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Pascal LamyMulti-Bilderberg former Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Stephen LarrabeeRAND political scientist, MSC
Mark LeonardSuspected UK DSO who founded the European Council on Foreign Relations. A regular the the Brussels Forum, MSC, WEF AGM. Authored Britain™: Renewing our Identity
Kadri LiikEstonian journalist Russia’s Strategy on NATO'S Eastern and Southern Flanks replete with fellow IfS UK inner core members, ECFR
Julian Lindley-FrenchUK Deep state operative. Senior fellow at the Institute for Statecraft and directed their "Strategic Partnerships" project. Chatham House
Rui MacheteHad a 20 year break between minister positions.
Jonathan MarcusA BBC journalist whose name is on a list of journalists leaked from the Integrity Initiative in 2018.
Dietmar Müller-ElmauGerman with a heavy Brussels Forum habit, also appears at the Munich Security Conference, ran the hotel that hosted the 2015 G7 summit
Hryhoriy NemyriaUkranian politician with several Brussels Forum meetings
Pauline Neville-JonesBBC governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Robin NiblettChatham House Director/Chief executive from 2007-2022...
Natalie NougayrèdeBritish journalist who was exposed as working for the Integrity Initiative. Her reporting is replete with topics of importance to the UK deep state.
Omid NouripourGerman Green politician involved in many transatlantic influence networks.
Ana PalacioSpanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum
Richard PhillipsAttended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Andris PiebalgsAttended the 2006 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Energy
Jean Pisani-FerryFrench economist widely published on resetting matters economic
Ruprecht PolenzGerman politician. Proponent of Turkish membership in the EU.
Gideon RachmanQuad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson
Anders Fogh RasmussenBilderberger, ex Danish PM, ex-Secretary General of NATO.
Olli RehnAttended the 2007 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Enlargement. FIFA COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee chair
Peter RickettsSpooky UK diplomat
Edgars RinkēvičsLithuanian President with a heavy Brussels Forum and MSC habit
Marietje SchaakeDutch spooky euro-politician. Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Helga SchmidRegular at the Brussels Forum and Munich Security Conference
Lilia ShevtsovaMoscow State Institute of International Relations, 5 Bilderbergs from 1999 to 2004
Radosław SikorskiPolish Bullingdon Bilderberger
Anne-Marie SlaughterDirector of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton. Important in the introduction of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect
Daniel SmithDirector of the important US Foreign Service Institute
Constanze StelzenmüllerGerman editor and deep state operative of uncertain rank
Philip StephensSDS-connected British editor
Goran SvilanovićBF regular
Stephen SzaboHeavy BF habit
David TalbotFounder of and researcher into the US Deep state.
Eka TkeshelashviliSpooky Munich Security Conference Young Leader with a heavy conference habit. Signed the Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19 call for mass injection.
Alexander VershbowSDS connected regular at the Brussels Forum
Celeste WallanderUS deep state operative
Kenneth WeinsteinPresident and CEO of the deep state think tank Hudson Institute until 2020. Also member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which manages the CIA's open media channels.
Damon WilsonPresident of the CIA front organization National Endowment for Democracy
Arseniy YatsenyukPrime Minister of Ukraine 2014-2016
Ernesto ZedilloPresident of Mexico 1994-2000. Since leaving office, he has been in the pay of corporations to further globalist agendas. In 2020, he joined the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPR), an "independent" group examining how the WHO and countries handled the COVID-19 pandemic.
Robert ZoellickWorld Bank president, White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Multiple deep state connections
Cem ÖzdemirGerman Green war-loving politician who experienced rocket career after being taken under the wings of transatlantic influence networks. MSC regular