Open Europe

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Type think tank
SubpageOpen Europe/Director

Open Europe is a Eurosceptic think tank which is part of the Stockholm Network and has neoconservative connections.


The European issue has been a defining fault-line for Conservatives for a generation. A not very well known think tank, but arguably a very significant organisation connected to Cameron’s advisers is Open Europe. This think tank focuses on the European Union and is unusual in that it is directly supported by business leaders. ‘Open Europe believes’ says their website ‘that the EU must now embrace radical reform based on economic liberalisation’.[1]What this appears to mean is integrating all EU countries further and faster into the global economy but with a distinct eurosceptic tinge. The Marquess of Salisbury is on the board of this organisation too. Amongst its supporters are John Sainsbury (Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover) who donated to Cameron’s leadership campaign along with fellow donor Peter Gummer.

Origins and History

Open Europe grew out of the Tory led anti-EU No Campaign, which itself grew out of the Business for Sterling group. More specifically press reports suggest that it grew out of a break away group from the No Campaign put together by Lord Saatchi in May 2003 and originally known as Vote 2004. Vote 2004, which was headed by Open Europe's first director Neil O'Brien subsequently became Vote No, [2] which was registered as a company Vote No Ltd in May 2004.

Open Europe was incorporated as a UK company on 25 July 2005. Its website was registered on 11 July 2005. [3] It is hosted under the same IP address ( which hosts the websites of Nick Herbert MP (founder of the No Campaign and former Director of Reform [4]), Theos, and Policy Exchange. [5] Open Europe was launched on 20 October 2005 at the Bloomberg European Headquarters on the south side of Finsbury Square in the City of London.

The initial directors of Open Europe Ltd were its Chairman Lord Leach and Michael Spencer, Chief Executive of ICAP plc. The official position of its director Neil O'Brien was Company Secretary. [6] Several more figures joined the board in 2006.

Stockholm Network

Open Europe, like both Politeia and the Policy Exchange, is a member of the Stockholm Network of free market think tanks whose membership also includes the stalwarts of the free market right from the early stages of the neo-liberal revolution such as the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Adam Smith Institute, the Centre for Policy Studies and the Social Affairs Unit (of a total of 19 UK member organisations).[7]

The Stockholm Network is the ‘main liaison channel’ for free market European think tanks. It was founded in September 1997 and claims to bring together over 120 think tanks from across Europe.[8]The member groups are primarily ‘dogmatic free-marketeers who want to introduce minimalist "flat taxes" (thus ending redistribution via taxation), terminate social protection systems and privatise healthcare. They attack socially or environmentally progressive legislation, which is in place or under discussion, and that places restrictions on market activity. For example, these think tanks consistently cast doubt on the seriousness of climate change, oppose environmental regulations and promote free-market pseudo-solutions to virtually every problem.'[9]

The Stockholm Network links also to the network of right wing think tanks in the US. It has close links with the Heritage Foundation, which ‘frequently’ sends staff to Europe and has ‘worked closely with five like-minded European think tanks to produce and launch a European edition of their Index of Economic Freedom, which ranks countries according to criteria like tax reduction and deregulation policies.’[10]

Neocon connections


The 2006 accounts of the right-wing American Smith Richardson Foundation describe a $176,000 grant given to Open Europe's then Director Neil O'Brien to research and write a book on the EU for the Policy Forum on International Security Affairs. The project was titled Reforming the E.U. for the 21st Century: Roadmaps for Reform and described as follows:

Neil O’Brien will research and write a book exploring the future of the European Union. He will commission public opinion research, conduct interviews with leading European officials, and convene a series of meetings in order to develop a roadmap for reform of the European Union.[11]

As of July 2009 the book does not so far appear to have been published, although Open Europe did arrange a seminar called 'Reforming the EU for the 21st century' on 14 May 2009 at the Europaforum in Hässleholm. The speakers at the seminar were Mats Persson and Lorraine Mullally from Open Europe and Bruno Waterfield the EU correspondent for the Daily Telegraph. [12]

The 2007 accounts of the Policy Forum on International Security Affairs reveal that the forum provided a grant of $78,080 to Open Europe that year. [13] The accounts provide no further details of the purpose of the grant.


On 22 May 2007 Open Europe co-hosted an event at the House of Commons with the International Media Intelligence Analysis called 'Iran, Britain and Europe: Post hostage crisis, what can we expect next?'. The event included presentations by Claude Moniquet, the Director of the European Strategic and Intelligence Center and Mark Fitzpatrick of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Non-proliferation at the State Department.

Fitzpatrick said that Iran was looking to develop longer range missiles capable of reaching western Europe and that Israel “has real reason to see an Iranian nuclear capability as an existential threat”. Moniquet said that there was a danger of terrorist attacks in Europe if military action is taken against Iran, saying that “Iran was a terrorist state for 23 years. We have no proof this has changed. Iran is working hard to organise terror in Europe,” targeting the UK in particular. [14]

On 9 October 2007 Open Europe hosted a debate on the Galileo European Satellite System. One speaker at the debate was Peter Brookes of the Heritage Foundation. According to Open Europe's account of the speech Brookes said that some in the US are alarmed about the military aspects of the Galileo and saw the push for the system as symptomatic of some in Europe that are pushing Europe to pursue its own security and defence identity, separate from the US and NATO. He said: “It could be argued that the militarisation of the EU – Galileo being part of that – marks one of the greatest geo-political shifts in the transatlantic alliance since the second world war. In the eyes of some the ESDP [European Security and Defense Policy] embodies some of the worst elements of European animosity towards the United States.” [15]


Meg Allen †1, DRAMLA SA John Barton †1, Wellington Underwriting plc Michael Freeman †11, Argent Group plc
Rupert Hambro †1, J O Hambro Ltd John Jennings †3, Shell Transport & Trading plc Lord Leach of Fairford †1 and †12, Matheson & Co
Lizzie Noel †12 of Communications, Tribal Group plc David Ord †13, The Bristol Port Company Lord Renwick of Clifton †2, Investment Banking, J P Morgan (Europe)
Lord Salisbury †12, Gascoyne Holdings Ltd Derek Scott †10 Economics Advisor to the Prime Minister, 1997-2003 Nigel Smith †3, the no (euro) campaign
Michael Spencer †4, ICAP plc Stuart Wheeler †11, IG Group plc Brian Williamson Senior Advisor, Fleming Family & Partners
Simon Wolfson †4, Next plc   
Antony Acland former Head of the Diplomatic Service David Agnew †1 & †13, Isaac Agnew (Holdings) Ltd Rudolph Agnew †1, WCMC 2000
Mohammed Ali †18 and †11, Ambala Foods Andrew Allum Partner, LEK Consulting Henry Angest †1 & †4, Arbuthnot Banking Group Plc
Michael Angus †12, Halcrow Martyn Arbib †11 and †3, Perpetual Plc Stuart Archbold OBE †1, Archbold Logistics Ltd
Lord Ashburton †3, British Petroleum Plc Edward Atkin †13, CA Holdings Plc Paul Auston †1, Checkmate Avon Group
David Bailey †1, Datacash Group Plc Andrew Bainbridge †12 General, MEUC Ltd Hew Balfour †4, Havelock Europa plc
Anthony Bamford †1 and †13, JCB Lawrence Banks former †10, Robert Fleming Holdings Ltd Nicholas Barber CBE †1, Bolero International Ltd
Anthony Barbour †13, Bolesworth Estate Co Ltd Patrick Barbour †12, Microgen plc David Barker †11 and †1, Copley Square (2003) Ltd
Peter Barton †10, Alliance & Leicester plc Neville Baxter †1, The R H Group Ian Baxter †13, The RH Group Ltd
Philip Beck †3, Railtrack John Beckwith †1, Pacific Investments Plc Martin Bell †13, Castle View International Holdings
Steven Bell †2, Newman Scott Shopfitting Susan Bell Proctor †13, Warehouse Systems Ltd Rupert Bentley †12, Bentley Reid Group
Simon Bentley †10, Mishcon de Reya Marcus Beresford †1, Rocardo Plc David Bernstein †1, Blacks Leisure Group Plc
Nicholas Berry †1, Stancroft Trust Richard Biffa †10, Shanks Group John Biggin †13, Keltruck Ltd
Lynn Billings Finance †12, Finglow Ltd Brian Bird †1, The Bird Group of Companies Charlotte Black Marketing †12, Brewin Dolphin Secruities Ltd
Toby Blackwell †6, Blackwell UK Ltd Lord Blakenham †3, Pearson Plc Philip Bland †12, Oval Insurance Ltd
Robert Boas †1, Federation of British Artists Richard Boggis-Rolfe †4, [[Odgers, Ray & Berndston Ltd Michael Bond †9, Corfe Castle Holidays
Roger Bootle †13, Capital Economics John Brackenbury †1, Brackenbury Leisure Ltd Leslie Breathwick †1, Cannoncourt Ltd
Iain Breese †1, Westler Foods Ltd Michael Brent †1 and †13, Trimite Ltd David Briggs †13, Dawsons Music Ltd
David Briggs †13, Offshoot Enterprises Ltd Simon Brocklebank-Fowler †13, Cubutt Consulting Roger Brooke †1, Innisfree plc
Keith Brooks †4, TBI Plc Alan Brown Head of Investment, Schroders Philip Brown †11 and †3, PJB Publications
Peter Buckley †1, Caledonia Investments Plc Alan Burden †13, Anglo St James Ltd Richard Burrows †1, Tex Holdings
Paul Burton †1, The Burton Agency Ltd Robert Burton †13, Flightform UK Ltd Joel Cadbury †4, Longshot plc
Charles Cameron †4, InTechnology Plc Keith Cann-Evans †13, Hunter Grinders Ltd Mark Cannon-Brookes †12, Smith and Williamson Investment Management
Raymond Carr Historian Ken Carter †1, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group Alun Cathcart †1, Avis Europe
John Caudwell †1 and †4, The Caudwell Group Lord Charles Cecil †12, Helix Associates Limited Lord Chadlington †4, Huntsworth Plc
Gilbert Chalk †1, [[The Baring English Growth Fund, Baring Private Equity Partners Ltd David Chambers †1, Lindum Group Ltd Clifford Champion †1 and †6, A W Champion Ltd
Kit Chapman †14, The Castle at Taunton Keith Chapman †1, Findel Plc Mike Clare †1 and †4, Dreams Plc
John Clare CBE †4, Dixons Group Plc Robin Clark †1, Taylor Clark Plc Christopher Clarke †12, Cridmore Farm Co Ltd
Duncan Clegg †1, Low and Bonar Plc Algy Cluff †1, Cluff Gold Ltd John Clugston †1, Clugston Group Ltd
Timothy Cockroft †12, KBC Peel Hunt Ltd Kay Coleman OBE †12 and former †4, Harvey's and Co Ltd Sir John Coles Head of the Diplomatic Service, 1994-97
David Collett †2, Congregational & General Insurance Plc Richard Collins †1, F L Estates Roderick Collins †11 and †12, Firecrest Ltd
Tim Congdon †15, Institute of Economic Affairs Andrew Cook †1, William Cook Ltd Laurence Copeland Professor of Financial Economics, Cardiff Business School
Mike Cornish †12 and †3, Linpac Group Ltd John Cotton †1, John Cotton Group Ltd Neil Cotton †12, Madison Drinks Co Ltd
Tom Cowie †1, North European Marine Services Ltd John Craig †12, New Star Investment Trust plc John Craven †1, Fleming Family and Partners
Terry Cross †1, Delta Print & Packaging Ltd Stephen Curran †1, Candover Investments Mark Darell-Brown †12, RAB Capital
Lord Daresbury †1, De Vere Group plc Jim Darling †1, Codemasters Group Ltd Duncan Davidson †1 and †11, Persimmon Plc
Crispin Davis †4, Reed Elsevier Group James Davis CBE K(DK) †1, International Maritime Industries Forum Michel de Carvalho Vice-†1, Citigroup plc
Guy Dellal Property Investor Felix Dennis †1, Dennis Group Charles Dent †13, Timothy Taylor & Co Ltd
Lord Derwent †10, Hutchison Whampoa (Europe) Ltd Rupert Dilnott-Cooper former †4, Carlton Communications plc Maurice Dixson Executive †1, Cranfield Aerospace Ltd
Michael Dobbs Author]] Michael Dobson †4, Schroders Plc Judith Donovan CBE †1, DIY Direct Marketing Ltd
Lloyd Dorfman CEO and †1, Travelex Group Justin Dowley †8, Tricorn Partners Roger Earl Consultant to the Heath Lambert Group Plc
Stuart Earley former †13, Deep-Sea Lesiure Plc Robert Edmiston †1 and †4, IM Group Ltd Michael Edwardes †1, Tryhorn Investments Ltd
John Egan †1, Severn Trent Plc Johan Eliasch †1, Head Group Alan Elliot †3, Blick Plc
Ben Elliot †16, Quintessentially Paul Evans Joint †1, Rentacrate UK Ltd Alan Evans †10, Hall and Watts (Optronics) Ltd
Patrick Evershed †12, New Star Asset Management Ltd John Fairbairn former †10, M&G Group Plc François Feuillat Partner, Vinson & Elkins RLLP
Malcolm Field †1, Aricom Plc Richard Fildes †1, Barlows plc Roddy Fleming †12, Fleming Family and Partners
Jean-Paul Floru Councillor, City of Westminster Peter Foden †3, ERF Ltd Professor James Foreman-Peck †12, [[Welsh Institute for Research in Economics & Development, Cardiff Business School
Rocco Forte †1 and †4, Rocco Forte Hotels Graeme Foux †11 and CEO of Woyano]] Oliver Fox-Pitt †12, Fox-Pitt Kelton Ltd
William Frame †13 and †11, Braemore Estates Ltd Nicholas Frankopan Zagrebacki Neboder d.o.o]] Peter Frankopan Senior Research †15, [[Worcester College, Oxford
David Franks †1, Broken Foot Inns Ltd Chris Fraser †13, Hotel Connect Ltd Ken Fraser †1, Norwell Engineering
Clara Freeman former Executive †12, Marks & Spencer Plc John Frieda †11, John Frieda plc Jonathan Fry †3, Elementis plc
Haruko Fukuda OBE †1, Caliber Global Investment Ltd Anthony Fuller CBE †1, Fuller Smith and Turner plc Elizabeth Gage †1, Elizabeth Gage Ltd
Barry Gamble †1 and †4, Fountains plc Edmund Gartside †12 and former †13, Shiloh Plc Barry Grimaldi Private General Practitioner]]
Martin Gatto †1, Neutrahealth plc Thomas Gibson †1, Thomas Gibson Fine Art Advisory Services Howard Giles †1, Gilesports plc
Charles Goodson-Wickes †4, Medarc Ltd Jonathan Goodwin Joint-†17 and co-†11, LongAcre Partners Ltd MIke Gooley †1, Trailfinders
Campbell Gordon †12, UBS David Gorton Co-†11, London Diversified Fund Managment Ross Graham †7, Misys plc
Donald Greenhalgh Non-Executive †12, Ainscough Cranes Ltd George Greenwood †3, Steamship Insurance Management Services Ltd Ronald Grierson †7 General, [[Industry & Technology, European Commission
Stanley Grinstead †3, Grand Metropolitan Plc Lulu Guinness †1, Lulu Guinness Ltd Paul Guy †1, PMS Developments Plc
Alan Halsall Joint-†13, Silver Cross Holdings Ltd Peter Hambro †1, Peter Hambro Plc and Peter Hambro Mining Plc Don Hanson †1, Manchester University Pension Fund
Robert Hanson †1, Hanson Capital Ltd Stephen Hargrave †1, Thomas Potts Plc William Hargreaves Joint-†13, SISIS Equipment Ltd
Peter Hargreaves †4, Hargreaves Lansdown Plc John Harris †1, Alba Plc Lord Harris of Peckham †1 and †4, Carpetright plc
Jeff Harrison †12, Tortcrest Ltd Richard Harvey †12, First corporate Shipping Ltd Bobby Hashemi Co-†11, Coffee Republic
Peter Hawksley †4]] Michael Heathcoat Amory †12 and †3, Jupiter International Green Investment Trust Plc Michael Heller †1, London and Associated Properties Ltd
Oliver Hemsley †4, Numis Corporation Plc Robin Herbert †12, Arbuthnot Latham Garth Heron †9, Garth Heron Search & Consultancy
John Hickman †1, Kingston Estates Ltd Lord Hindlip †3, Christies International Plc Robert Hiscox †1, Hiscox Plc
Alexander Hoare †4, Hoare and Co David Hoare Executive †1, Virgin Express Holdings Plc Jonathan Hodge Executive †10, Julian Hodge Bank
John Hoerner †4 of Clothing, Tesco Plc Steven Hope †1 of A & D Hope]] John Hoskyns †3, Arcadia Group plc
Jan Hruska †4, Sophos plc David Hunter †13, NCL Investments Ltd Kit Hunter Gordon †13, The Summit Group Ltd
Michael Hutchinson †1, The AGD Group Ltd Stuart Hutton †13, Priory Hotels Ltd Tim Iredale †13, Reed of Trowbridge
Kambiz Jaberi †1 and †13, Karins Group of Companies John Jackson †1, Whitley Willows Ltd C Richard Jackson MBE †1, Mercedes Benz North Yorkshire
Michael Jackson †1, Elderstreet Investments Clive Jacobs †11, Holiday Autos Martin Jacomb †3, Prudential plc
Margot James †11, Shire Health Group Peter Jay former Economics Editor, BBC Mark Jiskoot †13, Jiskoot Ltd
Luke Johnson †1, Signature Restaurants plc David Johns-Powell †13, William Powell & Son Ltd Christopher Joll †1, MJ2 Ltd
Alan Jones OBE former Group †13, TNT Express UK Peter Jones Operations †12, Argos Retail Group Kenneth Jordan †18, Chailey Consulting
C Judd †12, Gerald Judd Sales Ltd Paul Judge †1, Royal Society of Arts Lord Kalms of Edgware †6, Dixons plc
Peter Kane †11 and †1, Business Post Group Gerald Kaye Development †12, Helical Bar plc Nicholas Kaye †4, Canfield Investments Ltd
Terence Kealey Vice Chancellor, University of Buckingham John Keating †13, Wessex Resins and Adhesives Ltd Martyn Kebbell †1, Maxwell Stamp plc
Graham Keddie †1, GSPK Ltd Chris Kelly †1, Keltruck Ltd William Kendall †4, Green & Black's
Chips Keswick †3, Hambros Bank Ltd Henry Keswick †1, Matheson and Co Ltd Simon Keswick †12, Matheson and Co Ltd
Paul Killik †5, Killik & Co Mike Killingley †1, Beale Plc Richard King †1, Oyster Partners Ltd
Brian Kingham †11 and †1, Reliance Security Group plc Simon Kirby †13, Thomas Crapper and Sons Ltd Matthew Knight †5, Knights Solicitors
Tom Kremer †1, Seven Towns Ltd Lord Laidlaw of Rothiemay †11, Institute for International Research Deepak Lal Emeritus Professor of Political Economy, University College London
Martin Landau †12, European Hotels Corp Ltd Peter Lane †13, GRS Roadstone Ltd John Langham †1, Langham Industries Ltd
David Lascelles Co-†12 and Joint †11 of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation]] Ruth Lea †12, Centre for Policy Studies John Lea †13, Morning Foods Ltd
David Lees †1, Tate & Lyle plc Howard Leigh †12, Cavendish Major General Gordon Lennox The Gordon Lennox Estate Company]]
Hugh Lenon †9, Phoenix Equity Partners Graeme Lewis †1, Hi-Gear Leisure plc Peter Linacre †13, Massive Ltd
Kevin Linfoot †11 and †1, K W Linfoot plc Marcus Loudon Co-†11, Lawton Cross Ltd Rupert Lowe †1, Lesiure Holdings Ltd
Gerard Lyons Chief Economist, Standard Chartered plc Neil MacKinnon Chief Currency Strategist, The ECU Group plc Alastair MacMillan †12, White House Products Ltd
Lt Col W P C MacNair †13, Black Isle Communications Ltd Lilian Mains †13, Zodiac Training Ltd Dimitri Marchessini †1, Marchessini and Co Ltd
Tim Martin †1 and †11, JD Weatherspoon plc Ivan Massow †11, Ivan Massow Financial Services Ltd Paul Mawdsley †13, The Mawdsley Consultancy
Malcolm McAlpine †12, Robert McAlpine Ltd Jack McClenaghan †13, Phoenix Merchants Ltd Kiki McDonough †11, Kiki McDonough
Charles McLeod †11 and †4, The 4Less Group plc Nigel McNair Scott †1, Avocet Mining plc Nick Medlam †13, Safetell International Ltd
John Melbourn MBE †12, Gulf International plc Tim Melville-Ross †1, DTZ Holdings plc Peter Michael CBE †1, Classic FM
Antony Michaelson †13, Musical Fidelity Edgar Miller †13, Palladian Ltd Michael Miller †1, Harris & Sheldon Group Ltd
Lorna Moran MBE CEO, NRG Group Peter Morgan †1, Strategic Thought Plc Douglas Morpeth †3, Clerical Medical Life Assurances
Richard Morriss †13, Marmet Ltd James Morton Investment †12, European American Securities Raymond Mould †1, Pillar Property plc
Simon Murray †1, Simon Murray & Associates Robert Neame CBE DL †1, Shepherd Neame Ltd Simon Newman †12, Armchair Passenger Company Ltd
Anthony Nissen †13, The Virtual Office Group Jill Norman Writer John Nott †3, Hillsdown Holdings plc
Stephens Obomese †13, The Leber-Lebe House Ltd Julian Ogilvie Thompson Non-executive †12, De Beers Consolidated Mines and De Beers sa Richard Oldfield †4, Oldfield Partners LLP
Matthew Orr Co-†11 of Killik & Co Gordon Owen former Group †13, Cable & Wireless David Palmer former †4 and †1, Willis, Faber & Dumas
Richard Patient †13, Indigo Public Relations Louise Patten †1, Brixton Plc Michael Pawley †12, Proficio Solutions Ltd
Alan Peacock Co-†11, David Hume Institute John Phillips CBE †1, Reliance Barker Davies Ltd David Peake †3, Kleinwort Benson Group
Michael Pickard †10, London First Desmond Pitcher †12 and †3, United Utilities plc John Pittard former Group †13, Pittards plc
Michael Plaut †13, Northmace Hendon Ltd Mike Price †1, Castle Composite Doors Ltd David Price †3, F & C Management plc
Professor Gwyn Prins LSE and Columbia University]] Peter Prowting †1, Prowting Investments Plc David Pusinelli †12, [[Corporate Development, Close Brothers Group plc
William Pybus †3, AAH Holdings Christopher Quinton †1, Halarose Limited Sean Ramsden †11 and †13, Nisa International
Christopher Rea †13, AES Engineering Ltd Neil Record †1, Record Currency Management Ltd Gavin Reed †12, Broadgate Management Services Ltd
David Reid Scott †1, Hawkpoint Partners Ltd Lord Remnant CVO †3, National Provident Institution Nigel Rich CBE †12, Sutherland Corporate Services
Martin Ricketts CBE Professor, University of Buckingham John Ritblat †1, British Land Company plc Peter Rivers-Fletcher †13, Watsonian-Squire Group plc
Graham Roach †2, [[Roach Foods Division, Tulip Ltd John Robins †3, Austin Reed Group plc Peter Robinson †1, Frederic Robinson Ltd
Clive Rook †13, Rook Matthews Sayer Property Philippa Rose †4, Rose Partnership Stuart Rose †4, Marks & Spencer plc
Raj Ruia †12, Ruia Group Lord Saatchi Partner, M&C Saatchi John Sadler †3, Pearl Group plc
Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover †6, J Sainsbury plc Nicholas Sallnow-Smith †4, Hongkong Land Ltd Jim Sander †1, Precision Concepts Ltd
Paddy Scott former †13, Pimm's Limited Malcolm Scott †13, Dunalastair Estates Patrick Scott †12, The Ormiston Partnership
David Sedgley †1, Roadlink International Ltd Christopher Shale †4, Oxford Resources Ltd Jane Sheldon †13, Mawsley Machinery
Lord Sheppard of Didgemere †1, Didgemere Consultants Graham Sherren †1, Centaur Media Geoffrey Simon †1, John Broadwood and Sons Ltd
Clive Snell †13, Trigate Holdings Ltd Peter Spira former †2 of Goldman Sachs International]] James Spooner †7, John Swire and Sons
James Staughton †13, St Austell Brewery Co Ltd Michael Stoddart Senior Advisor, Fleming Family and Partners Michael Stone †1, Gamma Telecommunications Ltd
Peter Stormonth Darling †1, Atlas Capital Group SA Richard Storey Bt CBE †3, Portsmouth & Sunderland Newspapers plc John Sunley †1, Sunley Holdings Plc
Richard Tanner †1, Tanners Wines Ltd Michael Taylor former Financial †12 of Gresham Scientific Instruments Ltd]] Brian Tew Partner, Simon Smith Group
Richard Tice †12, Maxcap Partners Robert Tomkinson †3, Pittards Plc James Tonner †18, JETechnics
Richard Topham †12, Charles Topham Group Ltd Peregrine Towneley Executive Committee Member, Agnew Higgins Pickering & Co Tony Travis †3 and †4, Travis Perkins Plc
Viscount Trenchard Senior Advisor, Prudential Financial Ltd Hugh Trevor-Jones †1, Lowe and Fletcher Ltd Neville Trotter †1, British-American Chamber of Commerce North East
Andrew Tuckey †12, Bridgewell Derek Tughan †1, Ralborough Securities Ltd Simon Turnbull †1, Turnbull Scott and Co Ltd
Neil Turner †1, Edward Turner and Sons Ltd Rod Turner †1 of Whale Tankers Limited]] Martin Vallance †12, Vallectric Ltd
John Varley Group †4, Barclays Plc Lord Vinson of Roddam Dene †7, British Airports Authority Fred Vinton †1, Electra Partners Ltd
David von Simson †13, Europa Partners Ltd Charles Wade †1, Wade Group Ltd Patrick Walker †7 General, MI5
Max Ward †13, The Independent Investment Trust Plc Monima Wardle †13, City Analytics Nicholas Wheeler †11, Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts LLP
Michael Whitaker Executive †12, Mitre Estates Ltd Bill Whiteley CEO, Rotork Plc Simon Whitmore †3, Butcombe Brewery Ltd
John Wildgoose †1, Wildgoose Construction Limited Colin Wright †18, Wright Tucker and Associates John R Wright former †4, Clydesdale & Yorkshire Banks
Stanislas Yassukovich †1, S M Yassukovich and Co Ltd Martin Young †4, Meyado International Ltd Lord Young of Graffham †1, Young Associates Ltd

Source: Open Europe 2005-2007 Board Accessed 22 Aug 2007

† key:
  1. Chairman
  2. Vice Chairman
  3. former Chairman
  4. Chief Executive
  5. Senior Partner
  6. President
  7. former Director
  8. Founder Partner
  9. Managing Partner
  10. Deputy Chairman
  11. Founder
  12. Director
  13. Managing Director
  14. Propreitor
  15. Fellow
  16. Founding Partner


  • Open Europe 2005-2007Board Accessed 22 Aug 2007
  • Open Europe 2005-2007Supporters Accessed 22 Aug 2007

Many thanks to our Patrons who cover ~2/3 of our hosting bill. Please join them if you can.


  1. Open Europe About Us, accessed 25 February 2009
  2. Steve Richards, 'A campaign with a winning message - and a complete lack of self-confidence', Independent, 19 May 2005
  3. Open Europe Whois Record, accessed from Domain Tools at 9:35 on 18 June 2009
  4. Tom Baldwin, ‘Davis team plan fuels fears over factions’, The Times, 27 October 2001
  5. Reverse IP Search, 10:22, 18 June 2009
  6. Open Europe Ltd Companies House Appointments, accessed 18 June 2009
  7. See the list of UK members at, accessed 2 April 2007.
  9. Corporate Europe Observatory, "Covert industry funding fuels the expansion of radical rightwing EU think tanks", July 2005.
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, 2005.
  11. Annual Report 2006, Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc. Accessed 27 December 2008.
  12. Europaforum, Hässleholm, Torsdag 14 maj/Thursday, accessed 19 June 2009
  13. Policy Forum on International Security Affairs 2007 IRS Form 990, p.3
  14. 'Iran, Britain and Europe: Post hostage crisis, what can we expect next? - 22 May 2007', Open Europe Events, accessed 19 June 2009
  15. 'Galileo - is it worth it? 9 October, 2007', Open Europe Events, accessed 19 June 2009