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Concept.png Gatekeeper 
(propagandist,  controlled opposition)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
A controlled opposition figure who works to corral opinion and limit the spectrum of debate

A gatekeeper is someone who corrals opinion.

In the Manufacturing of Consent, Noam Chomsky & Edward Herman highlight how energetic debate about a rightly controlled range of opinions is a strategy used by the commercially-controlled media to delude the audience into the conviction that they have independently arrived at their point of view, when in fact it has been given to them. Chomsky himself emerged as a prominent gatekeeper after his refusal to engage on third rail topics such as the JFK assassination or 9/11.

Overton Window

Full article: Overton Window

Gatekeeping works by narrowing the spectrum of opinion, by excluding certain ideas from the Overton Window.

Limited hangouts

Full article: Limited hangout

A limited hangout is a controlled exposure of information, done with the intent of keeping more sensitive information hidden. Gatekeepers may focus entirely on the exposed information, with the intention of dissipating interest in what has not been revealed. They may attempt to undermine those who suggest that what was exposed was only a limited hangout (or a modified limited hangout).



Page nameDescription
Children's Health DefenseCritic of vaccine safety and other health issues
Noam ChomskyPublicly acclaimed critic of US foreign policy with an encyclopedic knowledge of history, Chomsky has become a gatekeeper by his refusal to contemplate false flag attacks. By 2021 turned proponent of starving dissidents to death in concentration camps.
CounterpunchA US biweekly political magazine that since 2018 has moved sharply to the official narrative.
Democracy Now!"Alternative" media with nothing much to say about deep politics.
Jonathan FreedlandUK journalist who wrote that Politics may be broken. But it’s only politics that can save us
Amy GoodmanPresenter of Democracy Now!
InfowarsA website operated by Alex Jones. Loved by its fans, disliked by many in powerful positions. Heavily censored by Big Tech.
Paul MasonSpooky English writer and broadcaster who, with Carole Cadwalladr, was "unmasked as lap dogs for the security state.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
New Statesman
The InterceptWebsite funded by billionaire and deep state operative Pierre Omidyar. Secured control over the documents from Edward Snowden, for then to publish a minuscule percentage of them and hide the rest forever. Has a tendency to reveal whistleblowers.
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