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Gary Allen2 August 193629 November 1986US author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, proposing that US big business and the left are in the same front.
Joe Anderson24 January 1958Mayor of Liverpool (2012 to 2021)
Giulio Andreotti14 January 19196 May 2013"The ultimate insider of Italian political life", who as Italian Prime Minister publicly confirmed the existence of Operation Gladio
Julian Assange3 July 1971A "hacktivist" of mysterious background, whose website, Wikileaks, has been the conduit for a lot of whistleblowing. His pronounced disinterest in 9/11 is particularly notable.
Roberto Azevêdo3 October 1957WTO Director-General 2013-2020
Raymond Barre12 April 192425 August 2007French PM, single Bilderberger
Fulgencio Batista16 January 19016 August 1973President of Cuba
Otto von Bismarck1 April 181530 July 1898
Godfrey Bloom22 November 1949
Michael Bloomberg14 February 1942American deep politician billionaire. The 16th richest person in the world. Mayor of New York 2002-2013
Boutros Boutros-Ghali14 November 1922"The UN Secretary General the West Loved to Hate"
John Brennan22 September 1955DCIA, "terror expert", helped cover-up CIA/Torture
Ana Brnabić28 September 1975Prime Minister of Serbia responsible for the early leak of the 2018 Bilderberg
Douglas Carswell3 May 1971A former Tory who was UKIP's sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP
Anatoly Chubais16 June 1955Double Bilderberger facilitator of the privatization of Russia that killed millions. Central actor in the introduction of the Sputnik V "vaccine".
Carlo Ciampi9 December 192016 September 2016Bilderberg central banker president of Italy
Jay Clayton11 July 1966
Emma Dent Coad15 November 1954Former British Labour MP.
Jeremy Corbyn26 May 1949On Labour's left wing, but on the right side of history!
John Dean14 October 1938
Andrzej Duda16 May 1972Polish President 2015-
John Dunlop5 July 19142 October 2003US Secretary of Labor. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard when attending 1971 Bilderberg
David Durenberger19 August 1934Senate Intelligence Committee leader caught rorting travel reimbursements.
Heinz Fischer9 October 1938President of Austria for 12 years. 3 Bilderberg
Josée Forest-Niesing18 December 196420 November 2021Ontario Senator who died of COVID-19 at the age of 56
Felix Frankfurter15 November 188222 February 1965"The most controversial justice of his time."
Muammar Gaddafi7 June 194220 October 2011
Joachim Gauck24 January 1940President of Germany 2012-2017
Timothy Geithner18 August 1961Multi-Bilderberg central banker
Rudy Giuliani28 May 1944The mayor of New York on 9-11, who has made contradictory and unexplained statements about 9-11.
John Gorton9 September 191119 May 2002Prime Minister of Australia 1968-1971
Luis de Guindos16 January 1960Double Bilderberg Vice President of the European Central Bank
Abdullah Gul29 October 1949
Jorge Gutman24 May 1953
Mike Hancock9 April 1946A member of the European Parliament
Gikas Hardouvelis8 October 1955US educated former Greek Minister of Finance. Bilderberg 2011, same year assisting Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos during talks with bondholders about debt and with the Troika on Greece’s second adjustment program.
Yukio Hatoyama11 February 1947
Ion Iliescu3 March 1930
Ferdinando Imposimato9 April 1936Italian who has spoken out about 9/11 and other deep politics subjects.
Tsai Ing-wen31 August 1956
Klaus Iohannis13 June 1959German-Romanian politician who became president of Romania.
Hamid Karzai24 December 1957President of Afghanistan 2004-2014
John Kelly11 May 1950
Raymond Kelly4 September 1941US deep state functionary, NYC Police Commissioner for over a decade.
Ilhan Kesici22 November 1948Turkish politician
Ali Khamenei17 July 1939
Julian King22 August 1964British diplomat and civil servant who was European Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016 to 2019.
Václav Klaus19 June 1941The first Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. Cercle repeated visitor
Yuriko Koike15 July 1952Governor of Tokyo, former minister. WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1993.
Fahri Korutürk3 August 190312 October 1987Turkish admiral, diplomat and politician who was president of Turkey 1973-1980. Presided over the 1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus