Groton School

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Group.png Groton School  
Groton crest high resolution.png
HeadquartersMassachusetts, US
TypeMass compulsion schooling.jpg boarding school
Exclusive boarding school in Massachusetts, USA. Lots of people who later became deep state operatives and spooks.

Groton School is a private college-preparatory day and boarding school located in Groton, Massachusetts. It is affiliated with the Episcopalian tradition.

Student selection

Groton enrolls about 380 boys and girls from the eighth through twelfth grades, dubbed Forms II-VI in the British fashion.[1] Although it no longer publishes its admissions rate, Groton was the most selective boarding school in the United States in 2016.[2]

When Groton was founded in 1884, American boarding schools primarily catered to White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. St. Paul's accepted only students with "sound Episcopal credentials,"[3] and in 1885 Andover admitted a Jew "[f]or the first time in twelve years."[4] Although Groton was open to Jews and non-Episcopalian Christians (for example, the Presbyterian Theodore Roosevelt[5] and the Jewish Otto Kahn[6] both sent their sons to Groton), the results were not substantially different. A 1902 graduate recognized that "[n]inety-five percent of these boys came from what they considered the aristocracy of America. Their fathers belonged to the Somerset, the Knickerbocker, the Philadelphia or the Baltimore Clubs. Among them was a goodly slice of the wealth of the nation."[7] Accordingly, schools like Groton considered it their mission "to make virtuous and brave those who, through the accident of birth, would someday exercise great power and influence."[8]

Although most Groton students in the early years were from wealthy families in New England and (in particular) New York,[9] the school's students more recebtly come from across the country and around the world.[10] 46% of students identify as students of color.[10] In addition, 15% of students commute to Groton from towns and cities in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.[10]


  3. Kolowrat, p. 73.
  4. Allis, p. 288.
  7. Biddle, George (1960). "As I Remember Groton School". Views from the Circle: Seventy-Five Years of Groton School. Groton School. p. 126.
  9. { Hechscher, August (1980). St. Paul's: The Life of a New England School (1st ed.). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 383 (note 37) (contrasting Groton with St. Paul's, which traditionally focused on educating Bostonians)
  10. a b c


Alumni on Wikispooks

Dean Acheson11 April 189312 October 1971USLawyer
Deep state operative
US deep state operative who was the 51st Secretary of State
Joseph Alsop10 October 191028 August 1989USJournalistInfluential journalist very close to the CIA
Stewart Alsop17 May 191426 May 1974Journalist
Victor Ashe1 January 1945USDiplomatKentucky fellow Bonesman, roommate and cheerleader with George W. Bush, who was appointed Ambassador Poland from 2004 until 2009. Bohemian Grove
Tracy Barnes2 August 191118 February 1972Spook
Deep state actor
US Deep state actor involved in the Bay of Pigs
Richard M. Bissell18 September 19097 February 1994SpookMember of The Georgetown Set strongly suspected of being involved in the JFK Assassination
McGeorge Bundy30 March 191916 September 1996USSpook
Deep state actor
S&B, Deep state actor, National Security Advisor
William Bundy24 September 19176 October 2000USSpook
Deep politician
Skull & bones deep politician and cold warrior who played a key role in the US side of the Bilderberg.
Bronson Cutting23 June 18886 May 1935Activist
Media executive
A US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.
F. Trubee Davison7 February 189614 November 1974USSpook
Son of influential banker Henry Davison. Worked with deep state operatives Judge Gary and Bill Donovan. After WW2 Director of Personnel for the CIA.
Douglas Dillon21 August 190910 January 2003USDiplomat
Deep state operative
Bilderberg, Brookings, Committee on the Present Danger, CFR, US/Secretary of the Treasury...
Marshall Green27 January 19166 June 1998USDiplomat
Deep state actor
US coup master
E. Roland Harriman24 December 189516 February 1978Central bankerwell connected Bonesman banker
W. Averell Harriman15 November 189126 July 1986Financier
Pierre Jay4 May 187024 November 1949Central bankerFirst chairman of the New York Federal Reserve in 1913
Cyrus Vance Jr14 June 1954US
Kermit Roosevelt Jr16 February 19168 June 2000SpookGrandson of Theodore Roosevelt. CIA agent.
Francis Keppel16 April 191619 February 1990USUS Commissioner of Education, single Bilderberg
Robert McCormick30 July 18801 April 1955Soldier
Media executive
Walter Russell Mead12 June 1952USAcademicUS academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Henry Morgan24 October 19008 February 1982USBankerSpooky banker
Morehead Patterson9 October 1897USDiplomat
CEO of American Machine and Foundry, which he made one of the pillars of the US military-industrial complex, hiring former CIA director Walter Bedell Smith as vice-chairman. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg
Frank Polk13 September 18717 February 1943USLawyer
Stanley Rogers Resor5 December 191717 April 2012USCivil servantUnited States Secretary of the Army during the Vietnam War.
Franklin D. Roosevelt30 January 188212 April 1945Politician
Widely recalled for his 'new deal'
Kermit Roosevelt Sr.10 October 188 JL4 June 1943Author
Roosevelt family businessman, soldier, explorer, and writer - and possible spook.
George Herbert Walker III193118 January 2020Diplomat
John Hay Whitney17 August 19048 February 1982Diplomat
Deep state operative
Billionaire active investor, U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom 1957-61
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