9-11/WTC Controlled demolition

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Event.png 9-11/WTC Controlled demolition  Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Date11 September 2001
Blamed onResponsibility Motives Hijackers 20th hijacker Trials
TypeBombing.jpg bombing
Exposed bySteven E. Jones
Interest of9/11 Consensus Panel, AE911 Truth, Zdeněk Bažant, David Chandler, Niels Harrit, Robert Korol, Kevin Ryan, Ted Walte
DescriptionOn September 11th, 3 steel reinforced buildings from the World Trade Center suddenly collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprints, a set of events to which Wikipedia devotes only a single article, one purged of 'fringe' scientific evidence at odds with the official narrative.

On September 11th, 2001, three buildings from the World Trade Center suddenly collapsed symmetrically into their own footprints, leaving no large pieces of wreckage and eleven hundred bodies never being identified even by body parts but instead just a large amount of powdered concrete and small sections of steel.

Official Narrative

Wikipedia provides a quick summary of the official narrative, that the steel reinforced skyscrapers collapsed due to fire and structural damage, an historically unprecedented event. Notably English Wikipedia deems this set of three unprecedented and deadly collapses worthy of only a single article (as of April 2014, around 10,000 words, just longer than their article on Toilet paper orientation).


Evidence for nano thermite
  • Nano Thermite: In 2009 a paper was published in a peer reviewed journal by an international team of academically credited researchers providing evidence of such an "exotic accelerant" (i.e. the explosive nano-thermite) in several dust samples from the 2001 attack on the World Trade center.[1] Although Wikipedia suggests that peer reviewed journals are a reliable source, that finding was termed a "fringe theory" and as of August 2014, all links to the 9/11 collapse have been removed from their article on nano-thermite (see the talk page to understand this process better).
  • Bombs: Initial media reports were of bombs going off, and over 100 witnesses testified to having heard bombs in the world trade center (including those experienced to make such judgments such as firefighters), evidence which was ignored by the 9/11 Commission.
  • Squibs: (see above) are explosive charges used to cut steel support columns. A waves of small explosions is visible in videos of the world trade center buildings' collapses, proceeding downwards several stories below the main explosions.
  • Molten metal: There are numerous photographs and eyewitness testimonies to the presence of molten metal at the WTC, both in the buildings and in the rubble.[2]
  • Scorched Vehicles: parked at lower level garages and around the WTC. Plastic, rubber, and glass, were completely burned off by a hot blast.
  • Carbon Nanotubes: Found in the WTC dust and lungs of first responders, formation requires extremely high temperatures specific metal catalysts, and carbon compounds exactly like those found in nanothermite formulations.
  • Peer reviewed scientific journals recording the existence of extremely high temperatures incapable from office fires or jet fuel fires.
  • A distinct “white smoke” present—clearly different from smoke caused by a normal structural fire indicated by eyewitnesses and photographic evidence. The second major product of the thermite reaction is aluminum oxide, which is emitted as a white solid shortly after reaction.
  • The elemental composition of the metallic microspheres from the WTC dust matches that of metallic microspheres produced by the thermite reaction.[3]


Many people were undoubtedly involved in organising the demolition of the three WTC buildings that were demolished on 9/11. Larry Silverstein profited financially to the tune of several billion dollars, and few serious researchers (if any) doubt his involvement. The effectiveness of the cover-up points to deep state involvement, suggesting that the cabal organised it. The question of who was the point man for organising the demolition of the trade center towers is a harder one. In June 2015, Joël van der Reijden named David Cohen as "a potential suspect of having ran the operation to take down the WTC towers".[4]

Paul Bremer who was the leader of the occupation forces in Iraq and an executive of Marsh and McLennan, (whose office was hit on 9/11) was absent that morning, and almost immediately blamed Iran, Iraq, and Osama Bin Laden, without offering any evidence. Interestingly Bremer was also on the board of the Japanese machinery company Komatsu which in 1996 developed a nano thermite demolition patent that could "demolish a concrete structure at high efficiency, while preventing noise and flying chips".[5]


Nano thermite iron rich spheres

"Debunkers" have made various claims attempting to discredit the evidence of usage of nano thermite on 9/11. One claim made by debunkers such as NIST contractor James Millette is that the red-gray thermite chips are primer paint chips. This is false because, several key ingredients of the primer paint are not present in the composition of the red-gray thermite chips. According to NIST, the type of primer paint used on the WTC steel columns contains substantial levels of zinc, chromium, and magnesium. However, the X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (XEDS) analysis of the red-gray chips performed by professor Niels Harrit and his team showed no significant amounts of zinc, chromium, or magnesium. To further disprove this claim, Harrit and other scientists, conducted a test where a red-gray thermite chip was soaked in paint solvent methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). While paint dissolves within a few hours upon immersion in this solvent, the red-gray chip did not dissolve, and remained in a hardened state after being soaked for 55 hours. Additionally, the red-gray chips are shown that they ignite at approximately 430º C, while the primer paint chips are demonstrated by NIST and recorded in NIST NCSTAR 1-3C Appendix D (pages 440, 442) that it can reach temperatures exceeding 650º C without burning. Since primer paint is primarily a ceramic material, it is chemically stable at temperatures up to 800º C. The thermal tests on the red-gray chips revealed that when they are ignited at around 430º C, they create molten iron microspheres as a byproduct. Since iron does not melt until it reaches approximately 1538º C, this means a high-temperature chemical reaction occurred. This volatile reactivity makes this type of material extremely dangerous, disqualifying it from ever being used as primer paint. [6]

Another "debunker" argument is that all the elements in the chips found were there in the building contents. There was lots of steel which rusts making iron oxide, aluminum (ingredients of thermite). They argue that during the collapse the material was pulverized and then crushed to create the red/gray chips. However, the red/gray chips found all had uniform red/gray layers and identical composition. In nano-thermite, at least either the aluminum or iron oxide particles are 100 nanometers (nm) (100 billionths of a meter) or less. The red layer contains plate-like aluminum components 40 nm in thickness mixed in a solidified matrix with highly uniform iron-rich rhomboid components. Random mixing of building material can't create such uniform highly engineered materials. [7]

Critics of the nano thermite theory point out that nano thermite by itself only has a detonation velocity of only 895 m/s and alone could not have been powerful enough to demolish the WTC. In response, proponents of the nano thermite theory cite aluminothermic preparations known to exist particularly those for military purposes to make nano thermite much more powerful and formulated to be explosive. Referencing a study from the University of Houston. [8]

Excerpt from a summary report released at the 2008 AIChE conference by chemists at the University of Houston describes how nano-thermite composites can be engineered to create explosives:

Nanoenergetic thermite materials release energy much faster than conventional energetic materials and have various potential military applications, such as rocket propellants, aircraft fuel and explosives. They are likely to become the next-generation explosive materials, as they enable flexibility in energy density and power release through control of particle size distribution, stoichiometry and choice of fuel and oxidizer. The reduction of the reactant powders from micro- to nano-size generates a more intimate contact between the particles. This, in turn, increases the reaction front propagation velocity in some systems by two to three orders of magnitude.[9]

Cover up

On the day of 9/11, the commercially-controlled media was already interviewing highly suspicious "witnesses" who seemed well versed in what was later to become the official narrative.[10]

The FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT) which looked into the collapse of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 was headed by Charles Thornton, who also headed the FEMA BPAT after 9-11.[11] Three senior engineers who had worked with Thornton on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 were Paul Mlakar, Gene Corley and Mete Sozen, all of whom also worked on the post 9-11 report.[12]

Evasion by NIST

It has been publicly acknowledged that, in their investigation of the World Trade Center’s destruction, federally-funded laboratories and commissions did not follow the scientific method. In August 2006, NIST publicly released a statement that they found no evidence of the involvement of explosives in the collapse of the World Trade Centers.[13] In fact, NIST never even tested for explosive residue.[citation needed] In response to independent researchers’ questions for clarification of their statement, NIST confessed that the federally-funded investigators did not check for the presence of explosive residue and such tests would not necessarily have been conclusive. when asked the question, “Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues?” The public response was that NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.[14] NIST did however admit WTC 7's free fall. This, despite the fact that standard operating procedure requests that checks be made for "exotic accelerants", indicators of which "include an exceedingly rapid rate of fire growth (which could not be put out for several months), brilliant flares (particularly at the start of the fire), and melted steel or concrete" and other evidence.[15] [16]


Related Quotations

9-11“immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the entire area in lower Manhattan was sealed off to the public and to the news media. All cameras were prohibited inside the secured perimeter and any “unauthorized” cameras were immediately confiscated.”8 May 2009
9-11/WTC7/Destruction“I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion.”John Kerry
Rudy Giuliani<nowiki>“I went down to the se and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the Police Commissioner [[[Bernard Kerik]]], the Fire Commissioner, the Head of Emergency Management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center [1 or 2] was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.”</nowiki>Rudy Giuliani11 JL


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The Official Culprit

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See Also


  1. File:Nano-Thermite.pdf The Open Chemical Physics Journal 2 (2009): 7-31.
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20020106004236/http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0111160084nov16.story
  3. http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-to-debunk-wtc-thermite/5360964
  4. http://www.isgp.nl/911_WTC_part_2_who_did_it
  5. http://911review.com/articles/ryan/demolition_access_p1.html
  6. http://www1.ae911truth.org/home/617-faq-7-arent-the-red-gray-chips-identified-in-the-wtc-dust-merely-primer-paint-from-the-wtc-steel-structural-elements.html
  7. http://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-the-Harrit-Nano-thermi-by-Michael-Fullerton-090814-310.html
  8. http://www.ae911truth.org/news-section/41-articles/646-faq-8-what-is-nanothermite-could-it-have-been-used-to-demolish-the-wtc-skyscrapers.html
  9. https://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2008/techprogram/P131370.HTM
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z45hI6YuC-I
  11. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc_fema_911.html
  12. http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-15/pentagon-investigation-leader-paul-mlakar-obstructed-investigation-new-orleans-according-uc-berkeley-professor
  13. “NIST Video: The Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Building Fell.” August 2008. NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology. July 2009
  14. Fletcher, Catherine S. “NIST Response to Request for Correction.” 27 September 2007. Journal of 9/11 Studies. July 2009 <http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2007/NISTresponseToRequestForCorrectionGourleyEtal2.pdf>
  15. section 19.2.4 on “Exotic Accelerants” of the National Fire Protection Association N.F.P .A. 921.
  16. The New Pearl Harbor, a 2013 video compiling 9-11 evidence by Massimo Mazzuco

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