US/Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945

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Concept.png US/Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945
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US Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945.jpg
Interest of• Carlos Julio Arosemana
• National Endowment for Democracy
• The secret war against Sweden

See also US Bombing campaigns since 1945 and US Foreign Assassinations since 1945.



Page nameDateDescription
"Arab Spring"A neologism coined by western Establishments to describe a series of allegedly 'popular uprisings' that occurred throughout the Arab world from December 2010 through to around mid-2012 and which were planned triggered and orchestrated by western Deep State interests using well developed 'Colour revolution' methodologies.
2002 Venezuelan coup attemptA failed CIA-backed coup attempt against President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez.
2003 Iraq WarA war for oil carried out after "Operation Mass Appeal" an MI6-backed propaganda campaign.
2011 Attacks on Libya"Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "humanitarian intervention".
2014 Ukraine coupRegime change war in Ukraine.
Australia/1975 coup d'étatA UK/US deep state-backed covert "constitutional coup" to remove Gough Whitlam whom they saw as a loose cannon.
Bolivia/1980 coup d'état
Brazil/1964 coup d'état
COVID-19/Regime changeMany if not all of the most outspoken governments who deviated from the Official COVID-19 story appear to have been targeted by organised efforts to unseat them.
Chile/1973 coupA CIA military intelligence operation that overthrew of the democratically elected Salvador Allende.
Eventide Home fireA suspicious fire.
Guatemala/1954 coup d'étatA coup organised by the CIA to protect the profit of United Fruit.
Iran/1953 coup d'étatThe first of many large scale coups was carried out at the behest of big oil, by the CIA. The report of the inaugural Bilderberg next year termed this "firm Western action in Persia ... [that] had produced successful results."
JFK/AssassinationThe assassination of US President John F. Kennedy was the seminal deep political event of modern times, perhaps even more than 9-11. Both were done by the same group. Subsequently the group assassinated RFK, MLK and many others to try to contain the truth.
Jovenel Moïse/AssassinationThe assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.
Orange Revolution2004-05 colour revolution in the Ukraine
Watergate coupThis is framed by the official narrative as a simple case of political corruption, one which proves that "the system works", since the powerful perpetrator was caught - if not actually brought to justice, since outgoing president Nixon was immediately pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford. In fact it may well have been the outworking of a deeper political power struggle at work.


Related Quotations

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine“The bitter truth is that Washington's foreign policy establishment never actually considered Zelensky - or his predecessor Poroshenko - to be allies or partners of the United States. Overflowing with a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance, and extreme cynicism, Washington's elites have always viewed Ukraine as a tool to "regime-change" a Russia that, after its post-Yeltsin recovery, would no longer take its direction from them. The false gods of American exceptionalism are jealous ones indeed.”Daniel McAdams26 February 2022
Vladimir Putin“95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA.”Vladimir Putin2017


Related Documents

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