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Document:Truth and Ukraineblog post2 March 2023Craig MurrayCommentator: "Russia didn't fail to take Kiev in March. It withdrew from Kiev because Zelensky agreed to peace talks. The US, UK and EU opposed the peace talks and Zelensky withdrew from the talks."
Document:Turkey ambushed Su24 using information supplied by USreport27 November 2015Ministry of Defence of the Russian FederationCommander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, General Bondarev, presents facts of the attack on the Russian Su-24M aircraft carried out by Turkish F-16 fighters in the sky over Syria on 24 November 2015
Document:US Nuclear Policy Review: The World Is Our EnemyArticle8 February 2018Christopher Black“We (the United States) will keep you guessing as to when and against whom we will use them (nuclear weapons). We will maintain our role as the greatest state terrorist by keeping the nuclear Damocles sword over the heads of the people of the world constantly to ensure that the world acts in our interest.”
Document:US Recruits Russia as Junior Partnerarticle24 November 2010Rick RozoffBy aligning itself with the US and NATO, Russia has nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Document:US is militarizing Ukraine to invade Russiadiscussion20 June 2014Sergei GlazyevVladimir Putin's economic adviser outlines the massive militarisation of Ukraine and the Anglo-US agenda that is behind it.
Document:US media, politicians mobilize against Sochi Olympicsarticle10 February 2014Andrea PetersA useful analysis of the orchestrated campaign of vilification against Russia and its president coincident with the run-up to the Sochi winter Olympics.
Document:Usaia to attack Russia in 2015interview transcript31 May 2014Evgeny FedorovA coup d´état under the guise of an ‘Colour Revolution’ is being prepared in Russia. The big picture and the details are given by Evgeny Fedorov, a deputy in the Russian parliament, and coordinator of the People’s Liberation Movement.
Document:Visit of Ukrainian military officers to UK 6 13 JulyUkrainan intelligence view of Russian/separatist tactics and strategy26 February 2016Integrity InitiativeUkrainian officers tells British colleagues their opinions and work with Croatia
Document:Vladimir Putin interview with French mediainterview4 June 2014Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin interview with two French media men on the eve of his visit to France for the 70th anniversary commemoration of the Allied Normandy landings
Document:Vladimir Putin’s pyramid of rule - Who really governs RussiaPaper2014Marius Laurinavičius
Laurynas Kasčiūnas
Vytautas Keršanskas
In Lithuania and in the West, Putin's system of rule is still often described as a monolith pyramid. In the eyes of society, Putin manages to present himself as an irreplaceable leader-statesman (‘tsar’, according to the West), solely making key decisions. But such an understanding of ruling processes in Russia is one of the main mistakes which prevents from obtaining a deeper insight into the regime's origins and foundations.
Document:WE are Untermenschenappeal3 June 2014JuanHeartfelt anger from a Russian speaking anti-Kiev Junta soldier in face of escalating military attacks on the civilian population of Eastern Ukraine by the Junta military and the blatant double-standards indifference of western politicians to the sufferings of people who identify with Russia.
Document:Washington with ISIS - Moscow with SyriaInterview12 September 2015Michel ChossudovskyPress TV interview with Prof Michael Chossudovsky that juxtaposes Russian and US relations with the Syrian State together with the realities (and legalities) behind their respective deeds and actions.
Document:Who was the Maidan sniper mastermind?article29 May 2014Adam LarsonA good overall introduction to the false-flag nature of the Kiev Maidan sniper events in February 2014 that triggered the flight of President Yanukovitch and the installation of the 22 February coup Junta
Document:Why Much of the Global South Isn’t Automatically Supporting the West in UkraineArticle28 February 2023Krishen Mehta"The BRICS are not imposing sanctions on Russia nor supplying arms to the opposing side. While Russia is the biggest supplier of energy and foodgrains for the Global South, China remains the biggest supplier of financing and infrastructure projects to them through the Belt and Road Initiative. And now Russia and China are closer than ever before because of the war."
Document:Why there is no Russian military intervention in Ukrainearticle30 May 2014Simon UralovA geo-political analysis of the developing situation in Ukraine from the perspective of a Russian National who understands the conflicting nature of the tripartite global power block interests (US-Europe-Russia) that will ultimately decide Ukraine's future
Document:Would-be German chancellor Scholz jumps the gun on EU expansion eastward, which may provoke more states to follow the UK and exitArticle15 August 2021Paul NuttallOlaf Scholz is a possible candidate for Chancellor of Germany at the September 2021 German parliamentary election. He has warned Russia to expect further European integration and expansion into Eastern Europe. Will this encourage more countries to follow the UK and leave the European Union?
File:Awara-Study-Russia-Economy-09.012.2014.pdfpaper1 December 2014Jon HellevigA study of developments in the Russian economy between 2000 and 2014
File:ICA 2017 01.pdfReport6 January 2017Director of National IntelligenceA 25 page report on joint US intelligence agencies assessment of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.
File:JAR 16-20296.pdfReport29 December 2016FBIJoint analysis report on alleged efforts by the Russian state to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by means of computer hacking.
File:Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.pdfdossierJanuary 2017Christopher SteeleA dossier of evidence purporting to demonstrate that Donald Trump and his transition team members have a history of improper contact with the Russian government and that Russian Intelligence collected substantial compromising information on Trump during his Russian business trips.
File:War-gaming the Baltics.pdfreportDavid Shlapak
Michael Johnson