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Fraser BruceCanadian aluminum executive who attended 3 early Bilderberg meetings.
Gerald Bull9 March 192822 March 1990A Canadian engineer and developer of long-range artillery. Best known for his involvement in the Iraq 'supergun' project.
Jillian BuriakYGL who wrote an open letter to the University of Alberta calling for mandatory COVID-19 jabs for students.
Derek Burney1939Attended the 1990 Bilderberg as Canadian Ambassador to the US
Gerald Butts8 July 1971One of the deep state operatives behind Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Marcel Cadieux17 June 191519 March 1981Canadian Cold Warrior diplomat and also "one of the most pro-American under-secretaries ever to hold the office." Bilderberg/1966 and Bilderberg/1969. Ambassador to the United States 1970-75.
Gordon Campbell12 January 1948Bilderberger
Kim Campbell10 March 1947former Canadian prime minister
Mark Carney16 March 1965Goldman Sachs Governor of the Bank of Canada then the Bank of England, G30, Triple citizenship, No shortage of Bilderbergs or WEF Annual Meetings
Joseph Caron1947Canadian diplomat who attended 1983 Bilderberg when working in private sector assignments.
William Guy Carr2 June 18952 October 1959
Mary Alice CarrollLocal organizer of the 1996 Bilderberg.
François-Philippe Champagne25 June 1970Canadian Bilderberger politician, lawyer
Margaret Chan21 August 1947The WHO Director General who announced the fake "2009 swine flu pandemic", a failed predecessor of the Covid-19 global "health" agenda.
John A.D. de Chastelain30 July 1937Canadian diplomat and officer who attended the 1999 Bilderberg
Michel Chossudovsky1946Canadian author, academic and editor of the Global Research website.
Raymond Chretien20 May 1942Attended the 1998 Bilderberg as Canadian Ambassador to the US.
Jean Chrétien11 January 1934Prime minister of Canada 1993-2003, Bilderbergs in 1982 and 1996
Edmund Clark10 October 1947Canadian banker, 8 Bilderbergs
Marshall Cohen28 March 1935Corporate lawyer who did the ultra-rich, ultra-Orthodox Reichmann family a big favor while government minister; then started working for the Reichmanns. Bilderberg/1988.
M. J. Coldwell2 December 188825 August 1974Canadian politician
Tony Comper24 April 1945Single Bilderberg, Bank of Montreal head
James CorbettJames Corbett is a popular critic of the US establishment who has been active on the internet since 2007.
Kenneth Courtis1947Businessman, financier and 3 times Bilderberg visitor.
Andrew Coyne23 December 1960Transatlantic Canadian journalist who, having previously supported Canadian participation in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, dismissed any significance to the phrase the Great Reset after the public became aware of it, and supports vaccine passports.
W. Harriet CritchleyCanadian academic who attended the 1984 Bilderberg
Lauchlin Currie8 October 190223 December 1993
Ian Davidson (Bilderberger)Brussels and Paris correspondent for the Financial Times in the 1960s. Attended Bilderberg/1962
Louis DelvoieCanadian diplomat who attended the 1984 Bilderberg
Jacques Demers25 August 1944Canadian politician who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Paul Desmarais4 January 19278 October 2013One of Canada's richest and most influential men, with several prime minsters in his pocket. 3 Bilderbergs.
John Deutsch26 February 191118 March 1976Canadian economist
Dan DicksDan Dicks is a regular watcher of Bilderberg.
John Diefenbaker18 September 189516 August 1979A Canadian PM who fought the Canadian Deep state. Toppled in regime change operation by the Kennedy administration in 1962/63.
William Dimma13 August 192822 December 2022Canadian businessman and corporate director who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Stéphane Dion28 September 1955Canadian diplomat who attended the 1998 Bilderberg as Canada/President of the Privy Council
Cory Doctorow17 July 1971Activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization
David Dodge8 June 1943
William Dodge19113 June 1986Canadian Labor Union Leader
Lyse Doucet24 December 1958Canadian journalist, Chatham House, heavy MSC habit
Christian Dubé3 October 1956Quebec Health Minister
Jacques Duchesneau7 February 1949Former president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.
James DuncanLittle known member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Clarence Dunlap1 January 190820 October 2003Canadian air force officer who was at NATO in 1959. Deputy commander-in-chief of NORAD in the 1960s.
A. Davidson Dunton4 July 19127 February 1987President of the CBC from 1945-57. Bilderberg 1966
Maurice Duplessis20 April 18907 September 1959Premier of Quebec. Died of heart attack, just like his two party successors.
Michel Dupuy11 January 19309 July 20232nd generation Bilderberger, a Canadian diplomat like his father
Pierre Dupuy9 July 189621 May 1969Canadian diplomat who conducted delicate missions in Vichy France. Like his son, Michel Dupuy, a Bilderberger diplomat
Fredrik Eaton26 June 193820 February 2021Attended 3 Bilderbergs around when he was Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
James Eayrs13 October 19266 February 2021Canadian historian of Canadian foreign policy who attended the 1967 Bilderberg