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 Has historycommonsDescription
Jimmy Carter earl jimmy carter, jr.As US President posed problems for the US Deep state but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in
Willis Carto carto 1
William Casey caseyRonald Reagan's campaign manager, who was appointed Director of Central Intelligence.
Jack Caulfield j jack caulfield 1
Neville Chamberlain chamberlain 1
Dick Cheney ( dick ) cheneyNeoconservative deep politician with close ties to the MICC. Vice President 2001-2009, under George W Bush.
Alain Chouet chouet 1
William Clark clark 1
Richard Clarke a. clarkeAmerican spook and "terror expert"
Duane Clarridge clarridge 1
Patrick Clawson clawson 1Zionist academic who suggested that the United States should consider the use of "crisis initiation" as a way to provoke Iran into war.
William Van Cleave van cleave 1
Ray Cline clineSenior CIA, spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism
Bill Clinton jefferson ( bill ) clintonUS deep politician, husband of Hillary Clinton, “every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother”
Hillary Clinton rodham clinton 1“Too big to jail”
Angelo Codevilla codevilla 1Staff in Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Professor of international relations. Proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Defender of the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
David Cohen cohen 1CIA protege of William Casey, Robert Gates and John Deutch, he has been accused of masterminding the demolition of the World Trade Center.
Michael Cohen cohen 1A fraudulent US lawyer "who came out of nowhere to occupy a prominent spot in Trump’s orbit," found dead in 2021.
William Colby colby 1CIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances
Lester Coleman coleman 1
Chuck Colson colson 1Indicted for conspiring to cover up the Watergate burglaries
Charles Cook cook 1CFR. Election forecast analyst who attended his first Bilderberg meeting in 2018.
William Cooper cooper 1Announced around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the [[US Marshals Service]] less than two months after the event.
Miles Copeland copeland 1
Jeremy Corbyn corbyn 1On Labour's left wing, but on the right side of history!
David Corn corn 1
Francesco Cossiga cossiga 1An Italian politician who became outspoken towards the end of his life.
Alan Cranston cranston 1US politician and journalist
Walter Cronkite cronkite 1
Monica Crowley crowley 1Fox News journalist who became Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury under Donald Trump.
Robert Crowley crowley 1Second in command of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, which was in charge of covert operations. Source for several interesting interviews and lists, but of uncertain reliability.
Thomas J. Curry j curry 1US Comptroller of the Currency 2012-2017
Adam Curtis curtis 1BBC journalist who has produced a number of creditable documentaries
Tam Dalyell dalyell 1Labour MP who posed the "West Lothian Question"
David Davis davis 1
Lynn Davis davis 1Attended the 1995 Bilderberg as Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs
Thomas Davis davis 1
Dennis DeConcini deconcini
John Dean dean 1
Midge Decter decterNeocon "polemical powerhouse"
Morris Dees dees 1
Rudi Dekkers dekkers 1Owner of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Thomas Dewey dewey 1Governor of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
Cressida Dick dick 1Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, terror expert
Melek Can Dickerson dickerson
Felipe de Diego de diego 1
Tom Donohue donohue 1
Tom Drake drake 1NSA employee who blew the whistle on their illegal surveillance.
William Draper draper 1former President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States. He also led the highly strategic United Nations Development Programme, the biggest source of multilateral development grant assistance, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Both institution have a huge influence on policies in countries in the global south, an influence which he also made sure was used. Skull and Bones. Atlantic Council. His father was active in population control.
Charles Duelfer duelfer 1US spook who led post-war whitewash of lie of "Iraqi WMDs".