003, and joined the Steering committee.


In 2008, the right-wing politician Jörg Haider, formerly of the Freedom Party, died in a car crash that might have been an assassination.


In 2019, the Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache from the Freedom Party resigned after a covert video recording of him discussing underhanded political practices. ('the Ibiza Affair'). The operation had many hallmarks of an intelligence operation.[2]


In 2021 Austria mandated COVID jabs for all adults, and had a lockdown for the unvaccinated only.



Event Participated in

Noricum scandalAustria
Illegal sale of artillery guns to Iraq and Iran
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