2016 Brussels Bombing

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Event.png Mass murder in Brussels (deep event) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Brussels bombers.jpg
Three alleged Zaventem suspects: two 'suicide bombers' were named as Ibrahim el-Bakraoui (centre) and Najim Laachraoui (right). Third unnamed suspect is on the run.
LocationBrussels Airport,  Maelbeek metro station,  Brussels,  Belgium
Blamed onISIS
Type• Suicide Bombing.jpg Suicide attack
•  mass murder
• Bombing.jpg bomb attack
Injured (non-fatal)261
Subpage2016 Brussels Bombing/Media manipulation
DescriptionA terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to ISIS by the commercially-controlled media, clearly assuming the sheeple are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" Official Narrative

On 22 March 2016, four months after the Mass murder in Paris,[1] three attacks were carried out in Brussels which were even more deadly than the Brabant Massacres of the 1980s.

Official narrative

On the morning of 22 March 2016, explosions occurred at Brussels main airport in Zaventem and one at Maelbeek metro station in the centre of Brussels. Suicide bomber Khalid el-Bakraoui was quickly identified.[2] Not including the perpetrators, 35 people were killed and 261 others injured. An assault rifle and a third bomb were found in a search of the airport.[3] The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks,[4] based on information emanating from social media.


The late Ezra Harel's private security firm ICTS were in charge of security at Brussels airport, a firm which has been in charge of security at a number of key airports.[5]

Target selection

The choice of a soft target suggests that the attack may be a false flag under Operation Gladio/B intended to shape public opinion. If NATO had been the target, then those responsible might have chosen a harder military target such as the nearby NATO headquarters.

Presence of Soldiers

An eyewitness airport worker Tom Donker reports seeing a soldier at the bomb scene ready to deal with the dead and injured bodies.[6] No official announcement of an ongoing drill going has been made.


CNN broadcast CCTV footage, stating that it was from inside Maelbeek Metro station, but it was shown by The Independent to be from the 2011 Minsk Metro bombing.[7]


A previously unknown self-proclaimed "news agency" (Amaq Agency) - claiming to represent ISIS and whose website has no content dated earlier than 4 March 2016, provided the following report:

Brussels – Amaq Agency: Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital Brussels, a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State.

Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station. The attacks resulted in more than 230 dead and wounded.[8]

Apparently well organised social media campaigns have spreading have deliberate disinformation about Brussels Attacks, implying a wider orchestrated attempt to control the narrative, in short, a propaganda campaign. But by whom? Who controls the Amaq Agency site which is hosted on a free account provided by Wordpress? The answer to that question is important because the site appears to be the earliest and primary source of subsequent commercially-controlled media claims of ISIS responsibility for the attacks.


Belgian authorities claims were uncritically reported by commercially-controlled media. Young reporters in Brussels regularly presented police or other official statements as 'fact', failing to question the official narrative and failing to attribute assertions to whichever agency they've got them from, mixing up fact with speculation. Nothing was said about Operation Gladio.[9] Western media coverage of Brussels was extensive, as compared to the Saudi Arabian bombing raid a on a market place in Yemen where 80 people were killed the week before.

Operation Gladio/B

Full article: Rated 5/5 Operation Gladio/B

On the day of the Brussels attacks, Sott.net published an article suggesting they could have been a Gladio/B operation, opining that "One has to wonder then how closely the Pentagon's Cold War strategy is being followed today, and if it involves similar false-flag terror attacks against the civilian population of Europe in order to create a climate of insecurity under which more authoritarian policies can be imposed on the public. One also has to wonder about the strange coincidence of Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan warning just a few days ago that 'there is no reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara [on 12 March 2016] could not explode in Brussels.'"[10]

The increasing number of supposed suicide bomber attacks in Western Europe which closely follow the script of Operation Gladio/B has lead Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett and others to suggest that the Brussels attacks might well be another act of false flag terror as part of a strategy of tension designed to promote fear and prevent the public from understanding their governments true role in the world.[11][12]


Belgian anti-terror police appeared, unidentifiable, and dressed in balaclavas.

Someone[Who?] declared three days of national mourning in Belgium.[13]

There was immediate pressure for European intelligence services to relinquish sovereignty in 'intelligence sharing' agreements.[citation needed]

Tony Blair

A week after the Brussels attacks, former British prime minister Tony Blair called for Britain to step up military action to “crush” ISIS or be faced with a terrorist “act of such size and horror” that it will result in “many more victims” than the atrocities in Brussels and Paris. Accused by some of scaremongering, and echoing the views of US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, Blair wrote in The Sunday Times:

“ISIS has to be eliminated with greater speed and vigour. Where they need active on-the-ground military support from us, we should give it. They have to be crushed.”[14]

Follow up

Echoing the Charlie Hebdo event, a follow up march was planned.

March Against Fear

Full article: March Against Fear
Brussels March Against Fear on Easter Sunday cancelled because the Belgian authorities and police had "security fears"

The organisers of a March Against Fear planned for Sunday, 27 March 2016 to mark the Brussels terror attacks said they had cancelled the event after the Belgian authorities asked them to do so because of security fears and to allow the police to concentrate their resources on the investigation into the attacks:

“We understand this request. The security of our citizens is an absolute priority. We join the authorities in proposing a delay and ask people not to come this Sunday,” the organisers said in a statement on Easter Saturday.

On the Activist Post website, Bernie Suarez commented:

"Is everyone taking note on how the false flag script is developing? Apparently staged attacks that take place in Europe are followed up by these weird 'anti-fear' marches which only serve to bring more attention to the false flag event and 'state-sponsored terrorism'. It’s all part of the terrorism propaganda, fear and social engineering that the state is exerting over the masses on their road to their new global order. The irony of seeing the March Against Fear cancelled by 'fear' itself only goes to show that there is nothing genuine and organic about this effort. It also shows us that the state, not the people, is controlling these events."[15]

External links


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:A lesson from Brussels we refuse to learnarticle24 March 2016Jonathan CookCommentary on the shortcomings of a Simon Jenkins article on the Mass murder in Brussels
Document:Brussels Attack: Another Chapter in NATO's Gladio Strategy?article27 March 2016Wayne MadsenAnalysis of the 2016 Brussels Bombing from an experienced terror-sceptic.
Document:Terror Theatrearticle26 March 2016Jay DyerCompelling analysis of the nature of the Brussels attacks of 22 March 2016
Document:The scariest thing about Brussels is our reaction to itarticle24 March 2016Simon JenkinsAbsurd over-reaction to terrorist attacks in the west in general and the Mass murder in Brussels in particular, is EXACTLY what the those responsible for the attacks want and expect.
Document:Who is Bombing European Civilians?article22 March 2016Sott.netSharp questioning of precisely who is responsible for attacks on civilians in Europe


The Official Culprit

Islamic StateAn "Islamic fundamentalist terrorist" organisation which whistleblower Sibel Edmonds links to Operation Gladio/B and succinctly describes as a re-branding of al-Qaeda.
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