Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies

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Group.png Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies
(Deep state milieu?)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.jpg
Unidentified image from a 14 March 2020 DoHS page about SAGE
Interest ofCarole Cadwalladr
Membership• Patrick Vallance.jpg Patrick Vallance
• Ian Boyd.jpg Ian Boyd
• Jeremy Farrar C0058569 Wellcome Images.jpg Jeremy Farrar
•  Neil Ferguson?
•  Peter Openshaw?
• SMW.png [[..|...]]
Secretive group with "about 60" members and an uncertain amount of influence over the UK government on certain topics, such as the UK Covid lockdown. Ian Boyd claimed that the group's membership must be kept secret to protect it from "dark forces".

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) is a secretive body which "advises" the UK government. In 2020 concern about the UK Covid lockdown has lead to calls for increasing its transparency, such as public disclosure of its membership and/or deliberations.


The group reportedly met nine times in February 2020 and 10 times in March 2020.


Membership of the group is not public, meetings are secret and minutes are not published, a regimen more typical of a deep state milieu than an ordinary government body, leading to concerns of a hidden agenda.

Calls for Transparency

"Sense About Science said academics shaping Downing Street's policies should be identified, with the minutes of behind closed doors minutes published and the data made public."

In April 2020 The Telegraph and The Guardian reported on the group.[1]

Ian Boyd stated that he remained "really adamant" that "one cannot have a public debate about what the science is saying and what it’s not saying."

Jawad Iqbal wrote on 16 April 2020 in The Times that Names of scientific advisers should not be a state secret, write revealing that it had "about 60" members.[2]

"Death threats"?

"The source said death threats had been sent to members of advisory groups feeding into Sage".[3]


Related Quotations

Ian Boyd“What happens is that you get an email through or you get a calendar invite through which is a calling notice that says there’s gonna be a Sage at a particular time you’re invited to attend, and here’s the agenda.”Ian Boyd
Ian Boyd“There’s an immense amount of interest outside from people who would love to get inside, and change what Sage is saying, and that must never ever be allowed to happen. Otherwise, the trust in the whole process will just evaporate. I think it is not ideal. In an ideal world you’d have complete transparency, but it’s not an ideal world. There’s a lot of what I would call dark forces who are trying to undermine the validity of the way that science works and as a result of that Sage has to be conducted in a way that makes sure that they don’t have that opportunity. And it’s difficult, and I don’t think anybody who sits on Sage or chairs Sage really wants it that way. But on the other hand, there is no real option other than to do it that way.”Ian Boyd2020
Ian Boyd“I’m really, really adamant about that – one cannot have a public debate about what the science is saying and what it’s not saying.”Ian Boyd
Michael Yeadon“Government’s response to emergencies is guided by the scientific group who sit together under the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies or SAGE. So they should provide scientific advice to the government about what’s appropriate to do. SAGE has got several things wrong, and that has led to advice that’s inappropriate and – uh, not only has had horrible economic effects, but has had continuing medical effects in that people are no longer being treated properly.”Michael YeadonNovember 2020
Michael Yeadon“So why aren’t the media telling us that the pandemic is over? It’s not over because SAGE says it’s not. So SAGE consists of very many scientists, from a range of disciplines – mathematicians and clinicians – and there are multiple committees. But I found to my surprise – and I’m actually going to use the word – horror, that in the spring, all the way through the spring and summer, SAGE did not have on their committee someone who I would call a card-carrying immunologist; a clinical immunologist. I have to say I think that in the spring and summer SAGE was deficient in the expertise it had.”Michael YeadonNovember 2020


Known members

9 of the 88 of the members already have pages here:

Ian Boyd
Dominic CummingsSuspected UK deep state operative who was a "special adviser" to UK PM Boris Johnson.
Jeremy FarrarWellcome Trust/Director, took part in A Spreading Plague in 2019, assisted Daszak in promoting the zoonotic origin of COVID-19, 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise
Neil FergusonAcademic used by the UK deep state to create frightening epidemiological models. In 2020 his group promoted the UK COVID Lockdown. Resigned from the SAGE after breaking the lockdown rules.
Demis HassabisDialled into a SAGE meeting at the request of Dominic Cummings. First Bilderberg in 2015
Susan MichieCOVID 19 scientist. A promoter of the harshest of lockdown measures.
James Rubin
Patrick VallanceUK revolving door "expert" who moves between government advisory leadership roles an Big Pharma.
Mark WalportUK/Government Chief Scientific Adviser (2013 to 2017) "In defending science against political pressure, he is, in other words, as much use as a suit of paper armour."


Related Documents

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:Charles Walker's 2021 SAGE speechSpeech16 June 2021Charles WalkerA Tory Backbencher suggests full financial disclosure from members of SAGE and full elections, or they advise the Government, and if they do not want to do that, but want to advise TV studios, they do that, but they do not do both.
Document:Why is disgraced MI6 author of the dodgy Trump-Russia dossier involved in a controversial group seeking harsh Covid restrictions?Article24 July 2021Kit KlarenbergChristopher Steele, the Russiagate spook is involved in lobbying for more lockdowns in the UK.
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